Sunday, December 09, 2007

What A Joke !!

Wah .... 500 policemen and a chopper ...... just to guard 100 lawyers in today's walk ! And KL City Council officers took down banners and placards at Bar Council without a warrant ?

Oh my my .... dear Datuk Bandar KL , you are in such deep trouble .. but let us not all forget about our judiciary system . It has elements of politics from the ruling party in it .... so .... if the Bar Council President wants to take action , maybe she should think twice :)

All right ... freedom of expression is only available online .... but I guess not for long ! I remember KJ and UMNO Youth barge into a US delegation meeting led by Condoleeza Rice in KL . I believe it was in front pages of the mainstream media too . Wah .... was KJ arrested ?

Itu lagi lah malu YAB PM Malaysia ! US is our major partner in terms of trade , partnership , etc . It is also a global power . Isn't it harmful to our image and bad for foreign investors to see the tightest security for US Secretary of State being cracked open by KJ ?

Or was it "allowed" ? Hmm ..... tsk tsk .... the peaceful walk of lawyers and peaceful Bersih walk was dangerous to society ..... bad for the image of the country ... shameful to the foreign investors etc . But KJ's act of charging into Miss Rice's place was all right .... no problem at all ?!??!

Hmm .... in the long run , justice will prevail .

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