Friday, December 07, 2007

December 10th

This is gonna be one hell of a day for me .... haha .... will let you guys know more perhaps a few days after Dec 10th .... but pray for my best ...

Anyway , to comment on other things , HINDRAF has links to terrorists ? Hmm .... I am wondering what the hell does that mean !?

I remember seeing Jeff Ooi posting a Youtube video of a group of kids dressed in terrorists ski masks with some Islamic verses as backdrop etc . These kids threatened the safety and life of Mr Wee aka ... the Negaraku rapper . I think these guys are even more dangerous than HINDRAF . Why didn't our IGP go find out who these guys were and arrest them ?

I doubt the IGP and PDRM are doing the job with their motto Bersih dan Cekap ..... I believe our PDRM forces are lop sided .

I don't know why our UMNO leaders are playing the racial cards . Starting with Datuk Wira Ali Rustam ..... then we have Khir Toyo ..... initially we had the keris problem from UMNO Youth Chief , we even had problems from KJ . But of course not only UMNO plays that . Many other parties play the racial card . When then can we realise a Bangsa Malaysia ?

I am surprised Rockybru and other bloggers are very much into achieving a united Malaysia . Now we have an MP from Parit Sulong trying to be a hero .... calling for the removal of non Islamic signs in missionary schools .

Hello Mr MP .... let me give you an example of SMK St Michael Institution . This school is in Ipoh , Perak . An excellent premier school . Let me tell you about the many signs of un Islamic and un Malaysian statues , art and design located in many parts of the building . We even have a La Sallian Brothers Quarters for the Reverend and Brothers and their staff to stay .

Any problems ? Not at all ! In SMK St Michael , we can see Malays , Indians and Chinese joking and playing with each other , studying and helping each other !!

I enjoyed my days in Ipoh being friends with my Malay pals ... I sit with a Malay guy all throughout my studies there . His name is Hafiz Harun . My good friend and he is in UiTM now with another friend of mine Azlan . I even had Indian friends .... Chinese friends .

My school teachers are so close to me .... I even have a teacher called Mr Rajan who calls me brother .... we shake hands and joke about everything together ..... I even have Malay teachers who are so fond of the students .... we live in St Michael's like a family . I even have a Malay teacher called Encik Sidek who is so dedicated and teaches with full spirit ... this is the spirit which we call it as The Michaelian Spirit .

We live and fight together . The current Principal is Mr Poon and I do not know him at all ... but the former Principal is Mr Louis Rozario .

He punishes those who are racial . He scolds teachers who are racists . He teaches students to love each other . He doesn't care whether you are Malay , Chinese or Indian . He practices democracy and equality . In schools , we are allocated about 4 days of leave at least . Mr Louis Rozario announced every time that he will apply only one day off for each race . Hari Raya Haji , CNY , Deepavali , Good Friday .

And that's it . No extra no less .... any extras will be for Sports Day , Teachers' Day . Did we have any problems in school ? No ... all teachers enjoyed teaching in St Michael's Institution .

Each time any student or any team or any teacher brings any trophy or championship back to SMI , he will make sure everyone knows that person by calling him or her to the stage during the daily assemblies . Many were motivated to do better and many were challenging each other to win something as they all wanted to go up the stage .

All students are willing to come to SMI ..... I used to hear from the school authorities that there are at least 1000 students in the waiting list each year !

In SMI , Mr Louis came in and revamp the system . He used the system of helping the least , the last and the lost . We always hear about it on Monday assemblies . In SMI we do not promote favouritism . We only focus on the last , the least and the lost and bring them up to excel like everyone else .

That is why in this school , we live in harmony . I will not deny the problems of gangsterisme in SMI , the problems of smoking etc . But in SMI , the gangsters do not fight . Mr Louis personally stand around school and get tip off of fightings . Mr Louis goes around at 6am near the school to check on those who loiter and smoke . And whoever does not tuck in their school uniform outside school be it in mall or outside buying food or going for tuition , these students will be punished . During his time , all students tuck in their uniform whenever they are wearing it . Nowadays though , the discipline level has dropped after Mr Louis retired .

Did we have any problems ? No .

What I am saying here is not all about Mr Louis' life or SMI's great legacy . But I am telling you the harmony we had . It was all due to the happy life we shared , no racism , no racists statements , no favouritism , great leadership under an excellent Principal who received an award AMN from Sultan Perak Sultan Azlan Shah .

So you see .... why the shouting of racial chauvinism !?? Are we happier if another May 13 occured ? So please stop all these nonsense . Leave it to the General Election . Whoever we are unhappy with , "Sack Them" .

I would prefer a better administration . And I believe if this goes on .... and in year 2020 if Malaysia declares that she has achieved Vision 2020 , I would like to call upon the Attorney General or Bar Council to sue the Prime Minister in year 2020 . Because I don't think the Bangsa Malaysia objective has been achieved at all .

Let us all stop these racism . Racial tensions have to be put off . Otherwise , we are gonna live in a real Tanah Tumpah Darahku where plants are covered in red , tar roads are coated with red , cars splattered with red , shops and food in red .... and this red is what we call "Blood" .

Enough is enough . We should stop all these nonsense . If there is a problem , we look into it . And not put it off just like that . What if the economists in MTEN calculated wrongly and the Indians were really left behind in the NEP ? What if the policymakers really did not include the poor Malays and the Chinese ? What if the Opposition was right by saying that NEP only helped those connected to UMNO ? What about those Malays not connected to UMNO ? I can see that Kelantan suffers from Federal Government assistance . Other states receive a lot of help from Federal Govt . I can see that many Malays are still with low education , joining the street racing , backward etc . I can see that many Indians are with low education as well .... fighting and drinking alcohol . I can see many Chinese are still cheating for money , with low education , taking drugs .

What then are the government policies for ? I wonder . One day , we should all read the Manifesto of Barisan Nasional . We take the election promises for granted . The Star , NST , Utusan Melayu etc should conduct a survey and check how many Malaysians read the manifestos of political parties especially Barisan Nasional .

I doubt the percentage reaches 20% .

That's all ..... let us pray for better days ahead for Malaysia .....

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