Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dr Pornthip's safety guaranteed

  1. It is good to read that the Attorney General Chambers under Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and the Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammudin Hussein guarantee the safety of Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand to Malaysia.

  2. Dr Porntship's safety is guaranteed if she returns to Malaysia to testify and justify her "80% homicide" statement she made on October 21st, 2009. Good move to guarantee her safety I must say to the Government !

  3. The ruling coalition is at the losing end in terms of image and perspective in this case. Logically speaking, the Government desperately need Dr Pornthip to return to prove her claims, theory and report in Court.

  4. Do take note that there cannot be a blanket guarantee for Dr Pornthip's safety rationally. Just like no one can guarantee a tourist's safety when he or she is traveling overseas.

  5. Hey, you never know what will happen right ? And that is why there are insurances out there ! So I really hope that the Home Minister and the AG know what they are doing.

  6. However, I must caution the Federal Government that Dr Pornthip is a forensic expert appointed by the Selangor Government.

  7. The Selangor Government should also play a role in ensuring the safety of Dr Pornthip.

  8. Dr Pornthip must be given full security details fit for a Royalty with Gobind Singh Deo or a member of Teoh's family at her side for 24 hours as watch and witness.

  9. This is vital to avoid any spin doctors from working their magic in pushing the blame to either side of the political divide in case of any unfortunate events.

  10. Whatever the decision is, please give us a conclusion for the Teoh Beng Hock inquiry.

  11. It has been ongoing for far too long. We are talking about a dead person here and his family members deserve to know. May the truth prevail.

  12. My predictions ? With Pornthip's views being different from that of Dr Shahidan Md Noor, the piece that could solve the puzzle is in the hands of Dr Peter Vanezis from Britain.

1 comment:

  1. She is a LIAR. She is paid to lie. Now, she is afraid to come because she is afraid to tell the truth.
    Well, she ruined her own good reputation and track record by accepting the dirty work. Sometimes people are easily blinded by money

    PORN Tip
