Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Malaysia , Truly Asia

To The Cabinet of the Malaysian Government led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ,

Dear Datuk/Datin/Datuk Seri/Datin Seri/Tan Sri/Puan Sri ( I don't think there are any Puan Sris in the Cabinet ) , I would like to bring this to your attention with regards to the Port Klang Free Zone financial crisis . According to some articles , there are allegations that PKFZ have amounted to a USD 1.3 billion debts due to scandals , land deal irregularities and costs overruns . And I believe a police report has been made ?

My dear leaders . A fellow Malaysian studying in Taiwan rapped the National Anthem . This fellow Malaysian who will be "importing his knowledge" back to Malaysia once he graduates will add value to our nation's labour force . Never has he swindled any money from the Treasury . Never has he killed anyone ( not that we know off ) . He came up to the public assuring us of his patriotism and that he will be back in Malaysia to serve the country . Knowledge imported from overseas should be valued at least as much as our self produced knowledge through domestic research and reports .

If my respected and honorable leaders of the Malaysian Government think that his rapping was wrong and insulting to the country , I agree with you partially . No one should ever mess around with our national anthem . But we can also see it as he loves to rap and he raps anything and everything on the surface of Earth . This can be proven by his past rap songs .

If by rapping our national anthem is a mockery of our country , then the PKFZ scandal should be viewed in the same way . If stripping off the citizenship was considered for this rapper , I put forth my request as a Malaysian to the Cabinet of Malaysia that those greedy and scandalous executives involved in the PKFZ scandal be considered as well . We cannot let anyone swallow up our hard earned taxpayers' funds and just get a slap of a fine or maybe a 5 year jail term . Hey , if you slap someone with a fine or a 5 year jail term but you offer RM100 million , I believe many will consider this offer . If PKFZ has Government financial interests in it , then the scandalous executives or whoever is involved are worse than the rapper himself . We should all bash them way harder than we bashed and shamed the rapper .

We should use all laws possible to slam these leeches living in PKFZ . If just by using his mouth and rapping our national anthem created a hoo-hah in the Malaysian media , I would like to see a clear media coverage on this PKFZ issue as well . If just by using his mouth and rapping our national anthem landed him in hot soup and attracted the attention of IGP of Malaysia , Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz and many other parties at such terrifying speed and mood , then I put forth my request that an even better attention be given to the lovely "behind the scenes" of PKFZ .

As an aside , if RPK is to be implicated for comments on his blog , I believe the racists remarks posted by some fella (I think it was a Chinese) on the Prime Minister's website should be considered as well . Otherwise , haha , we would be making a fool of ourselves in the international arena . People will look at the leaders as abusing powers and using the law selectively on people . Laws used in a selective manner on selected people can be seen as draconian laws as well I think .

That is all I have to say , my honorable leaders . I thank you in advance for your consideration of my requests and thank you all for leading Malaysia to a better future .

Thank you .

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