Sunday, February 04, 2007


Wow . I've been using the word 'wow' very frequently these days . To all my friends , sorry if you here my new found habit ... i like to use this word... it can be used for sarcasm or expression of shock , amazement etc . Good word to use .

I was shocked to receive a new comment on one of my entries . Read it below .

"The Tun is the man who damaged respect for the law because he confused rule of the law with rule by law. He also did nothing to further the cause of a free press (freedom of the press) when he was in a position to do so. Tun Dr Mahathir does not deserve to write in any newspaper/blog/periodical. He is not an intellectual and we will all pay when the oil runs out in 20 years time. Perhaps Pak Lah will lock him under the ISA to shut him up. As for the rest of you, migrate now if you can. "

Now the problem with this comment . At first you said Tun damaged the respect for the law . And then you expressed a hope through prediction that Pak Lah will lock him under ISA to shut Tun up .


You are wrong , Anonymous . You are so wrong . Tun does not deserve to write in any newspaper ?? A leader of 22 years who won the Mother Theresa award and is currently nominated for Nobel Peace Prize , a man respected widely all over Japan , South East Asia and the Third World . You are telling me he does not deserve to write in any papers or blogs or any media !??

I heard Pak Lah a PM for just a few years already has a paper of his own . Kepala Batas paper . And many are ordering and subscribing to it too !! I mean ... what the !?!??!

So who deserves it more ? You , my dear Anonymous ? Or me ? Tun ? Pak Lah ? Of these four , Tun has the highest credentials and credibility to write .

Normally I don't publish harsh remarks like this . But I have read some comments that Jeff Ooi only publish comments that support his ideas in Screenshots . Not me . I do it liberally . You can say what you want , I publish it . But I have the freedom to refute any comments .

And to encourage me to migrate , yeah . I don't know whether you are a male or female . But let me ask you . When your mom made a fuss over something she wants , your dad doesnt really agree and they quarreled , DID YOUR DAD ASK YOU TO LEAVE THE HOUSE AND GO TO ANOTHER FAMILY !?


Its your country , my friend . The country which you ask so much for subsidies , more money , more tax benefits . If you are so unhappy , just go . Just leave . Keep your ideas to yourself and just go .

I'm staying . My country is dirty , my country is in a mess . My fellow relatives are here . My favourite hawker is here . My mamak stall is still here . My friends are here . And this is home . When my home has problems , I will serve my home all I can . I will try contribute my expertise to them . If till the day I die , my country is still as it is , backward , racists and corrupted , at least I die knowing that I have tried . And it will be a life that I won't regret .

Perhaps . But I can't tell the future . Perhaps I might be having a thinking like you later . A thought that I hope will never occur in my mind . Sigh . But for now , I'm firm with what I think .

If I have problems with my parents and my wife , I don't ask my kids to go live with another family . Yeah , boy , girl , daddy thinks you will be happier to live with Uncle Ah Seng and Auntie Rosie . So go live with them ok . Migrate to their family . Let the problem grow at home . Well , we are bringing out the parangs and guns later for a family war ok ? So you go away and live with Uncle Ah Seng .

GRAND IDEA . Yeah . I don't know who you are . But you are emotional (I believe I am emo now too !!) . Do you think UK , Australia and New Zealand are so damn peaceful and nice !?

It is true we have problems in our country .

But if you are a Chinese or Indian . Let me tell you this . You won't be here today speaking English with a learned mind like you are now . You might not even be born into the world . The war and poverty might have killed your family earlier . But you came to Malaysia , seek shelter , and prospered perhaps . But you have the right to have your ideas . Migrate as you wish .

We read about the Hmong group being turned away from Thailand . Refugees being sent away everywhere in the world . With the knowledge we have , it is unlikely they will progress personally when they are no different from nomads . Being homeless . Imagine we Chinese and Indians were turned away last time from Malaya . You and I won't be around I guess . Or might be sleeping in some unknown Island somewhere .

But after 50 years of independence , we should be like the Thais . They are living like Thais even though they come from many countries in the past few decades . And they are Thais , not Laotian migrate folks , not some Chinese or Indians . They are plain Thais . We ? We still have some parties shouting the keris issues , shouting racist comments , we still have some hardcore racist Chinese and Indians who taunt the Malays . This is the fact in Malaysia . The argument of Social Contract and the Malays had great hospitality 50 - 100 years ago were right I believe . But to keep arguing that after 50 years or 200 years of Independence and formulate lopsided policies , corrupted officials and having extravagant expenditures that only enrich the upper echelons and not the country as a whole , these are absurd and we need a reform . Intellectuals must come back not just by truckloads , preferably by the thousands . Come back . Reform . Save the country .

Well , that's a side issue but ... oh yes . If you are a Malay , then I got nothing else to say . Tun tried his many best to help Malays . But greedy UMNO folks and other politicians might have caused you a better life and education . Or it could be other factors .

I don't know who you are . You might be a friend of mine , a relative or just a normal blog reader . But I believe you are a Malaysian ? No hard feelings . The above was just A PIECE OF MY MIND .

You gave us your piece . I give you mine . Only available here . In the blogosphere . A Piece of My Mind ... cheers .

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