Monday, February 09, 2009

Raja Adil Raja Disembah

When the Pakatan Rakyat Government collapsed because 3 ADUNs left Pakatan Rakyat, the then Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin announced that he will seek the Royal consent to dissolve the State Assembly.

After consulting the Sultan, Nizar said it is all up to Sultan Azlan Shah to decide whether or not to dissolve the Perak State Assembly and pave the way for a fresh State-wide elections.

Sultan Azlan Shah, in his capacity as the Ruler of Perak then declined the request to dissolve the State Assembly.

Barisan Nasional promptly seeked an audience with the Sultan to inform Tuanku that they now have the majority and confidence of the ADUNs to form a new State Government.

Sultan Azlan Shah and Raja Nazrin Shah did not agree with Barisan Nasional's requests to takeover as the Perak State Government.

At that point in time, BN and Pakatan Rakyat had an equal number of ADUNs in Perak.

The Palace then requested to formally hear a vote of confidence for Barisan Nasional to form the State Government with a majority of ADUNs on their side.

31 ADUNs - 28 from BN and 3 Independents - had an audience with the Sultan of Perak.

After proper consultations of the 31 ADUNs, Sultan Azlan Shah was convinced that Nizar's administration had collapsed and Barisan Nasional now had the support of the majority of ADUNs.

To be fair to Pakatan Rakyat, we all have to face reality and respect the Constitutional right to seek redress in Courts.

The leaders can request for a review of the process that removed Pakatan Rakyat as State Government in the Malaysian Courts.

Whether or not a vote of no confidence is necessary in the Perak State Assembly or it could be done in the Palace in the presence and acknowledgement of the Sultan of Perak, we leave it to the Court.

Article XVI(6): "If the Mentri Besar ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the Legislative Assembly, then unless at his request His Royal Highness dissolves the Legislative Assembly, he shall tender the resignation of the Executive Council".

With the words of the Perak Constitution, it seems like the removal of Nizar can be interpreted as appropriate under the Constitution.

Perhaps, the procedures that led to the instalment of the new BN Perak Govt is questionable in Court and in the minds of the people - in terms of ethics or Constitution.

However, a clear act of treason whether in words or actions against Sultan Azlan Shah and Raja Nazrin Shah should be heavily criticised.

Leave the Palace out of this. Many bloggers and websites are writing comments and proverbs like Raja Adil Raja Disembah, Raja Zalim Raja Disanggah.

I have faith and respect for my caring, fair and just Sultan as a humble Perakian and a subject of Tuanku.

Raja Adil Raja Disembah. APOMM memilih menyembah Tuanku. Daulat Tuanku!

(Credits to TheStar, TheMalaysianInsider, and MySinchew for the photos)


  1. I am just going here and there and landed on your blog.
    How refreshing to read something sober and level-headed from someone young. Not just spouting hate, bile and spleen.

    I think this is so wise when you wrote: "A blind support for Pakatan Rakyat is wrong and unjustified. Neither is it wise to support Barisan Nasional without considering the effects of policies to the Malaysian community."

    Best wishes Wei Liang Goh. May your tribe increase.

  2. Yes I agree with
    Article 16(6) Perak...

    "If the MB ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly, then, unless at his request His Royal Highness dissolves the Legislative Assembly, he shall tender the resignation of the Executive Council."

    I am no good in English, but looking at this article 16(6), what i understand is that, if the MB loses the confidence of the majority, and the Royal Highness doesn't agree to dissolves the Legislative Assembly, then the MB shall tender his resignation together with the EXCO resignation...

    About Perak...

    1. MB Nizar has requested Sultan to dissolves the Legislative assembly... why? Because MB thinks he is no longer holding the majority isn't... or there is other reason? That confirm or satisfay the the - MB ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly

    2. The Sultan has decided not to dissolved the Legislative - meaning that the MB has to tender the EXCO resignation, meaning together with his position as MB.
    he shall tender the resignation of the Executive Council."

    3. If the Perak Sultan agree to - then, unless at his request His Royal Highness dissolves the Legislative Assembly - then Perak Sultan dissolve the DUN and we have new State Election...

    4. If the midle clause is removed, it will says that
    if the MB ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly, he shall tender the resignation of the Executive Council - which means he and his exco will have to resign...

    5. The - MB ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly - is very subjective ... but I think the MB Ir. Nizar has made it easier for the Sultan by his own admission that he is no longer in command of the confidence and request for the dissolution...

  3. well, Nizar lost the plot. The Sultan was fair and just.

    Tuanku waited to hear it from all 31 ADUNs that they no longer have confidence in Nizar.

    The ethics part of the ADUNs quitting the party can be questioned, but I seriously advice PR to leave the Sultan out of this political struggle.

  4. Read this article for a concise explanation on the legality of the sultan's actions:

    As for your dissertation that the sultan was fair just because he asked BN to wait last time, isn't it a little weak? How long has the sultan waited? Less than 6 hours, correct? What would have happened if he had just gone ahead? Total condemnation I tell you. Against who? The sultan.

  5. "...What would have happened if he had just gone ahead? Total condemnation I tell you...."

    'What if' and 'What could be' holds no credit in a debate. This is just your assumption and judging from the tone, you always assume the worst for BN. I can make my own assumption.

    The sultan is to blame for making the BN wait. What would happen if he had just gone ahead? Total massacre I tell you. All of the unstable PR people killing each other because they all want to be MB. Then the BN will gain power. It's just a matter of time.

