Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sayonara Proton !

Well well . Just received a comment that I should put a chatterbox in my blog . I will do so later once I return to Malaysia . Kinda busy these days . I'm having exams beginning 2nd November .... ending 14th November .

After that , will be rushing to Sydney for 1 0r 2 nites to meet up with some friends , shop and dine ... get some nougat perhaps . And then ... will be flying back on 17th November via my favourite and one and only airline - MAS !

Didn't really had time to blog but I read that Pak Lah and Nik Aziz are having a good relationship . This is good especially for UMNO and PAS and the world of crazy politics . I hope their "show" during the ECER launch in Kelantan was sincere . And I wish both of these two senior politicians all the best in future .

However , after reading another news at , I was surprised with some of the photos (shown below) .

This was the car at the airport awaiting for Pak Lah . I wonder if this official car is from KL to be used by the PM or was it an official car provided by Kelantan Government ?

I used to remember during Tun Dr Mahathir's time , there was formal notices that Government officials who are given official cars need to ensure that the cars are from Proton . And that time , cars were Proton Perdana .

But if I'm not mistaken , the car in the picture is a BMW ? Of course we still can remember BMW buying over MV Augusta's division for about RM 300 million ..... and yet we sold the whole MV Augusta for RM 4 . What happened to the business plan to turnaround the terrible performance of Proton after Tengku Mahaleel was forced to quit ? We all wonder what magic "Harry Potter" can do for Proton .
I guess we now know the answer ... bye bye Proton .

All right then ... all the best for finals to all my friends ...

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