Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hari Keputeraan Sultan Perak ke-81

Ampun Tuanku, APOMM sembah tahniah Ke Bawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Azlan Shah sempena Hari Keputeraan Tuanku yang ke=81.

Semoga Tuanku dilanjutkan usia dan Perak terus kekal dengan gelaran "Perak Nombor 1" di bawah pemerintahan Tuanku.

Kebijaksanaan, keadilan dan kedaulatan Tuanku Sultan Perak kekal di mata anak-anak Perak.

Walaupun "Jebat Moden" derhaka, patik menyanjung tinggi Tuanku yang arif apabila dikhabarkan bahawa Tuanku kekal adil dan saksama dan menjemput juga "si Jebat" ke Hari Keputeraan Tuanku di Istana.

Patik rasa gembira kerana dapat menjadi rakyat di bawah payung pemerintahan Sultan Azlan Shah dan Raja Nazrin Shah.

Namun, patik juga bersedih kerana ada ahli-ahli politik yang sanggup menggadaikan adat istiadat Raja Melayu dan menimbulkan ketidakstabilan politik di Perak.

1. Patik mohon derhaka - Nizar
2. Siva suspends secretary - again

Biarlah apapun yang ingin dilakukan dan dikatakan oleh ahli-ahli politik dan rakyat yang tidak peduli sistem Raja Berperlembagaan di Perak.

Saya percaya ramai anak Perak di luar yang berkongsi satu pendapat dan pantun bersama kerana kami semua percaya Tuanku arif dan bijaksana.

"Bangkit ayuh bangkit, anak Perak bangkit, lawan kita lawan, lawan penderhaka Sultan"

Ampun Tuanku. APOMM sembah tahniah Ke Bawah DYMM Tuanku.


  1. Ingin saya mengucapkan syabas kepada Saudara, yang saya kira seorang yang melambangkan ciri-ciri anak bangsa Malaysia yang sejati. Selamat berjuang, Saudara!



    p/s: Saya bukan rakyat Perak tapi Duli Yang Mulia Sultan Perak adalah Raja Melayu, seorang Raja yang termaktub dalam Rukun Negara.

  2. Here I'm wishing the his majesty the sultan of perak his 81st birthday, happy birthday. I do think it is rude for a person not to wish others happy birthday regardless of who the other person is, be it good guy or bad guy.

    Will not be making any explicit comment here for fear of being label as treasonous and thrown to the deepest level of the dungeon ka kamunting. But rather, I'll just talk a little bout history today and probably fella commentators can catch my comment by then.

    Despotic laws are the norm during the classical age and chaotic times, with the intention of preserving social order for greater good. Which dynasty in the past doesn't has laws that deal with rebels and treason acts accordingly. As history had taught us, China, Spain, US, UK, Iran, India and numerous countries will never be whatever they are today if the despotic regime be it monarch or colonial are not overthrown. The king of Spain & Thai are perceived to be on the side of the people so in the past revolutions, the institutions were left intact albeit some minor changes to constitution. Looking at France, China and UK, we can see the similarity in the event where the despots were overthrown when they are perceived as evil and greedy.

    All I'm saying is, if the Sultan thinks they are doing the right thing for the rakyat, then majority of the rakyat will stand behind them and vice versa so there's no need to be worried.

    Some how I can't stop using China as a reference, specifically during the time of the 3 kingdoms. Remember how Liu Bei the renegade warlord was called a rebel and Cao Cao the prime minister then claimed he is the protector of the throne and as such has the right to subdue every other warlords in the name of the emperor. Who these characters represent in the modern time will be left for fella commentators creativity.
