It is, we in Malaysia believe, far better to have a slice of a growing cake than the whole of a disappearing cake. (Mahathir Mohamad)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Merdeka !
We have seen how many people helped chip in funds for Tunku to go to London to bring Independence . We have seen how the formation of the Social Contract through discussions among the 3 main races of Malaya led us to become a sovereign nation . We have seen how the New Economic Policy , the many Education policies , the development of Universities , the Multimedia Super Corridor effects as well as the balanced economy of trade , industry and agriculture led us all to where we are today .
However , of course through nation building , we had our fair share of problems . We had a bloody lesson on 13th May 1969 ... and I personally hope that was a lesson well learnt !
We had the Buy British Last ... which was good politics for Dr M because it required all Malaysians to "like and support" him at that moment ... it was also good image as we all showed the world we can be united and we are not easy pushovers .
We had the financial crisis and we rode through the storm of free fall in Asian economy . We had the tsunami smashing the Western coast of the Peninsular . We had many rides of smooth lanes and rough roads .
But let us forget about politics and our differences . Let us enjoy the day of 31st August . It is one special day for us . And we should heed the advice given by the Sultan of Selangor . Leave politics and our differences out on this day !!
In Bahasa Malaysia , allow me to quote Dr Mahathir's words spoken in 1991 which I find meaningful :
Kemerdekaan yang bermaksud hanya kebebasan tidak bermakna jika ianya tidak disertai dengan pembangunan dan kemajuan. Kemerdekaan hanya bermakna apabila rakyat turut sama menikmati pembangunan dalam erti kata sepenuhnya.Pembangunan yang dimaksudkan di sini ialah pembangunan daripada segi politik, ekonomi, sosial, moral, etika dan lain-lain yang menjadikan kehidupan lebih bahagia.Janganlah kita fikir bahawa kemerdekaan tetap akan membawa kebahagiaan kerana banyak negara-negara yang mencapai kemerdekaan selepas Perang Dunia Kedua, mengalami keadaan tidak stabil dan merosot prestasi mereka.
Let us also not forget the foundations laid down by our Bapa Kemerdekaan . Independence will only be achieved with the mutual understanding and cooperation among Malays , Chinese and Indians . Without the unity forged , without the bonding ... where are we heading to ? We decide our own future , we decide how our future will look like , how we imagine it to be in another 50 years when Malaysia becomes a century old .
Unity is the key to success . To me , I pray and hope that my theory of Dynasty of Racism will not be inherited by my generation . Allow it to fade and die as soon as possible . To date , politicians have been pounding the drums of racism ... each trying to be loud to gain support of their respective base . Only the Sultan of Selangor and the Raja Muda of Perak are seen working hard to keep us united and strong .
Heeding the advice of the Sultan of Selangor , I shall refrain from any other comments . To shout out loud the words "Merdeka!Merdeka!Merdeka!" are pointless if we do not feel it deep down inside us . Close your eyes and feel the freedom ... think about our ancestors' hardships and sufferings while under the occupation of foreign forces.... here we are today sitting comfortably in our seats and cosy home free from all !
Merdeka my friends . That is the feeling of Merdeka .
Good nite :)
50 Tahun Merdeka ... Generasi 2 masih tidak berubah
50 tahun telah berlalu . Pentadbiran negara kekal sebagai Sistem Demokrasi Raja Berperlembagaan . Tahniah negara Malaysia ! Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang masih berupaya mengamalkan sistem demokrasi dengan sistem raja-raja . Daulat Tuanku , Malaysia boleh !
Namun pada jam 12.39am 31 Ogos 2007 di Australia , rasa sedih saya melihat perangai MP-MP tertentu di Parlimen Malaysia . Makin lama makin marah bercampur sedih melihat transkrip - transkrip Parlimen . Izinkan saya memaparkan transkrip NST .
New Straits Times
A SEEMINGLY harmless question on student discipline sparked a debate on the issue of patriotism in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday. And in the exchanges, the DAP MPs were accused of being unpatriotic for remaining seated when Backbenchers Club chairman Datuk Raja Ahmad Zainuddin Raja Omar led the house in shouts of "Merdeka" before the sitting began.
