Friday, September 07, 2007

Wahai Al Muslimin

"I suggest to these stray dog lovers, why dont you adopt all the stray dogs and feed them and place them in your kitchen so that the stray dogs wont prowl around to bite children."

The above comment was from a blog entry in :

Now now my dear fellow Malaysian . There are people out there who have tried to adopt the stray dogs and let them live in their homes . Remember the Chinese man we all read in papers ? He saw a few of his dogs shot dead by the authorities who barge into his home . Dead ... the dogs have been living with him for some time ... they are like his children .... but were murdered .

There are many people out there who tried to help reduce stray dogs . I personally know one kind and lovely lady who does this kind of thing . Sending to SPCA will mean putting the dog to sleep . But she keeps it at her home . Her neighbours did not object thankfully . And there are quite a number of dogs living in her home . I will not tell you where , how many dogs , who is this lady so don't bother asking .

She lives with her dogs peacefully everyday . She goes to the market to get some meat and food from kind sellers . These sellers know she is doing not only a good thing for the society .... but also for the dogs to live their lives out till the end . They offer her meat for free or at minimal price level .

And till today ... till today ... the dozens of dogs she live with have never attacked her ... never my friend . Did the dogs attack the Chinese man reported in The Star ? No they didn't . I think they tried attacking the authorities ...

Why ? Don't be foolish to ask me why . If I pose a threat to the United States , will they come get me or will they let me sit around and do whatever I want ?

So you see ... dogs do not see children as chicken meat you know . Kids are naughty just like you and me were in the old days . Yeah ... do you remember ?

Kids are not that mature ... they see dogs like tigers .... like rabbits ... they feel scared but they think that the animal is cute .

So what do kids do ? Yes .... they stand at road sides and pick up whatever they see and throw at the animal . Unless of course their parents do educate them at home or on the spot that animals are also part of the lovely creation of God . I have seen young Chinese kids throwing pebbles or sticks at dogs .

They do not mean anything . Kids are in fact afraid because they have never been in contact with any dogs ... but they find them special and different and always wanting to get some reaction from the doggies .

But not all dogs reply with just a bark . Some will chase the kids . Some will chase the old people who attacked them in the first place . And what do you know next ? We have The Star , NST , Utusan , The Sun , Harian Metro all over the place reporting about "BAD DOGS" .

Yeah . We never sit down to analyze the behavior of animals . What have we done to our rational thoughts ? Perhaps we are guided and motivated by informal education .... perhaps we are blinded by development .

Nevertheless ... animals are soon running out in population . Soon our descendants will be asking us ,"What the HELL did you do with these animals !?"

Why ? Because they will only be seeing pictures of dogs , cats , tigers , elephants . And it might cost them a bomb to visit the only zoo located somewhere in the world . What will that make us ? A generation of sins of course .

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