Sunday, August 19, 2007

Malam Merdeka

Merdeka Night is this Thursday at Rydges Hotel , Canberra . Rumours ( or perhaps facts ) are going around that sales aren't that good . Price is pegged at $40 .

The celebration is held earlier on the 23rd of August because the High Commissioner of Malaysia to Australia will not be able to spend time with us to grace the event as he will be away for APEC meetings . Well , what then explains the "rumoured" low sales ?

I proposed to the High Comm to invite our beloved ex PM TDM to Canberra to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our Independence . He rejected the project to be handled by the Embassy but we could always go to the Malaysian Students Organization .

So I did . I forwarded the letter which Mr Sufi ( Tun's PA ) emailed to me . To the Vice President of the MSO - Malaysian Students Organization of Canberra . She couldn't do much . So we forwarded to the Malaysian Students Council of Australia ( MASCA ) . So happened the president is from ANU . But of course since Tun is from UMNO and he has been demonised and sidelined by the mainstream politicians of UMNO , I expected that this idea will also be given the lethal injection .

Till today , neither do I or the Vice President of MSO knows about the progress or results . Were there any meetings held to discuss the possibility of working on financing and inviting Tun here ? Well I think Petronas provides a private jet for Tun . We of course will need to get security clearances and accommodation for Tun . That I believe we can settle since the Merdeka Night is selling tickets at $40 and targetting 200 people I think .

If Tun is here with us on Thursday , trust me dear organizers . You will get not 200 . I bet you will get even 500 easily . The motive of inviting Tun here is not to give him a chance to bash up leaders ( which he has not been doing ) . Since day one , he merely voice out his opinions of managing Malaysia . But we are inviting him to Canberra for a night of listening to his speech - an opportunity to hear the man who managed us for 22 years . A man filled with ideas of independence , foreign occupation , sovereignty , dignity as well as harmony in a multi racial society . we can learn from his words and wisdom .

But it all went blank . Nothing came up . So yes . I am highly unhappy . But still , I am a Malaysian who supports and loves my country . With dreams of seeing Tun here on Thursday dashed , I will still attend no matter what . For it is my country's independence celebration . And I will go there proud of my country's development contributed by the efforts of our 4 past Prime Ministers ... and hopefully will do well under our current PM .

For those of you who are organizing the Malam Merdeka in Canberra and reads my blog , I stand by what I say and I won't apologize if I offended you , perhaps we might have different political opinions and sales ideas . There are a few reasons why sales aren't that good ( if the rumous is true ) .

Firstly , the International Student Department of ANU's Ball has just ended . Secondly , its $40 ! Yes . ISD's ball was way cheaper and people are asking why there are sponsors and yet the price is still high . Thirdly , I don't know ... it would have been better if we had at least some top academician , nationalists or historian from Malaysia with us . And yes ... I maintain my position in inviting Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad . It is not a bad idea to listen to him and have a retired PM celebrate here with us . Try listening to his past speeches ( I have been listening to most ) and you will understand . You will regret for not meeting and listening to him before it is too late .

Just got back from Sydney for a short trip . Bought myself a Lacoste shirt . Its not cheap at all ... but nice and satisfying :)

All right . Nitez !

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