Wednesday, November 18, 2009

MCA : Fresh Elections or not?

I wrote this article last week, but I delayed publishing it since I needed it elsewhere first. I joined a new web portal - and I am a guest blogger there for the time being.

If anyone is interested to join, do email the admin at

After the publication of my article there, I am entitled to publish it here also and share with A PIECE OF MY MIND readers.


MCA's internal party crisis continues even after the 10-10-10 EGM. The question mark in the party has now boiled down to - accept the Greater Unity Plan (GUP) or go for fresh party polls?

The focus today is of course on the 3rd faction or more popularly known as the 3rd force - Liow, Wee and Chew (main players).

Naturally, the 3rd force cannot afford to back down. They have a lot at stake and they can only make an "all-in" move.

The 3rd force will never back down. They will mobilize their supporters from the East of Peninsular Malaysia, the Wanita movement and the Youth movement.

They don't need each and every member from their wings or the Party as a whole to support them. All these leaders need are just the delegates or those holding office in the divisions.

From here, the leaders can claim that "we have the numbers, we have the support" and behave exactly like Anwar Ibrahim or the Anwaristas.

Don't believe me ? Read : Grassroots don't back unity plan (Liow).

No matter what Tee Keat or Soi Lek does, (MCA rejects fresh EGM, Ong axes foes from advisory panel), Anwaristas in MCA will still create instability and continue the talking.

In fact, those evidently against the GUP do have support at the ground level to a certain extent - especially Ong Ka Chuan from Perak.

All the 3rd force has to do is to continue to argue from the basis of upholding democracy, and from there, the 3rd force will still be seen as noble though some Chinese are saying that they might be overly ambitious and greedy.

This will still put MCA in a checkmate and the solution is still unclear to all.

Since "all-in" is the only move, the 3rd force will be expected to give it a shot at fresh party polls. They are widely expected to contest strategic positions such as the office of President, Deputy President and Vice President.

Of course, they have the other option to back down, rebuild their image and move to support Unity in MCA. This will be a tough decision though and the rebuilding process will not be easy.

We have to be honest.

The GUP will only work if all 3 Factions come together and wipe away all misunderstandings and uneasiness over a nice Unity Dinner at MCA for the sake of the Party.

Their supporters must also be clear that if they were to back down and pledge their support to the leadership and GUP, they must all be able to argue and stand up for Tee Keat, Soi Lek and the Malaysian Chinese Association when the need arises.

If they can't do that, for the interest of the Party, it is best that their leaders step down and allow the concept of 1MCA 1Team to carry on the work of reinventing, rejuvenating and reforming the Party.

Again, when this happens, will they resign and step down ?

In other words
  • if they support the GUP, their supporters must be able to stand up for the leadership. If not, the leaders of these rebellious supporters must resign.
  • if they don't support GUP, they must push for fresh party polls. But the losers might consider a comeback using the popular "Save MCA Campaign" structure.
The crisis will not end in MCA.

Fresh party polls will be the best solution if the 3rd Force members are unwilling to back down and accept the Greater Unity Plan (GUP).

Tee Keat was the first to propose an EGM for fresh Party polls which were shot down by the same team who are calling for it now. Surprising, isn't it ?

Though I believe fresh party polls will end the impasse, the time has not come yet. As President of MCA, Tee Keat has the powers to call for an EGM or a Party election.

I urge him to consider this option only after he has executed his core party election manifesto which is to implement direct party leadership elections.


  1. What happen to the Great Unity Plan now Mr President?! Surprisingly, Ka Siong and Mei Fun were fired from the presidential council and the reliablity of the president can be questioned over now! I do think now is the best and the correct time to support the 2nd EGM over the GUP as the GUP itself didn't work as is should be!

    I would support the 2 resolution of the 2nd EGM which is to To hold fresh election for the committee and To nullify any appointments and termination made by Tee Keat administration!

  2. Yeah, Anwaristas.

    You, sir, is defintely one of them !

  3. Kalambong, do read first before you judge me. I am merely writing out an analysis of MCA's infighting.

    And if you had been following me, I am a supporter of Tee Keat.

    Do read again what I have written. It is an analysis and I am not claiming that the 3rd force has support.

    My analysis merely states the political strategies that one can adopt to destabilize MCA.

    Thanks buddy.

  4. Kalambong, do read first before you judge me. I am merely writing out an analysis of MCA's infighting.

    And if you had been following me, I am a supporter of Tee Keat.

    Do read again what I have written. It is an analysis and I am not claiming that the 3rd force has support.

    My analysis merely states the political strategies that one can adopt to destabilize MCA.

    Thanks buddy.

  5. Bro Goh WL

    They were given many chances to stop the bickering and then wait for six months for MCA to stabilise before MCA can have fresh elections . Why the constant harping and persistence to destabilise the Party ?

    If the Youth Chief is not in the Presidential Council ( CMF back in by invitation ) is there any different from UMNO who does not have Khairy in UMNO's Presidential Council ? and neither is he a Minister ( totally dropped from all positions ) and yet he KJ does not go around painting the leadership and party black .

    ""In an election machinery, the order or seniority must be obeyed. Tiong Lai is still Penang MCA Chief, Mei Fun is still Wanita Chief and Ka Siong is still Youth Chief.""

    Tiong Lai is the Penang Chief , correct however let me say this , he has minimal support in Penang as Penang is quite evenly supported by OTK and CSL 's supporters . As for the minimal support , I quote from one Chinese daily who says that Tiong Lai has one division backing him . I think that is correct and I think that division is from the Permatang Pauh side . Note I said from and I did not want to say it is . This division has all along been 100 percent align to CKC and naturally for them to support Tiong Lai , by order of the "unseen" hands .

    As for Chew and Ka Siong , both their wings are inter lap with the main wing , and normally in most circumstances these wings are hand picked by the main body in the division , in other words we support the division's youth and wanita wing who are hand picked by the division's leadership and given the blessings to contest .

    Both Chew nad Wee won due to this arrangement as at that time both we in the grouping or under OTK's "caitan"

    ""MCA's machinery during the elections will hit the wall, I predict.""

    MCA has and cannot depend on MCA members to vote for MCA's candidates as can be seen from the 308 . MCA needs the support from the Chinese Community , who may or may NOT be from the MCA . This is the utmost importance , forget about what those opposition chinese will say , you can never get 100 percent support from the Chinese ( they always want to make sure nobody gets absolute support ) however if you can manage 60 percent support and translate that into votes in every parliamentary constituency , MCA should be satisfied and happy .

    As it is right now the public opinion and trial by public opinion is very much against the Brutuses and Conspirators .