It all started when Deputy Education Minister Datuk Noh Omar, replying to a question by Datuk Abdul Rahman Ariffin (BN-Jerlun), said that parent-teacher associations had helped to improve discipline in schools.
"I was, however, sad to note that the DAP was involved in alerting the media about the slapping of a student at SM Raja Lumu in Pandamaran, Klang in July.
"I was surprised to see the lobby full of reporters and camera crew whom the DAP had informed," he added.That led Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (BN-Jasin) to remark: "That is typical of the DAP, they are unpatriotic, they did not rise when we shouted Merdeka just now."
Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur) replied hotly: "How dare you call us unpatriotic! We were not given prior notice about it (the expression of support for Merdeka)."Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) joined in shouting: "Traitor! The DAP is unpatriotic."
A riotous 15-minute shouting match ensued between the DAP and BN legislators to the amusement of a group of students who had come to observe the proceedings."Retract your statement that we are unpatriotic," shouted Lim.
Speaker Tan Sri Ramli Ngah Talib tried to appease the DAP members, saying that Bung Mokhtar had not meant what he said."He did not mean you were unpatriotic, it was said on the spur of the moment."
The DAP MPs, however, did not appear convinced and all stood up, waving copies of the Federal Constitution and the Dewan Rakyat Standing Order book.Fong Po Kuan (DAP-Batu Gajah) urged Ramli to take action against Bung Mokhtar. "Tan Sri, take action against him. This is unparliamentary behaviour.""Kinabatangan’s brutish nature hasn’t been dealt with yet," said Chow Kon Yeow (DAP-Tanjong), drawing chuckles even from BN MPs."Go to hell!," replied Bung Mokhtar.
That led Ramli to interject: "Don’t say things like that, Yang Berhormat. Don’t utter words which are hurtful to others."I will not take any action against anyone except to warn and remind MPs not to utter such words again."Later at a press conference, Lim expressed regret at what he described as "unparliamentary behaviour".
He said this had demeaned parliament and degraded the country’s 50th anniversary celebrations.Lim said it was wrong to spring such surprises, referring to Raja Ahmad’s action in shouting Merdeka. "They should have followed proper procedure, which is moving a motion to express support for the nation’s independence."
Begitulah laporan NST . Tuan Speaker . Izinkan saya bertanya ... di manakah sikap adil , saksama dan rational ? Kalaulah suata hari nanti Lim Kit Siang menjerit ke arah Pak Lah ,"Hey Pak Lah ... you are demonizing Dr Mahathir !" . Apakah Tuan Speaker akan berkata ... "It is okay Pak Lah , he did not mean that you are making Tun look like a bad guy ... it was just a spur of the moment ." Saya percaya Datuk Seri Nazri ... MP Bung Mokhtar .... Datuk Jasin dan geng - geng tertentu tidak akan berdiam diri . Maka itu , Tuan Speaker ... adakah Tuan Speaker akan memberitahu ..."It is ok .... YB Lim did not mean it ."
Saya percaya tidak . Apabila parti pembangkang ingin membuka perdebatan isu panas seperti PKFZ dan sebagainya..... mengapa ditolak ? Adakah Tuan Speaker dan Parti Barisan Nasional faham bahawa makin ramai rakyat Malaysia minat dengar ucapan di Parlimen ? Isu yang berkaitan dengan wang rakyat , skandal dan penyelewengan seperti ini .... Tuan Speaker menolak peluang perdebatan ?
Saya tak faham Tuan Speaker . Keluarga saya sokong Barisan Nasional . Saya pun . Namun kami tak sokong perangai sesetengah ahli Dewan Rakyat parti Barisan Nasional . Rakyat undi ahli Parlimen ke Dewan Rakyat sebagai apa ? Untuk apa ?
Objektifnya untuk menjaga kebajikan dan pembangunan rakyat ... menggubal rang undang - undang ... dan memastikan pentadbiran negara bersih , cekap , amanah , cemerlang , gemilang , terbilang . Kalau beginilah sikap dan perangai ahli MP Barisan Nasional dan terutamanya Tuan Speaker Dewan Rakyat .... maka saya percaya musnahlah usaha Dato Onn Jaafar , Tunku Abdul Rahman dan Tun Abdul Razak .
