Monday, May 19, 2008

Tun Dr Mahathir

Ahli UMNO Baru yang memegang nombor 0001 dalam kad keahlian hari ini membuat pengumuman untuk keluar dari parti UMNO.

Isu ini tidak boleh dipandang remeh. Majlis Tertinggi UMNO dan komponen parti Barisan Nasional perlu mengkaji isu ini dan memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat jelata yang selama ini setia menyokong bukan sahaja Barisan Nasional, malah Tun Dr Mahathir juga.

Diharapkan Tun dapat mempertimbangkan keputusannya semula kerana kehilangan Tun dalam parti UMNO dan Barisan Nasional pada masa ini, memanglah akan membawa padah.

Diharapkan juga Pakatan Rakyat tidak mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menimbulkan huru - hara. Hormatilah undian rakyat dan keputusan yang telah diwartakan. Izinkanlah Barisan Nasional menangani isu ini dan janganlah bermain dengan api, wahai Pakatan Rakyat.

Berkhidmat Untuk Negara !


  1. Tun mahathir, time for him to go to mental hospital and enjoy his retirement there. he is the most corrupted leader in malaysia

  2. I feel tun mahathir has pushed the button way too far. he shd realise and understand that he is currently a FORMER PM, ordinary member of umno. as such, his resignation shdn't b taken as a crisis in umno. no doubt, his influence is tremendous but if everyone takes his words or actions too seriously, it wud b a blatant disrespect to the current PM with regards to the hierarchal structure of umno. our current PM shd assure the public that NO ONE in this world is irreplaceable!! not even the great tun mahathir! pls be reminded that he was the one who passed down the baton to Abdullah and suggested that Najib wud be the next leader. Now, he is trying to say that both of them are not fit to become the nation's leaders? i sense hypocracy... he has lost his plot and i truly believe he shd start taking his word for retirement seriously!
