Friday, April 17, 2009

The Election Circus of Malaysia

31 July 2008
Permatang Pauh PKR MP Datin Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail resigned

26 August 2008
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim voted in as Permatang Pauh PKR MP

28 November 2008
Kuala Terengganu BN MP Datuk Razali Ismail died while playing badminton.

17 January 2008
Mohd Abdul Wahid Endot voted in as Kuala Terengganu PAS MP

9 February 2009
Bkt Gantang PAS MP Roslan Shaharum died of heart attack.
Bkt Selambau PKR ADUN V. Arumugam resigned

24 February 2009
Batang Ai BN ADUN Datuk Dublin Unting died after a stroke 9 months ago in coma.

7 April 2009
Pasir Panjang ADUN Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin voted in as Bkt Gantang PAS MP.
S Manikumar voted in as Bkt Selambau PKR MP
Malcom Mussem Lamoh voted in as Batang Ai BN MP

16 April 2009
Penanti PKR ADUN Mohd Fairus resigned (by election yet to be announced)

A Piece of My Mind

If we follow the political scene closely, the by-elections were due to health reasons and I have nothing against that.

However, I am unhappy with certain politicians who treat their constituents and the Election as a toy ball that can be tossed around.

In Permatang Pauh, Datin Seri Wan Azizah resigned from her seat with a simple reason that she wants her husband to contest and lead the constituency.

Imagine if one day, Najib Tun Razak resigns to let Nazir Razak (CIMB CEO) to contest in Pekan.

What will be said by Pakatan Rakyat, pro Pakatan bloggers and the alternative media like HarakahDaily, Malaysiakini and Suara Keadilan?

I foresee that Malaysiakini will put in a populist headline "Najib resigns for his brother to contest" with a sublines that read

"Malaysian elections treated like a ball?"
"Rakyat unhappy that Najib is passing responsibilities around"
"Waste of taxpayers' money for by-elections"

From here, the Cybertroopers of Pakatan Rakyat will follow the orchestrated topics and slam Najib for disrespecting democracy.

That is the bias of Malaysian rakyat who claim to be liberal, patriotic and educated.

In Bukit Selambau, V Arumugam resigned by citing threats from certain Barisan Nasional politicians. He left his post as EXCO of Kedah and ADUN of Bkt Selambau by fax to Menteri Besar Kedah.

His location was not at all known by anyone except Anwar Ibrahim and Kedah PKR leadership, even though he is an elected rep and an EXCO which comes under the Executive order of Sultan Kedah and Menteri Besar Kedah.

Given that the world loves conspiracies, people accepted his Statutory Declaration. Arumugam said he feared more for his life and that of his family.

Read this statement by Arumugam

“I had to escape as some quarters were disturbing me and my family."

Compare it with this statement by Mariaee, Arumugam's "wife".

“He did call once to inform me that he was safe and told me not to worry. However, he did not disclose his whereabouts to me."

Threats to Arumugam and family? What a theatrical play I say ! He left his whole family at home and he said that he and his family were under threats !

Arumugam should publicly announce that he has erred morally (in his marital affairs) just like Elizabeth Wong and Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek.

Let us now face another by election yet again. This time in Penanti because the ADUN resigned to further his studies while claiming that there were conspiracies inside PKR to topple him.

If integrity is practised in Penang, then I wonder what is in Fairus' hands which is claimed to be an expose of the State and Party's "internal operations".

We had one by Amizuddin Ahmat (PKR Kepala Batas Youth Chief) which has yet to be heard by the people.

Let us all go through the 6th by-election of Malaysia since 2008 in 14 months.

(Credits to TheStar, Bernama, NST and Malaysiakini for the photos)


  1. If Fairus stays, you say that Pakatan is condoning corruption and Penang state government decisions "tainted".

    If Fairus goes, you say this!

    As a UMNO-BN dieheart fan, you should be happy that a by-election is called, giving UMNO a chance to wrest a seat formerly held by Pakatan.

    I think its time to wake up and smell the coffee.


  3. Tired Bro waching these political drama. One and twice by election is good, but too many political ploy and election circus make Rakyat want to puke.