Mereka ini berjuang memastikan sistem demokrasi hidup . Memastikan Malaysia kekal sebagai negara berdaulat . Tun Dr Mahathir cuba mewujudkan masyarakat intelektual dengan MSC dan sebagainya . Pak Lah bukan main hebat lagi dengan slogan Cemerlang Gemilang Terbilang .
Slogan in diungkap berjuta - juta kali di setiap .... izinkan saya untuk ulangi .... SETIAP ucapan yang diberi oleh ahli politik , Menteri - menteri , Pegawai kerajaan , Pengarah hospital , Pengetua sekolah.... bahkan Ketua Pengawas sekolah .
Cemerlang-kah kamu semua yang duduk di kerusi selesa di Parlimen ? Gemilang ? Terbilang ?
Dah berapa kali saya baca berita tentang ahli MP di Parlimen ? Ada isu PAC kata ECM dan Alliance bergabung = tak ada masalah . Ada isu "Close One Eye" kat Melaka . Ada isu bocor . Ha ..... bocor .....
Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman . Saya bersedih bersama Tunku . Inilah produk Generasi Kedua Malaysia . Gen 2 .
Tunku .. TAR , THO , Dr Mahathir ... Pak Lah ... berkatilah rakyat Malaysia ... pimpinlah rakyat Malaysia ..... bawalah semangat Parti Perikatan ke era yang cemerlang , gemilang dan terbilang . Buang sajalah MP - MP yang duduk selesa kat kerusi di Parlimen sambil menyeleweng , menutup mata sebelah , menjerit bukan - bukan , bocor ini bocor itu . Buang sajalah . Kalau nak saya pilih antara YB Tutup Mata Sebelah atau MP Bocor atau KJ ... saya rasa saya sanggup pilih KJ . Kalau boleh .....3 pun tak nak .... tapi terpaksalah pilih satu kat PRU .
Ada juga berita Polis Karate . Haih ... apa pasal pukul pegawai Karate Indonesia ? Sehingga pasukan Karate Indonesia boikot pertandingan yang disertai . Menteri Luar Jakarta mahu Malaysia mohon maaf . Namun demikian , Tuan Menteri Indonesia , saya setuju dengan anda . Agak sukar bagi Malaysia memohon maaf walaupun telah membuat kesilapan .
Pasukan polis Malaysia ni ... dah lama dah mempunyai pelbagai isu ... sehinggakan Royal Police Commission terpaksa mengkaji mereka ... sehinggakan anda tuduhan sebilangan anggota PDRM mempunyai hubungan dengan ahli kongsi gelap Malaysia , sehinggakan anda isu ketuk ketampi dalam keadaan bogel ... sekarang ini ada pula isu Karate Cop .
Haih ... ni dah boleh buat Malaya-wood ... pasti laris ...
Sedih aku .... 50 tahun Merdeka .... inilah isu di mana polis menjaga keamanan , keadilan dan keharmonian rakyat ... siapakah yang akan menjaga kestabilan , kecekapan dan ketulusan dalam PDRM ? Kerajaan diRaja Malaysia ?
Kami di sini berdoalah .... agar anasir - anasir jahat semuanya dikikis dari bumi Malaysia agar Wawasan 2020 direalisasikan (walaupun dah ramai lupakan Wawasan 2020 kita) . Kami juga berdoa agar yang tak baik itu semuanya dibuang sahajalah.... biar yang baik mengiringi Malaysia ke era seperti yang diimpikan oleh kelima-lima Perdana Menteri Malaysia . Era seperti yang kata Pak Lah .... cemerlang , gemilang , terbilang (dah lama tak baca slogan ini kat suratkhabar ... what happened to it?)
Baiklah.... setakat ini sajalah utusan saya .
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Remember the Tech Bubble ?
