Allow me to present to you two contrasting sets of question and my own random thoughts for us to ponder and judge reasonably.
Parti Keadilan Rakyat Press Statement
Signed by PKR vice-president R Sivarasa, PAS council member Dzulkefly Ahmad and Selangor DAP secretary Lau Weng San.
- why was Teoh's case allegedly involving an amount less than RM2,500 is pursued with such aggression and urgency?
- why was Teoh and another so-called "witness" kept overnight and interrogated with such oppression?
- why was Teoh's hand phone in the custody of the MACC when the MACC insisted that he was only a witness; why did the MACC initially deny they took his handphone?
- why would Teoh spend the night at the MACC's office if he was free to go especially since he was scheduled to be married the next morning;
- why would Teoh commit suicide (as alleged by MACC and others) in these circumstances, when he is about to get married, with his fiancé expecting their child, and with no sign or history of depression or mental illness.
BigDogDotCom 13 Million Ringgit Questions
- One question is our mind here in BigDogDotCom: Why was Selangor State Exco for Local Government Ronnie Liu was so frantic looking for Teoh’s notebook PC and handphone to a point where he broke the door at the Tuanku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital mortuary?
- Amongst the things he specifically reminded the Teoh family was to demand the return of Teoh’s notebook PC and handphone. What information are so important in these devices to Ronnie Liu? Are the information contained in these devices will incriminate him and actually provide evidence of his linkages to the Lords of the Underworld Vices?
- Why is DAP appointed Kajang Municipal Councillor Tan Boon Wah was reluctant and later refused to give his statement to the Police?
- If it is a murder and Teoh and Tan were together in the early hours of Thursday morning in the MACC office at Plaza Masalam, then why is it only Teoh is murdered and Tan is not? Is Tan connected to the murder?
- Since at this point it is established that Tan was the last person to see Teoh alive, would that make him a suspect?
- If Teoh’s ’sudden death’ is neither a suicide nor accident (which is most unlikely probability), is it a murder?
- What is the linkage between MACC original investigations of misappropriation and abuse of state funds to Teoh’s ’sudden death’?
- Is the misappropriation and/or abuse of state funds has something to do with the Lords of the Underworld Vices?
- If there is, how far reaching is this involvement? Is it within Selangor or include DAP controlled states like Penang and formerly Perak as well?
APOMM's Random Thoughts
- YB Wee Choo Keong mentioned about an open secret where a Selangor EXCO misused his/her office for underground business activities two weeks ago.
- These were heavily retorted by YB Teresa Kok and YB Ronnie Liu, although YB Wee Choo Keong exposed no names in the first place and ended up with a teaser - Siapa makan cili, dia terasa pedas.
- A week ago, the Political Secretary to Ean Yong Hian Wah (Selangor State Exco member) was found dead at the MACC building grounds and cause of death (COD) was reported to be due to a fall from high levels.
- I wonder if these have any links to the accusations by YB Wee Choo Keong on a particular Selangor EXCO. The Royal Commission of Inquiry and Inquest should cover this possibility and leave no stones unturned !
- end -
"If it is a murder and Teoh and Tan were together in the early hours of Thursday morning in the MACC office at Plaza Masalam, then why is it only Teoh is murdered and Tan is not? Is Tan connected to the murder?"
How could Tan be involved? He was in MACC's custody and went in for interrogation just after 6 a.m. So, it's crap speculation on Big Dog and your part. Tan is now suing MACC for wrongful detention. Does that sound like Tan and MACC are in cahoots?
"Since at this point it is established that Tan was the last person to see Teoh alive, would that make him a suspect?"
Another piece of crap. The last person to see TBH was an MACC officer who apaprently saw him lying on the couch in MACC's lobby area. Tan saw TBH in the MACC pantry at 6 a.m. which means Hamdan's statement that TBH was released from MACC custody at 3.45 a.m. is a load of cobblers!!
All these things you have cut and pasted from Bigdog's blogs are scurillous conjecture with no factual basis whatsoever!! The intention is to misdirect from the fact that TBH died while in the custody of MACC and they have to answer for it.
Sudden death and suicide do not occur with young men with good jobs waiting to get married the next day and expecting a child. You see, the MACC did not know this and so all their statements about suicide and sudden death was cocncocted without much logic!! about this question?
1. Why was Selangor State Exco for Local Government Ronnie Liu was so frantic looking for Teoh’s notebook PC and handphone to a point where he broke the door at the Tuanku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital mortuary?
2. Amongst the things he specifically reminded the Teoh family was to demand the return of Teoh’s notebook PC and handphone. What information are so important in these devices to Ronnie Liu? Are the information contained in these devices will incriminate him and actually provide evidence of his linkages to the Lords of the Underworld Vices?
3. Why is DAP appointed Kajang Municipal Councillor Tan Boon Wah was reluctant and later refused to give his statement to the Police?
