Friday, April 16, 2010

A La Salle Brother's plight

  1. I came across an article written by Zorro Unmasked on April 1st, 2010. In that article, Zorro Unmasked mentioned about Brother Vincent Corkery and his citizenship application.

  2. And on 14 April 2010, I read Ipoh Echo online and saw THIS article. The title caught my eye and attention - Plight of a Forgotten La Salle Brother

  3. After posting this article online, Madam Tan Cheng Liang was kind enough to provide me pointers on how to proceed further.

  4. I went to school immediately this afternoon to see Brother Vincent Corkery at La Salle Centre, St Michael's Institution.

  5. It is indeed interesting that Brother Vincent remembered my contributions to the school's best ever debating achievement back in 2002 and 2003.

  6. My fellow friends and I became the National Runners up for Parliamentary English Debates organized by the Ministry of Education in 2002, which involved all the schools in Malaysia, as well as winning the coveted Kinta Rotary Club Challenge Trophy in 2003.

  7. I talked to Brother Vincent about the "plight" and volunteered to help him personally since I have the time.

  8. Brother Vincent Corkery shared his opinions with me that he is happy to keep his European citizenship while enjoying the benefits of a Malaysian PR which is as good as citizenship.

  9. He needed a citizenship in the past in his role as an educationist and as head of school to serve the students and school better, which is no longer necessary now.

  10. I hope no socio political blogger or newspaper columnist will politicize this matter further.

  11. Though I must say, the State Government should consider a provision of gratuity in monetary form besides providing him with any further assistance he needs.

  12. He has done a lot for sons of Perak and deserves to be rewarded or given due recognition.

  13. Whispers in the school were loud and I have news that Brother Vincent Corkery, a La Salle Brother and well respected educationist in Perak, will receive a royal award (I know the title which will be conferred) from the Palace on Monday (19 April 2010) at Kuala Kangsar, Perak.

  14. Tuanku has proven from time to time that the Palace will give recognition where it is due.

  15. Anak Perak berdoa, semoga usia Tuanku dilanjutkan dan Perak kekal cemerlang di bawah pemerintahan Tuanku Sultan Perak.

  16. Daulat Tuanku Sultan Perak ! I am proud to be a Perakian.


  1. Well done Wei Liang! do work fast. I would like to thank your goodself, Madam Tan Cheng Liang, Dato Dr Davy Woo all those who came with advice and leads on ow to go about...and a few prominent Tan Sri, Dato Seri, Datuk and businessmen who wish to remain anonymous.

    SULTAN YUSSUF IZZUDDIN SHAH GHAFARULLAHU-LAH for the honour bestowed to Bro Vincent Corkery in recognition for his work.

    Proud to be an IPOHian

    Terence Choong aka Chiller Choong

  2. Being an old Michaelian, I feel proud that Bro. Vincent get his Datukship. I regret that Bro Ultan Paul never get the award that I think he deserved. Although both of them are Christian brothers, they never try to dicriminate or talk bad about us, the Malay Muslim student. Today at Kuala Kangsar Palace, Dato Bro Vincent met with his former student, another old Michaelian Tan Sri Ismail Omar, Deputy IGP who received Dato Seri from our beloved Sultan of Perak.

  3. Don't forget another great person that was honored alongside these great people: Datuk Hee Yit Foong.

    Trully her contributions must have been great and many. Now who says DAP people are just out to ruin the country? Obviously Datuk Hee Yit Foong must have contributed greatly to the people of Perak to have deserved such honor.

    So the lesson here is we should not judge a person purely on ones political views. Everyone in Malaysia wether from DAP, PKR, PAS or BN is working hard for the good of the country. Not to ruin it. They just differ on what is the best course for the country.
