Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Where Tee Keat-Soi Lek erred (2)

*** This is a continuation of Where Tee Keat - Soi Lek erred (1) ***

The previous post was focused mainly on the negotiations for fresh party polls in MCA. This time, I will turn the focus on Tee Keat's team.

Frankly, it will be disastrous if Tee Keat hears only opinions that tell him

"Yes boss. That's the right way. Good boss. Betul betul. Nothing more to add boss, you are right boss."

You see, sometimes the President of United States make mistakes. Sometimes Najib Tun Razak makes mistakes. Sometimes Dr Mahathir makes mistakes.

But each time an "unpopular" or "badly worded" headline appear in the newspaper, the team will introduce some "sweeteners" or "acceptable and properly worded explanations".

The follow up methods will be to make "positive" headlines that people will nod and say "Yes, that's a good thing" or "Hey, it makes sense" (like Tan Sri Robert Phang's article).

Why didn't Tee Keat or his team adopt such methods back then and allow the President to be embroiled in an "image and perception" crisis today ?

The impression some people are getting now and embedded in their minds is that Tee Keat only focuses on removing people whom are not with him.

Sometimes, this can be seen as "We need people whom we can work with only so that the Party can become stronger."

But in fact, if you ask me, some can easily point out that this argument does not hold and can hardly be justified.

All I have to do is just walk us back to the crisis of Mahathir-Razaleigh and Mahathir-Anwar where opponents of Mahathir were kept in the Cabinet and Supreme Council of UMNO.

A new set of arguments and irrefutable answers must be provided. We cannot rely on telling the people "Hey, it is the President's right or it is written clearly in the Constitution."

We have already used the Constitution argument to maintain the President's position after the 10-10-10 EGM.

We cannot afford to use it again to "reshuffle" or "sack" figures in the Party using the same arguments. It was a very costly political move in terms of "image and perception".

One can only do such things and argue in such a manner when the Presidential position is stable and command a strong majority support from the Delegates and grassroots (not just the Central Committee).

Mark my words. Tee Keat might not be able to survive a second onslaught from the warlords who still control some "China men" in the Party if the current team
  • does not get out of their comfort zone and
  • does not introduce or change the methods of promoting and marketing Tee Keat

So, wake up and go back to the drawing board with steps properly outlined from now on !


  1. from MarGeeMar blogs : "Goh Wei Liang's Rebuttal about Allah"

    If Goh Wei Liang is a Christian or a Muslim I can understand his concern about the Allah issue.

    What is very clear here is that Goh knows nothing about Christianity or Islam to start with. He is sure as hell not a Christian or Muslim to start with. The only reason he has jumped into this bandwagon about Christians calling God Allah is because this ban is done by his beloved Barisan Nasional.

    My advice to Goh Wei Liang is for him not to get involved in sensitive matters pertaining to other peoples religions. BN has already got a bad track record in the eyes of the world in dealing with the rights of religious minorities in Malaysia.

    I really hope for your own safety and well being Goh Wei Liang that you will stop making statements regarding Christianity or Islam.

    Religion is a very sensitive matter. You may think you are safe in Australia but be careful there may be some people out there who know who you are and where you are. I'm talking about fanatics, either Christian or Muslim who may take your views too personal. This is not a threat son, but just an advice from a senior citizen.

    Quah Boon Sin

    November 24, 2009 9:19 AM

  2. From MarGeeMar blogs : "Goh Wei Liang's Rebuttal About Allah"

    Goh Wei Liang tries very hard to be an expert in religion but he is neither a believer in one.

    I do not understand why GWL is so adamnant in defending the use of the word " Allah " to be exclusively the domain of one religion. Please keep your hands and feet out of this.

    November 24, 2009 4:54 PM

  3. From MarGeeMar Blog : "Goh Wei Liang's Rebuttal About Allah"

    Omar Goh (the defender of Islam and UMNO),

    Indeed 'Allah' is an Arabic word that referring to 'God' in the Arab world.

    The word 'Allah' is uses in the mosques and churches throughout the Arab's world. And, the word 'Allah' has been in existing even before Islam.

    So, Omar Goh, if you insisted the word 'Allah' to be exclusively used only by the 'Muslim', then you need to apply for the 'copyright' for that word !!


    November 24, 2009 2:39 PM

  4. from MarGeeMar blogs : "Goh Wei Liang's Rebuttal about Allah"

    Omar Goh (the defender of Islam and UMNO),

    Indeed 'Allah' is an Arabic word that referring to 'God' in the Arab world.

    The word 'Allah' is uses in the mosques and churches throughout the Arab's world. And, the word 'Allah' has been in existing even before Islam.

    So, Omar Goh, if you insisted the word 'Allah' to be exclusively used only by the 'Muslim', then you need to apply for the 'copyright' for that word !!


    November 24, 2009 2:39 PM
