Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sent an Email to SPCA , SPCA forwarded to Remembering Sheena Organization

Below was the email I received ... out of the blue .

Very sorry, but please don't forward any emails from SPCA to this email address. The SPCA in Malaysia is not like it is in UK for instance where it is very effective and has successfully carried out important education programmes.

SPCA Selangor which is more well off than the others have no interest in helping any of the other SPCA branches.

If the SPCA after over half a century in existence did their job properly in the area of EDUCATION there would be no need for groups like the Remembering Sheena Campaign (, The Furry Friends Farm and Independent Pet Rescuers.

We would be very happy to relinquish all the hard work we are doing to the SPCA and happily donate to them, knowing they are doing a good job because we actually have our own careers and are dedicating so much of our free time towards this cause because we can't stand to see animals suffering.

Unfortunately this is not to be. We only see SPCA Selangor come in when there is a crisis (especially a well publicized crisis just for the publicity) and then give a lot of comments to the Press with absolutely no effort on its part to see it through.

Like the Petition to amend the Animal Ordinance 1953, SPCA gave a lot of speeches to the Press but never saw it through. RSC intitated the Remembering Sheena rally in 2005 and handed over nearly 5000 signatures to SPCA. We had many people complaining to ask what happened to the signatures as they had gone to great lenghts such as to the hospitals and malls to get signatures. Only after these complaints started appearing in the Press did SPCA make some sort of ambiguous comment and we still don't know if this Petition has been handed in. Till today no protest either from SPCA against the new Animal Act 2006 that is exactly the same as the 1953 Ordinance.

There are so many other problems which I don't have time nor want to be bothered to write about on SPCA Selangor. I'd rather focus on the REAL work which is to improve the lives of all animals in Malaysia and the way to do that is EDUCATION - not setting up a dumping ground for people to bring in strays and then euthanize hundreds everyday without teaching society the value of a life.

RSC will help anyone who genuinely wants to help animals but we don't wish to be dragged into publicity stunts only for the sake of names to appear in the papers and absolutely no improvement in the lives of animals in the country.

We don't normally comment about other "ineffectual" work, but in view of the number of forwarded mails received from SPCA and about SPCA we have had to send out this letter (much to our dissatisfaction).

We hope you will respect our wishes and once again for all those who are "genuinely" seeking to help animals, we are at your service.

Thank you and God bless,
Shoba Mano.

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