1) Judiciary bubble
Judiciary bubbles existed even during Tun Dr Mahathir's era . Tun was said to be interfering with the judicial arm of Malaysia with his administration's executive powers . Read through your History textbooks in case you forgot the structure of democracy in Malaysia . It all heightened when Tun Salleh Abbas was removed as Chief Justice . Till today , Tun Salleh remains critical of the judiciary system . And now ? Under the administration of Pak Lah , we have issues that are more sensitive religiously and less political . The civil and syariah courts are trying to draw boundaries and guidelines . A bit of a mess ... but there exists a chance of a bubble burst .
2) Racial tension bubble
Now . This is dangerous you know . Remember the bloody riots of 13th May ? Professor Khoo claimed that it was a plot by the young Malays to overrule the older ones in UMNO . Textbooks and some other historians claim that it was because of the divide - and - rule formula by the British where the effects dragged deep into the administrative period of Tunku that resulted in racial bombs . I like YB Lim Kit Siang's book Time Bomb . Thank you YB Lim for giving me the book ( I wrote to DAP and YB Lim gladly supplied one copy to me ) . Don't try getting it from the market ... it is a really antique and old book written by YB Lim . Anyway ... we hear about Muslims defaulting religion , we hear about the Islamic Department fighting over the bodies of the departed with their family members , we hear racists remarks from leaders of each racial community .
We no longer see a tolerant Parti Perikatan . The Alliance Party . We no longer feel the struggles of our founding fathers . As far as politics goes , politicans are not friends to each other and each are on their own agenda . So yes ... a racial time bomb in the making .
3) Financial bubble
Lets see . We have the problems in Proton . Tengku Mahaleel and Tun Dr M claimed that they had RM 2 billion when Tengku was still in charge in Proton . But now we are in debts . We sold a ONE EURO firm called MV Augusta to Gevi Spa whose website I personally couldn't find . But guess what ? BMW bought a division of MV Augusta for about RM 300 million at least . So yes , we are good financiers and businessmen ! To me , this is scandalous . I love Proton alot . It is a grand idea that we can produce cars . And it is one focus of my policy if I run for office in future .
Next in line was Transmile . Wow . Amazing accounting report recipes . I would say this is ala Enron ?
Then we have the PKFZ's problem whereby a police report has been made with allegations of scandals involved . What's next I wonder ? Crap . Please don't tell me we need to bail out those companies involved in the tens or hundreds of billion ringgits in the few Economic Corridors we have planned in future ! No way no way !!
Oh yes . The Maika Holdings issue which never ends . I hope YB Kulasegaran can look into it and I believe he will and is already doing so . Don't hide anymore Maika . Seriously . You can run but you can't hide .
4) Political bubble
Oh yes . Altantuya's case ... bloggers vs Government ... the ever famous ( I wouldn't say notorious , Tan Sri Muhammad ) Raja Petra's deep throat information , evidence and allegations . What else ? Datuk Kayveas asking for more seats . Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting say Chinese are not 2nd class citizens ... Datuk Seri Najib says we are an Islamic state ... Tun Dr M said so ... but out of the blue Pak Lah took a neutral stand ....
What else ? KJ moving up to be head of UMNO chief ? UMNO PJ said no .... they want Datuk Seri Hishammudin . Then we have the great idea by someone to have Raja Nazrin Shah as our next PM !!
Daulat Tuanku . Ampun Tuanku . Allow me to comment on the Crown Prince from the state of Perak . An intelligent man . His words are influential , touches the people's heart , impressive and wise . Never have I read or heard about such a great man since our founding fathers . If given the chance , I would like to see my country led by this man one day !! We shall see how far Malaysia can go under Raja Nazrin .... if and only if ... you know ...
Nevertheless , I am proud to have the Prince of Perak being a wise man , well loved and accepted . And I am from Perak too !
5) Blogging bubble
Yeah . Soon we will have to line up at the NRD and register our blogs with our ICs and details and thumb prints and so on and so forth . Soon we will be regulated like the mainstream media .
Bubbles everyone . One day , it will go pop , pop pop !
Koayteow in Red Bean Soup
Haha . Yes Miss Amy . Koayteow in Red Bean Soup . Merdeka special ! It is giving me the chills and nightmares now . Gosh .
