Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tee Keat's Presidency at stake

Previously : Fresh elections or status quo ?.

Let me point out CHRONOLOGICALLY the politics of MCA in the year 2009.

POST 10-10-10 EGM
  • Ong Tee Keat ordered Wong Foon Meng to study his proposal of A NEW EGM where Delegates will decide whether the Central Committee must resign to pave way for elections.
  • Whether it is legal or not to empower the Central Delegates to order the resignations of Central Committee, no one said anything.
  • But at that time, Liow Tiong Lai's faction said no need to have another EGM and OTK-CSL must respect the 10-10-10 EGM.

Greater Unity Plan

  • Ong Tee Keat then teamed up with Chua Soi Lek under the GUP.

  • Crisis should have ended but Liow Tiong Lai wants NEW EGM and FRESH ELECTIONS with backing from MCA Old Knights.


  • To make the GUP work, Ong Tee Keat had to appease Chua Soi Lek's team.

  • Ong Tee Keat cannot remove his men from Central Committee and Presidential Council.

  • So what options did OTK have ? Only one. Appoint CSL's men into the CC and PC but there were no vacancies.

  • Thus, 3rd force Leaders were removed from both the CC and PC.

  • This pushed the crisis to breaking limits when Youth and Wanita Chiefs were sacrificed for Chua Soi Lek's men.

  • It was a disastrous strategy that caused OTK to bear the criticisms and grunts while granting more points or ammunition to the 3rd force to slam OTK. But, OTK had no choice.

  • So the winners of this outcome were : CSL and LTL, NOT ONG TEE KEAT

  • Ong Tee Keat then appointed Chua Soi Lek as MCA Special Committee Chief to resolve the crisis.

  • Liow Tiong Lai and Chua Soi Lek BOTH agreed to have fresh polls with minor differences.

  • Ong Tee Keat then step in to say it should happen only with direct elections.

  • Liow Tiong Lai wanted it by 31st Dec 2009. Chua Soi Lek said too many holidays and so the most convenient time is March 2010.

  • Remember, only Ong Tee Keat has been talking about direct elections.

  • Leaders aligned to Ong Tee Keat wants the Youth and Wanita wings to be dissolved also for elections.


  • The Star began to report news on MCA which hinted that we could be heading towards a Status Quo.

  • Reasons given were - 3rd force are the minority, cannot agree on dates, cannot agree on elections involving the Wings.

  • Then, Chua Soi Lek as Committee Chief pushed the ONUS or BURDEN OF RESPONSIBILITY to the Central Committee where 21 members need to resign to pave way for Elections.

  • Some are still saying fresh elections, some are saying status quo. VERY INCONSISTENT !

So, again. What should Ong Tee Keat do ?


  1. Totally agree with your chronolgical analysis showing OTK predicament. The only rallying point OTK have will be when more and more people involved in the PKFZ are brought to court. This will convince many that despite his weaknesses in trusting the wrong friends, he stands tall as an able leader capable of withstanding onslaughts from all corners, be it TKS, OKT, CKC, WC, or for that PM ore DPM. He still command respect of many especially the ordinary delegates/members.

