Saturday, October 20, 2007

Once Upon A Time

I remember once during Tun's hammering of Pak Lah's administration , officials and Ministers come forth saying that the country has more press freedom , more freedom of expression ... and basically more freedom here and there after Pak Lah took over !

We even have statistics showing that . Unless of course my memory failed me , these were to show off to the public how "bad" Tun Dr Mahathir was and how "good" the current admin was . These days , Malaysia's ranking achieved the best ever corrupted nation standings .... best ever here means new high record for corruption . And we achieved a lower press freedom ranking .

But here we have.... Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin reportedly said that we should not bother about RSF ... the organization that showed how "good" Malaysia is in terms of press freedom . RSF is a very famous and credible organization . My research on Freedom Of Expression - Should we limit freedom of expression - was partly based from work and details on RSF . It is certainly highly credible . This I can assure you .

Now . We should all treat these statistics as "not true measures" , "don't bother about it" , "not a reflection of the situation" ... etc etc etc .

In future , if these Ministers come forth saying .... "Seeeeee , we have improved in corruption rankings !!" , then we should always ignore and tell these Ministers "eleh ... not true measure la Datuk .... last time you told us we should ignore it" .

I was furious when Datuk Seri Zainuddin started to sing another tune and helped in silencing Dr Mahathir , attacking him etc .

You will know why when you read the book personally written by ZAM ... and published as The Other Side of Mahathir . A good book to read on ....

Anyway .... once upon a time statistics used to be trusted and highly revered ... these days in Malaysia , Ministers say we should ignore it .


  1. That is why they say statistics may not lie, but they can only be changed.

  2. That is why they say statistics may not lie, but they can only be changed.

  3. That is why they say statistics may not lie, but they can only be changed.

  4. I think something ought to be done to restoe freedom. The satistic might be manipulated.
