Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ong Tee Keat must win

  1. In MCA Political Alliances, I said that if it is a 3 horse race for the Presidency, the winner will most probably receive only 40% of the Delegates votes while the remaining two could possibly get 30% each.

  2. In other words, the winner of the Presidential campaign will command only 40% of the delegates support and 60% of the Delegates don't think he is the right man. MCA crisis will possibly continue.

  3. Well, for MCA's sake, Tee Keat should be made President with 50% or more votes from the Delegates regardless of the number of Presidential candidates.

  4. Or MCA will be at the losing end. In my previous article, Ong Ka Ting's politics, I pointed out why Ong Ka Ting's faction won't bring any good to MCA.

  5. I also said that the Tee Keat-Ka Chuan combination is probable though not desirable. (Yes, I said this)

  6. Allow me to add more here. MCA knows they must reform after losing badly in March 2008. The Chinese community slapped and kicked MCA while shouting the words "Change your ways!".

  7. If the MCA Central Delegates choose to vote for Ong Ka Ting's faction to return to power, I don't see how such a decision reflect the calls by the Chinese community.

  8. The party will not be seen as changing their ways or reforming the Party's political structure if the Central Delegates choose to return to the old leadership's ways.

  9. DAP has presented themselves successfully as a Party represented by professionals and well educated youth. What do we have in MCA ? Old men, old methods and old mentality.

  10. So going back to the old ways, MCA will be on the path to the end of days. Choosing the old leadership will also see MCA being blasted from day to night by the Opposition with all sorts of issues.

  11. Then, we ask. What about Soi Lek ? Thus far, we know that the loyalists of Soi Lek are Loh Seng Kok and Tan Chai Ho.

  12. One of my buddies said correctly. Which political party in this world makes a man with a sex scandal the President of the Party ?

  13. Moreover, I believe Loh Seng Kok and Tan Chai Ho cannot be compared to the talented, young and eloquent leaders of DAP. And neither are they comparable to Ong Tee Keat's team.

  14. MCA must understand, we must not make the Party a laughing stock when we are constantly being compared with DAP's elected representatives. There must be some minimum standards and qualities to consider, no ?

  15. This leaves us with Ong Tee Keat. The incumbent President has managed to attract a string of well qualified loyalists and supporters. In fact, Ong Tee Keat commands the support from professionals whom are non members of MCA.

  16. Like it or not, the only solution MCA has is to see Tee Keat winning with more than 50% votes from the Central Delegates. All other solutions won't bring any good to the Party as pointed out in my article MCA Political Alliances.

  17. By the way, I heard that there is a faction leader going around campaigning against two relatively small but upcoming leaders of MCA : Datuk Ti Lian Ker and Senator Heng Seai Kie.

  18. My, my. Instead of explaining his faction's agenda, manifesto or what he can do for MCA, he chooses to tell people not to vote for Datuk Ti Lian Ker and Senator Heng Seai Kie regardless of which post they contest for.

  19. I am very interested to hear the reasons on why this faction leader dislikes one of MCA's vocal, direct, no-nonsense and uprising leader Datuk Ti Lian Ker as well as the nice and humble Senator.

  20. I welcome the announcement by Senator Heng Seai Kie to contest for a Central Committee position.


  1. Read what Datuk Ti posted in his article " the Waiting Game "

    (3) Tee Keat was advised to take another leadership test based on the disciplinary action and given confidence that he has the support of Ka Ting/Kong Choy boys. The results and the outcome of the 10/10 EGM unfolded and the rest was history....

    What was the result ?

    Tee keat managed to get 50% of the votes during 10/10 right !

    Now this 50 % of the votes are in actual fact the solid , hardcore votes for Tee Keat .

    During and before 10/10 they had already conspired to topple Tee Keat , in fact all of them . Tee Keat was expected to win by at least 300 votes or more , but that vanished into thin air as the Liow and gang withdrew their support for Tee Keat without OTK's knowledge until the very last moment , but by then it was too late .
    But then as I said OTK still got 50 %.

    So then the other 50% of the cake is made up of who ?
    They consisted of CSL's people/supporters and $ power , Liow and gang ( CKC , WKS & CMF ) ,The third force ie OKT , OKC , and his croonies .
    Together they were conspiring to oust OTK with the help from the two Tiongs ( Kuala Dimensi & Sinchew ) plus certain shadowy figures in UMNO .

    That is why today CSL is so pissed that with the OKT coming into the fray , his chances has diminished as they are all fighting for this 50 % and their votes are all overlapping .

    That is why today we are seeing CSL and his supporters whacking Ka Ting while you don't see OTK's supporters whacking Ka Ting prior to his announcement .

    I wouldn't want to put a figure on their votes percentage like who has what percentage . Since they are all overlapping its so difficult to put a quantum sum on it .

    To reinforce OTK's 50 % hardcore votes can be seen from the ones who attended the AGM whom we had not insisted that they attend . A lot were excused for not attending as they had business to run on weekends and could not scarifice four weekends as the voting will be on the same month ie 28 th .
    Even then OTK managed to get 603 votes out of 2300 which is about 30 % .
    This more or less reaffirms the support for OTK as we were of the opinion that only 300 delegates would show up due to the conflicting on/off AGM where transport tickets were cancelled .

    So from here you can get a fairly good picture on the voted distribution .

    Make your own analysis on Chua going for No 1 , vote distribution and Chua going for No 2 , who will his supporters support for the presidency ?

  2. Maybe, as a pseudo-UMNO member, you should ask your UMNO overlords to stop meddling with MCA.

    BUT if your UMNO overlords don't like OTK - then there's nothing u can do