In Bahasa Malaysia .... SANGAT GELI !!!
Try to cook it one day for your family and friends , my dear blog readers . Haha .
All righty . I have Maths B tutorial to attend tomorrow on Dynamic Programming in a Finite Horizon - linked with Markov Chains . And then , there will be a meeting with the JPA officer at 11am in Unilodge . Meetings used to be in Bruce Hall conference room ... but nowdays with the new officer , I guess meetings are just last minutes and at random public locations . Less formal I guess ?
Had a good relationship with Encik Zainal , former JPA officer to Australia . Hope it goes well with the new officer too .
All right . Nite !
Good Speech , Bad Desert
That's true . But as an audience Datuk , I of course would like to hear the meaning of independence , the meaning of sovereignty , the sufferings and hardships of our leaders Tunku Abdul Rahman , Tun Tan Cheng Lok and the leaders of MIC , the bad times we had with the uninvited colonial powers , the current state of affairs in Malaysia and of course ... the much forgotten Vision 2020 .
But all these were not presented at all . Nevertheless , an inspiring speech and off the text . That's quite good public speaking .
The food ? Assam fish , rendang chicken which doesnt really look like it ... kurma vege .... mixed vege .... rice . The assam fish was nice . We had popiah and fried prawns for starters together with lamb satay . Those are all right .
Now . Rydges Hotel . Desert was bad ok . Bad . Ais kacang served in a plate .... for all to share in each table . And there was no gula melaka in it !! Brown sugar you know ? None . It was tasteless .
Desert number 2 . You know mihun ? Boil it in plain hot water . Then sieve it ... place it in a plate ... taaadaa !!!
Desert number 3 . You know koay teow ? Boil it in plain hot water . No no .... don't worry .... this time there is a gravy with it . You put the koay teow ... into the plate full of boiled red beans without sugar . Taaddaaa ..... koay teow kacang merah !
And guess what ? Desert number 2 and 3 .... are Merdeka Specials . Goodness gracious . I think the coming events , we should ask Kak Anoi to cook . She's better . Pure authentic Malaysian food and she owns a restaurant in Canberra .
Well , there will be more Malam Merdeka coming soon in the future . For next year , I seriously want to have an honorable guest with us to grace the event . And you know who I mean dear organizers . So if any of you are interested , contact me and we can talk it over . And I will be putting in all my effort to do so .
Nevertheless , the Nite was good . But I would prefer a more satisfying desert !! Deserts are simply the last sweet thing of the night and we make everyone leave the place happily . But honestly ... I am one unhappy guest with the food !!!
Maybe after my exams on 28th August , I will place a blog entry on the meaning of independence ... some my own interpretation and aspirations for the nation ... some will be words quoted from past leaders ...
Before I say good night , happy birthday Malaysia .
Anak Jantan apa ni,Ini Pondan
RPK rebutted by giving Tan Sri a month to call for an UMNO assembly . For him to go up the stage to lay out all the truths , evidence and comments or accusations that he will make on Malaysian soil . This will of course leave RPK vulnerable to Malaysian laws if indeed what he claims and argues are all crappy stuff and false allegations . Yes Tan Sri . You can call Special Branch officers on standby . Once you find anything that he alleges is wrong , grab him . File a report with the Attorney General . Taaaadaaaa ! RPK lands in jail .
But according to , allow me to quote part of the article and the words of Tan Sri :
“Jangan cuba alihkan isu sebenar. Kita buat laporan polis sebab perbuatannya membenarkan komen disiarkan dalam laman webnya yang menghina institusi raja, menghina kesucian Islam dan orang Melayu…itu perbuatan biadap. Kalau betul-betul berani jelaskan betul atau tidak lamannya menyiarkan komen-komen sedemikian,” kata beliau.
Tan Sri . Ronnie Liu juga telah membuat laporan polis terhadap laman web . Apakah ada berlaku tindakan selanjutnya kerana laman web ini ada memaparkan article yang ditulis oleh seorang warganegara Malaysia bangsa Cina dan dikatakan menimbulkan sentimen perkauman ?