4. What is the linkage between MACC original investigations of misappropriation and abuse of state funds to Teoh’s ’sudden death’?
5. Is the misappropriation and/or abuse of state funds has something to do with the Lords of the Underworld Vices?
6. If there is, how far reaching is this involvement? Is it within Selangor or include DAP controlled states like Penang and formerly Perak as well?
I very sure with your agenda now Mr. Goh, this website is meant for propaganda. From the first paragraph until the last paragraph, is it very bias. When you said that the opposition was making assumptions and wild allegation even before the police report was out, you are doing the same too. You are not as neutral as you claim in your earlier post. I'm very disappointed with you. I really have to doubt your education background because it seems that your articles are not written by an educated or intellectual person.
Wonder why the previous UMNO state govt officials cleared their office of all files and documents when PR took over? And some they did it overnight including our Mr Clean Khir Toyo. (This is the 24 million dollar question with pun intended.)
You have been to keen to defend the MACC, Mr Goh. Your articles recently show smack what a hypocrite you are. Please do not use our dead friend to promulgate your own agendas.
heheheh some people were interrogated for 2 days for "Misappropriating" rm2,000..others were never even questioned for the crime of stealing 200 million.
talk about hypocrisy.
My facts are based on what is reported in the newspapers.
Yours are based on lies printed by Unspinner repeated by Big Dog etc.
Can you produce 1 newspaper report that Ronnie Liu asked for the PC and handphone?
As to all your other questions, neither the MACC nor PDRM have said a single word that Tan, Ronnie Liu or DAP are involved in any underworld activities. All these allegations are based on Wee Choo Keong's blog that some underworld characters were seen in Aduns officers. Wee has till today not named anyone.
But UMNO/BN bloggers have gone to town and accused DAP of racism in order to gain political capital.
You see they can't stand having lost the richest and most prestigious of states, Selangor, in GE 2008 in a fair election.
Ask yourself why there has been no investigation on Toyo about his multi-million $ house, $1.5 million disneyland trip, Balkis, etc., or the BN aduns who spent 1 year's entire budget of RM500,000 in 1 month just before GE 2008?
We are all of 1 Race, the Human Race.
Thatis all that really matters.
A person who admires Dr.M surely has problems, especially when that man just claimed that Chinese are the real masters of this country. Ironically, this blog owner is a Chinese. Wonder wonder.
i want to ask few simply question.
Do you believe Teoh suicide?
if yes? is it logic when he is getting marriange and a child is waiting?
if no? accident or murder?
accident? from a window? chances very low? why he need to climb window and open to such opportunity?
murder? by MACC? maybe but motivated or accident? cannot answer. personally i believe he is being accidently murder as i dont think MACC want such a big headache at their very own doorstep if they really want to do it.
by Dap? unless DAP (or underworld)is cohort with MACC,how possible can they simply murder a person in their office. in common sense, i think BN can cohort with MACC easier than DAP. Dont you agree? So the ball is still back into MACC regardless who they cohort with. Nobody can just go in MACC office without their knowledge.
He was release but he chose not go home? i really cant find the sense in that especially he was to get regsitered that day and you prefer to sleep at couch than go home immediately? if he is release, why the handphone is been not been return?
I am a reporter. I can vouch that ronnie liu was frantically looking for the handphone at the mortuary.
can ask all the reporters who was there.
Ronnie liu even asked Teoh's family members at the MORTUARY to make sure they got the handphone and laptop back.
The family was grieving over the tragic death, and liu wa only interested to know what happened to the handphone.
I am sick of reading comments from blinded people who think that all the DAP elected reps are angels who would do no wrong and would mean no harm.
RIP poor teoh.
Hello Goh Wei Liang, you are definitely mahatir's class ass-licker!! That old snake is #1 racist in the country, ignoring his own evil deeds and corruption cases during his 22 years.. and here you are wiping his backside after a good lick. If you got any integrity at all, dig up something about Toyo for a start.... or else, just go to hell.
1. How could you support a racist like Mahathir?
2. How could you be so dumb to believe the UMNO propaganda?
3. If the government is interested in the truth, why avoid a Royal Commission of Inquiry to find out how TBH died? Why only an inquest?
4. How can one witness be interrogated for more than 8 hours? That is torture!!!
Do you really believe what u just wrote? how can you sleep at night being the running dog of a corrupt government?
May your conscience be burned with the fire of damnation. I pity your (future)children for having a dishonorable father
Humor me this.
-BN known to use ISA, Sedition Act,Police Act,Press and Publications Act against opposition leaders.Where do they draw the line?
-Lockup Code empowers POLICE to hold SUSPECTS till 6.30pm only. Such blatant disregard as holding a FRIENDLY WITNESS till 6.45 AM, where does MACC draw the line?
-Your good friend died under suspicious circumstances.Family and friends not allowed to even get closure to see his body, even when the HOSPITAL SOP allows for this.where does the morgue draw the line?
