Thursday, November 19, 2009

MCA Presidential Council Reshuffle

To make things clear, I am a supporter of the Greater Unity Plan.

But I am also a supporter of fresh party polls since I dislike Anwaristas in MCA to continue bugging MCA with claims that they have the support and numbers against the leadership.

Now that the Central Committee members have rejected the 28th November EGM and against fresh party polls, it is time for me to comment why this is not right.

This might draw flak and criticisms from Tee Keat's camp, one which I have supported since the very beginning.

You see, there are many ways to deliver and play the political game. It is just that I don't believe the current game plan will do MCA any good and will not strengthen MCA in Malaysian politics.

I am of the opinion that the Central Committee (or Presidential Council) overlooked one important point.

  1. Liow Tiong Lai is still Penang MCA Chief and Vice President
  2. Wee Ka Siong is still National MCA Youth Chief
  3. Chew Mei Fun is still National Wanita MCA Chief

Sacking Ka Siong and Mei Fun from the MCA Presidential Council might be a strategic move to ensure one voice in the top MCA leadership, but it will be costly indeed.

Both Mei Fun and Ka Siong still call the shots in Wanita MCA and Pemuda MCA at the national level.

When it comes to the General Election, the organisation chart must be obeyed and the order of seniority must be followed in MCA machinery.

Reshuffling is good as we need a team in MCA to be able to work together to win seats for Barisan Nasional.

But Ka Siong and Mei Fun are still the ELECTED Chief of the Youth and Wanita MCA wings.

Their roles are vital in mobilizing supporters and election staff across the nation in order to win votes and seats for MCA (Barisan Nasional).

Did the Central Committee consider this point or not ? Does the Central Committee have answers to this ?

Without the ELECTED Youth Chief and Wanita Chief, I don't know how things will work.

Putting Dr Mah Hang Soon (Deputy Youth Chief) and Senator Heng Seai Kie (Wanita Sec Gen) in the Presidential Council will still ensure that both movements are represented.

But as I said, order of ranks must be obeyed and Dr Mah Hang Soon and Senator Heng Seai Kie could be in a dilemma since their movements' highest ranking officers are still Wee Ka Siong and Chew Mei Fun.

This is a fact which we cannot deny and problems will exist when MCA mobilize their Election Machinery.

Thus, either a fresh polls or the removal of Wee Ka Siong and Chew Mei Fun might solve the problem from this perspective.

I am afraid that wrapping the differences under a protective cover will only cause the wounds to show and get deeper during the General Election.

Sabotages might happen, order of seniority will not be respected. This will be a problem and I have a hunch that the internal party crisis might jeopardize MCA chances in the Elections.

As far as I can see, the current game plan is being played in a wrong way. Though it is authoritative, it is a quite worrisome that the moves are overboard.

I discussed with a fellow blogger and I have been informed that MCA Presidential Council deals only with policy and administrative matters. Both Ka Siong and Mei Fun are still in the Central Committee.

Well, someone high up in MCA ought to come out explain to us and clear the air I hope. Otherwise, questions will still be left unanswered among the Chinese community and Party members.

I stand corrected.

RELATED : MCA - Fresh elections or not ?


  1. Article 46 of the Constitution:

    "There shall be established from amongst the members of the Central Committee a Presidential Council which shall consist of the President, the Deputy President, one or more Vice-Presidents, the Secretary-General, the Treasurer- General, the National Organising Secretary and not more
    than ten (10) other members appointed by the President in his ABSOLUTE DISCRETION, who likewise may terminate such appointment if and when he thinks fit."

  2. don't worry, the reshuffle is part of the game.

    for the current leadership breeds, it is all 'rice-bowl' politics. how?

    1st, they chopped off the 3rd faction's 'hands' by reshuffling and replaced them with their 'line-ups'. that is a clear point to show members the preference of otk and his playmate csl, i.e. you are either with me or against me.

    2nd, they will take 6 months to lure the 3rd faction's supporters, although not many, to the camp of otk and csl. actually they no need to lure, people already know 'where' can get 'rice' and will queue accordingly.

    3rd, they will do fresh elections for the entire leadership posts to 'washed' off all 3rd faction's 'stains'.

    it is indeed a 'great' unity plan. a plan that will ensure the top 2 will retain their 'rice-bowl'.

    salute to their 'great' strategies. in chinese, there is an idiom something like this: when the sea-bird and mussle fight, the fisheman gain by getting both of his prey at once. for otk and csl, they reverse the typical play by joining forces to 'kill' the 'fisherman', first, then they continue their unfinished fight later. don't they deserve praise of their 'war' skills!

    if they do represent chinese communities, it is unfortunate that the chinese still have 'tainted' leaders representing them. and of course, will continue to be used as jokes by the politikus of the opposite side.
