Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cukuplah, Pakatan Rakyat

In March, the people gave you your chance to show what you are worth. The results of the GE were clear - 5 states for Pakatan Rakyat, the rest for BN and the Federal Government stays with BN with a simple majority.

I hope the results were clear and the wishes of the people are in the minds of Pakatan Rakyat leaders too. The message sent out by the people was strong and stern to BN. But it is also for you, Pakatan Rakyat. You have 5 important states to prove your worth. So prove it to the people your election promises and what makes your team different from BN.

Why are you showing your greedy and power hungry side? Your actions of now wooing other BN components and their MPs are just disgraceful. First of all, it is a mockery of democracy. The people voted for the particular MP together with the party they represent in their respective seats. The people did not vote for BN just to have them crossover and see Pakatan woo them over. The people did not vote for Pakatan on that day just to see them crossover to BN.

The people exercised their democratic rights on that day to vote for the individual and the party they want to be represented by.

Secondly, the public exercised their rights in March in the General Election. What were the results? 5 states - Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor and Kelantan - for Pakatan Rakyat, other states for BN and the Federal Government stays with BN.

The people voted for BN to continue ruling Malaysia under a simple majority. Respect their people's decision. Just because the people say they are willing to give you a chance, it doesnt mean they are giving you the whole country.

So stop the wooing of MPs all over the country. Do not mock the people's choice. The people voted only 2 months plus ago ! Respect the rakyat. Perform in those 5 states first. Why show the power hungry and greedy side of you now?

Pakatan Rakyat is finally showing the true colours. Ambitious but greedy and power hungry. You have 5 states to work and perform. So do it and the people will decide in the next Election whether you are fit for Federal Government or not !

More importantly, respect the Rakyat's decision in March 2008 !! I am so sick and tired of all these paper-wasting and time-consuming news publishing and reading of crossovers, Anwar as the new PM soon, something exciting will happen by Malaysia Day, etc.

Now, to comment on Barisan Nasional in Sabah. Hello Sabah MPs. Please tell me why your rakyat is so indecisive. Please tell me why did the rakyat vote for you happily in March only to feel unhappy now. Just two months, mind you.

Are the people angry of BN in Sabah or is it just the lot of you Sabah MPs unhappy that you are not getting enough seats in the Cabinet? You have the position of Speaker of the Noble House, and various Cabinet posts. Sabah is well represented and the Ministers and Cabinet members can voice whatever they want in the Government. Do you actually need 20 Sabah Ministers to make your point clear and loud? All it takes, is just at least one.

The other solution is that Sabah MPs can form a united association, a caucus or whatever it is they see fit. That way, you can also meet the PM and the Government line up anytime you want to voice it out.

The election is just over for 2 months. Dont give me the nonsense that the rakyat is so angry now. If the rakyat were so angry, they wouldn't have voted for BN MPs in Sabah because all these while, the representation of Sabahans in the Government was never an issue. Until recently, the Sabah MPs show to Malaysia that they are opportunists.

It might be true that Sabah needs more money for development. But what do you expect the Government to do? Right away approve the Budget after two months of Election and allocate billions for Sabah? That will be so nonsensical ! It will show that BN uses the budget of the Government of Malaysia to play politics. And that is exactly what Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is doing by offering the 'carrot' and dangling it in front of the Sabah MPs.

I critically slam this action of "Election Budget" - be it pre or post election. I totally disagree with this. And please, Datuk Yong Teck Lee was once disqualified in the Gaya by Parliamentary seat election due to corrupt and illegal election practices. Why is his words even so credible now? I thought we all hate people like these with tainted profiles.

As for now, we know what Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is offering as "crossover benefits". We also know what the Sabah MPs want. We also know what Pak Lah can give. I hope Barisan Nasional or any Malaysian think-tank can start modeling this game theory. Check if this crossover threat is credible or not. And publish the results. So that once we know about that, we move on either to take the threat seriously, or we move on to ignore a non-credible threat.

I believe we can safely assume that the component parties of BN will not attempt to leave BN. If they are, where is the loyalty? If they join Pakatan now and Pakatan loses the next Election badly, we can be assured opportunists like these will jump back to BN. It is a highly disgraceful act, in my opinion, if there exist such opportunists.

Again, I have blogged about the UMNO matter. To me, I dont really believe there are any threats at all of a crossover. The Sabah BN MPs know their game well and what is best for them. But as I said, I hope some expert in game theory modeling can review this matter. I have studied in depth game theory before but I am not good enough to model a threat like this.

I also wish to highlight the attention to RPK's previous articles about the Sabah corruption matters. I dont know how true these are. But suspicions are always alive in all of us. Especially on my part, I am beginning to feel suspicious of whether the rakyat is angry, or the MPs there in Sabah are greedy.

Back to UMNO matters, Tan Sri Muhyiddin needs another "superpower" backing if he is to offer himself for highest posts. For now, Tun Dr Mahathir will be busy with the Government and the Royal Commission who will investigate him. I suspect this matter might even be brought to a Court of Law. Tun has my full support because it is his right to select the judges and this power bestowed upon him is written clearly in his portfolio of Prime Minister-ship, just like how Pak lah decides on the judges in his tenure now.

So, Tan Sri Muhyiddin really needs to search either for a running mate or a superpower backing. To be honest, I believe Tengku Razaleigh will be able to work hand in hand with Tan Sri Muhyiddin. That is the best bet now. Datuk Seri Najib has a noose hanging around his neck with the Mongolian case. The friend of Altantuya said in the Court of Law that she knows of a picture of the meeting between someone in the Government that has similar name with Abdul Razak Baginda, the accused himself, and Altantuya. It was linked "vaguely" to Datuk Seri Najib. Perhaps, that lady gave a false statement in Court? And what picture is that? We should actually press for that picture.

Nevertheless, we shall not comment much on an ongoing case in Court. But politically, Datuk Seri Najib is facing some rough times with the Altantuya case still around. That is why I say, the best team of challenger in UMNO now has to be Ku Li and Muhyiddin.

A Piece of My Mind.

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