I am really frustrated seeing the comments you make Tan Sri . You wanted a challenge from RPK . RPK gave you one . You said the comments in RPK's blog are seditious and you filed a report . What about the police report made against the PMO website ?
Sigh . This is crazy Tan Sri . I wonder if the political scenes in Malaysia are like the Royal London Circus . Amusing .
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Malaysia , Truly Asia
Dear Datuk/Datin/Datuk Seri/Datin Seri/Tan Sri/Puan Sri ( I don't think there are any Puan Sris in the Cabinet ) , I would like to bring this to your attention with regards to the Port Klang Free Zone financial crisis . According to some articles , there are allegations that PKFZ have amounted to a USD 1.3 billion debts due to scandals , land deal irregularities and costs overruns . And I believe a police report has been made ?
My dear leaders . A fellow Malaysian studying in Taiwan rapped the National Anthem . This fellow Malaysian who will be "importing his knowledge" back to Malaysia once he graduates will add value to our nation's labour force . Never has he swindled any money from the Treasury . Never has he killed anyone ( not that we know off ) . He came up to the public assuring us of his patriotism and that he will be back in Malaysia to serve the country . Knowledge imported from overseas should be valued at least as much as our self produced knowledge through domestic research and reports .
If my respected and honorable leaders of the Malaysian Government think that his rapping was wrong and insulting to the country , I agree with you partially . No one should ever mess around with our national anthem . But we can also see it as he loves to rap and he raps anything and everything on the surface of Earth . This can be proven by his past rap songs .
If by rapping our national anthem is a mockery of our country , then the PKFZ scandal should be viewed in the same way . If stripping off the citizenship was considered for this rapper , I put forth my request as a Malaysian to the Cabinet of Malaysia that those greedy and scandalous executives involved in the PKFZ scandal be considered as well . We cannot let anyone swallow up our hard earned taxpayers' funds and just get a slap of a fine or maybe a 5 year jail term . Hey , if you slap someone with a fine or a 5 year jail term but you offer RM100 million , I believe many will consider this offer . If PKFZ has Government financial interests in it , then the scandalous executives or whoever is involved are worse than the rapper himself . We should all bash them way harder than we bashed and shamed the rapper .
We should use all laws possible to slam these leeches living in PKFZ . If just by using his mouth and rapping our national anthem created a hoo-hah in the Malaysian media , I would like to see a clear media coverage on this PKFZ issue as well . If just by using his mouth and rapping our national anthem landed him in hot soup and attracted the attention of IGP of Malaysia , Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz and many other parties at such terrifying speed and mood , then I put forth my request that an even better attention be given to the lovely "behind the scenes" of PKFZ .
As an aside , if RPK is to be implicated for comments on his blog , I believe the racists remarks posted by some fella (I think it was a Chinese) on the Prime Minister's website should be considered as well . Otherwise , haha , we would be making a fool of ourselves in the international arena . People will look at the leaders as abusing powers and using the law selectively on people . Laws used in a selective manner on selected people can be seen as draconian laws as well I think .
That is all I have to say , my honorable leaders . I thank you in advance for your consideration of my requests and thank you all for leading Malaysia to a better future .
Thank you .
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Malam Merdeka
The celebration is held earlier on the 23rd of August because the High Commissioner of Malaysia to Australia will not be able to spend time with us to grace the event as he will be away for APEC meetings . Well , what then explains the "rumoured" low sales ?
I proposed to the High Comm to invite our beloved ex PM TDM to Canberra to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our Independence . He rejected the project to be handled by the Embassy but we could always go to the Malaysian Students Organization .
So I did . I forwarded the letter which Mr Sufi ( Tun's PA ) emailed to me . To the Vice President of the MSO - Malaysian Students Organization of Canberra . She couldn't do much . So we forwarded to the Malaysian Students Council of Australia ( MASCA ) . So happened the president is from ANU . But of course since Tun is from UMNO and he has been demonised and sidelined by the mainstream politicians of UMNO , I expected that this idea will also be given the lethal injection .
