Friday, April 10, 2009

1 Malaysia - Berani Berubah

1 Malaysia sent out a clear message - BERANI BERUBAH

Congratulations to Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for the appointment as Malaysia's Deputy Prime Minister.

A true Johorean who is also a dynamic leader, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, together with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will work well to govern Malaysia under the vision "1 Malaysia: People First Performance Now"

When considering the Cabinet, Barisan Nasional could not afford any liabilities.

Given the tainted image of Khairy Jamaluddin in the public perception, Datuk Razali Ibrahim and Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir were chosen instead as a representation from UMNO Youth in the Cabinet.

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's selection also show that he is ready to lead the Government through reforms and endorse the BERANI BERUBAH theme.

Tahniah Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan Datuk Mukhriz Tun Mahathir. Semoga Barisan Nasional dan UMNO dapat maju di bawah payung BERANI BERUBAH.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin and Datuk Wee Ka Siong have a big decision and announcement to make soon in their hands under the Education portfolio.

The message was sent out loud and clear by Najib (Embrace English, says Najib) in the UMNO General Assembly 2009, which is in stark contrast with Anwar Ibrahim's call that we should learn Science and Mathematics in our own mother tongue languages.

A Piece of My Mind will stand by and support Tan Sri and Datuk to march ahead against any tide or storm created by Anwar Ibrahim on the PPSMI case.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin and Datuk Wee Ka Siong, I will expect the PPSMI to be continued and reviewed with improvements.


APOMM Editor
Goh Wei Liang

Previous post - 1 Malaysia : The Malaysian Chinese Association

(Credits to Malaysiakini, TheStar, Daylife and Bernama for the pictures)

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