-A Malaysian dies needlessly and all people demand is justice.Yet propagandasists like you only worry about sucking up to your liege lords, setting up annonymous blogs,recycling pathetically ill researched, logic defying,conscience betraying arguments.Where, sir, do YOU draw the line?
In reply to one 'Lebai'
1. Why was Selangor State Exco for Local Government Ronnie Liu was so frantic looking for Teoh’s notebook PC and handphone to a point where he broke the door at the Tuanku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital mortuary?
-Answer: A young man he knows personally, a PA to his good friend dies suddenly.Would YOUR reaction be to wait patiently outside and smile at the police?
2. Amongst the things he specifically reminded the Teoh family was to demand the return of Teoh’s notebook PC and handphone. What information are so important in these devices to Ronnie Liu? Are the information contained in these devices will incriminate him and actually provide evidence of his linkages to the Lords of the Underworld Vices?
-Answer: Because those items holds answers to TBH's death, and could exonerate the poor guy against any conspiracy theory like your own.For instance, could you not open a word file in his PC,name it "Fail sulit" and type nonsense, use it against the poor dead guy, saying he was corrupt and commited suicide because MACC was on the verge of breaking the case. Did you know they were looking for his car, his handphone and no one could find it?Did you know that should TBH been released by MACC as they claimed, his handphone would have been returned to him.The two items are IMPORTANT EVIDENCE, thats why Ronnie Liu was looking for it.
3. Why is DAP appointed Kajang Municipal Councillor Tan Boon Wah was reluctant and later refused to give his statement to the Police?
-Answer: If what he said was correct, and it was you, would you go back to people who call you a pendatang and threatened to beat you up?
4. What is the linkage between MACC original investigations of misappropriation and abuse of state funds to Teoh’s ’sudden death’?
-Answer : There probably is none except for the crap spewed forth by propagandaists like you and this blog.You sit in your air con offices, far, far away, eat Cheetos, munch your fingers, and surf hot news online and think you are well informed to the point you come up with your own theories linking sensational news 1 and sensational news 2.I wish you were there.I wish you heard the family's cries.Perhaps then you would have some better sense and a less black heart than further hurting the poor victim's families.
5. Is the misappropriation and/or abuse of state funds has something to do with the Lords of the Underworld Vices?
Answer:-What misspropriation?use your thick skull and ask yourselves this.With their machinery and spies, do you not THINK BN would've known the SECOND PR screwed up?and jumped on it like a pack of hungry wolves?Their many 'fishing expedition's turned out zilch,could it be because maybe there is NOTHING to turn out?
6. If there is, how far reaching is this involvement? Is it within Selangor or include DAP controlled states like Penang and formerly Perak as well?
Answer: Yes, and Barack Obama's appointment was co-orchestrated by PAS, and PKR assasinated Jimmy Hoffa.
Are you paid by BN?
All your thoughts are against DAP...
What's your point about BN?
If your secretary got killed in your so called enemy's building, would you still go talk to them nicely?
I dun think Ronnie Liu's over reacted. Taking back laptop and other belongings is very important! Who can vouch that crooks who took the items do not tamper with the informations inside?
All they need to do is to transfer fake information into it and anybody can be framed!
You really trust BN it seems like.
If you are being investigated in MACC, do you think they will buy you seafood?
I am so disappointed with your thoughtless blog posting. It's a humiliation to the educated.
What a shame on you!
dear goh wei liang,
i dropped by your blog and u've raised some interesting questions..while some may say u are spinning the facts and its very obvious u were very biased i honestly think they may be another side of the popular story that everyone has in their mind now..that is why like it or not we have to put our trust in pdrm and the rci..
however please bear in mind that the whole matter boils down to whats left of the amount of trust the rakyat have in pdrm, macc or any government agencies..
lets just say u were right..there are some dirty pr mps..if thats true the rakyat more than anything else would want to get rid of them, the same way they tried to ditch bn in 308..yes, lets say some pr mps went to jail for corruption and they will be a by-election..but pr can put in a cow of a candidate and might still win it all boils down to how much faith the rakyat has on the bn fed the moment if the pr boys are crooks/liars everyone thinks bn is the bigger crook/liar..that is the bigger take a look at it..
the only thing that will win hearts is if macc, pdrm act impartially..many reports have been made to these 2 agencies against bn leaders..please act on them immediately..if there is proof nail these guys and if not explain to us what's the's very simple so if macc/pdrm can't act on tht there's really no point going after pr leaders..these pr boys can be as guilty as hell but the rakyat will still be disgusted at will forever be the bigger crooks/liars..if anything macc/pdrm is just helping pr fueling the fire of the rakyat..
waaaah summa dap kaki busuk atak manyak susa ati.
itu hp sama itu laptop sutak kasi polis baca. summa lorni punya closet atak singpan manyak skeleton. sikalang itu skliton manyak atak lali kiluar.
suma olang sutak tau apa cilita. mati laaa lu lornie. mati laaa lu dap.
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