Till today , neither do I or the Vice President of MSO knows about the progress or results . Were there any meetings held to discuss the possibility of working on financing and inviting Tun here ? Well I think Petronas provides a private jet for Tun . We of course will need to get security clearances and accommodation for Tun . That I believe we can settle since the Merdeka Night is selling tickets at $40 and targetting 200 people I think .
If Tun is here with us on Thursday , trust me dear organizers . You will get not 200 . I bet you will get even 500 easily . The motive of inviting Tun here is not to give him a chance to bash up leaders ( which he has not been doing ) . Since day one , he merely voice out his opinions of managing Malaysia . But we are inviting him to Canberra for a night of listening to his speech - an opportunity to hear the man who managed us for 22 years . A man filled with ideas of independence , foreign occupation , sovereignty , dignity as well as harmony in a multi racial society . we can learn from his words and wisdom .
But it all went blank . Nothing came up . So yes . I am highly unhappy . But still , I am a Malaysian who supports and loves my country . With dreams of seeing Tun here on Thursday dashed , I will still attend no matter what . For it is my country's independence celebration . And I will go there proud of my country's development contributed by the efforts of our 4 past Prime Ministers ... and hopefully will do well under our current PM .
For those of you who are organizing the Malam Merdeka in Canberra and reads my blog , I stand by what I say and I won't apologize if I offended you , perhaps we might have different political opinions and sales ideas . There are a few reasons why sales aren't that good ( if the rumous is true ) .
Firstly , the International Student Department of ANU's Ball has just ended . Secondly , its $40 ! Yes . ISD's ball was way cheaper and people are asking why there are sponsors and yet the price is still high . Thirdly , I don't know ... it would have been better if we had at least some top academician , nationalists or historian from Malaysia with us . And yes ... I maintain my position in inviting Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad . It is not a bad idea to listen to him and have a retired PM celebrate here with us . Try listening to his past speeches ( I have been listening to most ) and you will understand . You will regret for not meeting and listening to him before it is too late .
Just got back from Sydney for a short trip . Bought myself a Lacoste shirt . Its not cheap at all ... but nice and satisfying :)
All right . Nitez !
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Internship ?
Thinking of asking INSAP whether I can join their institution for a month to see how they work things out . Read that CIMB and ECM Libra gives opportunites for internships too . But ECM Libra !?? Haha . Or should I say ECM Libra "Avenue " !?
Or maybe I should come back to ANU for summer ?
Sigh . Who employs economists ? At most I think they will just take a few in those securities firms . All I see is just Accounting .... Finance..... Marketing.....Actuary .... Stat....
Sigh sigh sigh . I have a contract with JPA which I will honour definitely . If it goes well , might stay there.... that is if I'm posted to MTEN , BNM or perhaps EPU ... till I find a suitable time to go into politics .
Stressful period seeing bifurcations , chaos , cycles , population growth model , Markov Chains and many many more theorems and conditions . Damn . One theorem has multiple conditions for that thing to hold .
It is like ... for a nasi goreng to taste nice ... you add salt , soy sauce , egg , seafood , and if you don't mind .... some MSG .
Sigh . Yes . I'm studying the many nasi goreng recipes in Mathematics .
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The 1 Euro Company That We (Malaysians) Sold
Note : I just read about MV Augusta's expansion plans at Amzar's blog . So I thought maybe I should share with my readers the article from
23 July 2007
The news from MV Agusta following the sale of the Husqvarna brand to BMW;
MV Agusta target to expand business through the sale of the Husqvarna Motorcycles brand
BMW Motorrad will acquire the renowned off-road motorcycle company Husqvarna Motorcycles. The President of MV Agusta Group, Claudio Castiglioni, and Dr. Herbert Diess, General Director of BMW Motorrad, signed the contract on 19th July 2007 in Varese, Italy.
The contractual agreement will come into full effect upon final approval of the EU cartel authorities. Both parties agreed that the purchase price is to remain confidential.
For the Italian motorcycle Group, the sale of Husqvarna Motorcycles is a strategic step to concentrate all of its resources in the development of MV Agusta brand, icon of style and performance and Cagiva, historical brand in the low engine capacity segment.
