Monday, February 09, 2009

Pakatan Rakyat Perak Budget 2009

Antara yang menarik Bajet Perak 09

I. Sebanyak 4,428 rakyat berpendapatan kurang RM700 menerima bekalan air percuma RM10 sebulan.
2. Seribu hektar tanah kepada SAR dan SRJK Cina untuk diusahakan secara komersial
3. RM6 juta untuk dermasiswa rakyat RM1,000 seorang ke IPTA.
4. RM 4.9 juta untuk pendidikan Islam - elaun guru/Penyelia KAFA, Tadika Islam dan bantuan per kapita SAR
5. RM1 Juta untuk Takaful Kifalah kepada kematian warga emas berusia 65 tahun ke atas
6. RM4.88 juta untuk kenaikan elaun bulanan Ketua Kampung dari RM 200 ke RM 400, dan SU JKKK RM200
7. RM2 juta untuk Tabung Khas Kebajikan Rakyat - membantu dan memelihara kebajikan rakyat yang susah
8. RM1 juta untuk Tabung Pinjaman Peniaga Kecil tanpa faedah bagi membantu ibu tunggal/peniaga kecil
9. RM2 Juta untuk Urusetia Hal Ehwal Bukan Islam bagi aktiviti kebudayaan, keagamaan dan pendidikan.
10.Peruntukan EXCO dinaikkan dari RM100 ribu ke RM150 ribu setahun
11.Peruntukan ADUN dinaikkan dari RM150 ribu ke RM200 ribu setahun.
12.Tabung Pusingan Bantuan Bencana Alam di setiap daerah dinaikkan dari RM30 ribu ke RM50 ribu
13.Meluluskan 138 RPT untuk setinggan seluas 4,299 ekar yang boleh menempatkan 34,392 lot rumah.
14.RM60 juta untuk JKR melaksanakan pelbagai projek baru
15.RM8.9 juta untuk JPS bagi rancangan tebatan banjir

My question to MALAYSIANSUNITED was promptly deleted when I asked him "What did Pakatan Rakyat do to help the Indians in Perak? I am interested to know."

I leave it to you to decide when you see the type of comments in his blog that seem to glorify him while comments or opinions questioning his stand are sent to the recycle bin.

A blind support for Pakatan Rakyat is wrong and unjustified. Neither is it wise to support Barisan Nasional without considering the effects of policies to the Malaysian community.

Read: After switching from BN to Pakatan, Indians remain frustrated

Beware Barisan Nasional Perak. Groups of people are unhappy with you to agree in the formation of a State Government when BN has the same number of seats as PR but only to receive a vote of confidence from 3 "friendly" Independent ADUN.

The Malays were claimed to be sidelined in Perak because of the DAP dominance and policies that sided a particular race.

The Indians are not much better either, although they are continuously encouraged to support Pakatan Rakyat State Government.

I admit the Chinese felt the difference between a PR State Govt and a BN State Govt. What about my fellow Malaysian Indians and the Bumiputeras?

We will be watching Zambry and his State Government.

(Credits to TheStar and TheEdgeDaily for the photos)

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