Upon the signing of the agreement, the President Claudio Castiglioni stated: “This transaction has been carried out in order to expand MV Agusta and Cagiva presence in the international markets having more financial resources for new models development, thanks also to the support of Banca Intesa Sanpaolo.”
Claudio Castiglioni added: “Husqvarna is steeped in tradition and one of the most famous motorcycle companies in the world with numerous racing victories including European and World titles, and under the directions of BMW Motorrad it will continue to express its full potential.”
BMW Motorrad plans to continue operating Husqvarna Motorcycles as a separate enterprise. All development, sales and production activities, as well as the current workforce, will remain in place at its present location in the region of Varese in northern Italy.
The transaction, from MV Agusta side, has been assisted by the global advisors Progman Group and Borghesi Colombo & Associates.
"This is very positive news for us," comments Richard Davies, Sales Director of UK distributors 3X. "Customer interest in MV Agusta is growing constantly with YTD sales up 30% on last year. The focus that the change will bring to MV Agusta's products will strengthen the Brand’s customer appeal and lead to continued growth here in the UK."
For details of MV Agusta contact 3X Motorcycles on 01202 823344 or
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Datuk Idris
I appeal to you to give our MAS CEO a chance . It is not easy for him to maintain the title of having the World's Best Cabin Crew while making us seeing black digits at the financial reports instead of red . I do not understand why there are parties fanning the fire of flight delays and scheduling problems recently .
Every airline faces that . Just that Malaysia Airlines this time has introduced a new system . Perhaps the system did not go well . Helo !? As Pak Lah said , he might have the vision and objectives , but problems might occur in the midst of implementing it . It might be those down the line who made mistakes . So why are there even opinions by public and some top figures and leaders who want him removed ?
Kacang janganlah lupakan kulit . Datuk Idris put MAS back into profitability periods . We should thank him instead of showing him the door . Oh wait ... could it be some one wants the job ? Hmm . So an opportunity to sack Datuk Idris now with his merely few weeks havoc of flight delays and overbookings ?
I hope all of you think and see how well Datuk Idris is performing in his capacity as CEO . For the recent issues , there are many possibilities . Maybe the technical chief got it all wrong ... maybe the computer systems chief made mistakes ... maybe it was a strike ... maybe it was the issue of private MAS tour agents .
Many many possibilities . One thing is for sure . We see black digits instead of red . And I will always support MAS . I have been flying MAS all the time . Except once when I was sponsored by the Japanese Govt to study in Osaka . That time I took JAL .
So yes . MAS and Datuk Idris , keep our flags flying high !!
The Budget Constraint
Well . My webcam failed me . It is not supported by Windows Vista . So I will be buying a Microsoft Lifecam (which cost me a bomb in Australia) .
But I've tried bidding at Ebay . Lost 5 auction bids . Hmm . Will keep trying . Otherwise maybe mom will have to get it from Malaysia for me .
Now . Do we all not remember once Pak Lah's economic budget plans ? I still remember during my Perdana Scholarship interview in Putrajaya , JPA's office (I'm in the top 5 shortlisted people but if I'm not mistaken , it ended just there ... could be cancelled or maybe I didn't get it...sigh) . I was asked the difference between Dr Mahathir and Pak Lah's economy .
My answer was ... I liked Dr Mahathir's expansionary style ... Mahanomics . But Pak Lah's budget balancing might be beneficial to us perhaps . We might be able to pay off debts without compromising on growth and development . I would say Pak Lah might be looking at a "house keeping" style .
However , today I read the Iskandar Economic Region ( Ampun Tuanku , bukan salah Patik nak guna dan panggil nama Tuanku sebegitu ... I maintain my position that we at least put a title Sultan in front as a mark of respect) and the NCER are all running into hundreds of billions of ringgit . It sparked questions in my mind . Are we already balanced in our budgets ? Are we already having budget surpluses like Pak Lah wanted ? What is happening ?
These are really mega huge large gigantic projects . I hope the institutions of economists have tabled it with financiers as well with respect to these projects . Or should it be the other way round ? Yeah . Economists have a different way of calculating finance . Haha . A world of conflicting ideas and propositions .
Sigh ... budget constraints ....