Sunday, February 04, 2007

Saya Tak Tahu

These days I keep telling my dad how disappointed I am . I have won national titles for debates . And I know what is a suicide comment , what is not .

A suicide comment will be something like 'I don't know' . Or maybe I will let my fellow debator answer your question . Saya tak tahu .

These comments ... I have heard many . And when you say that in a debate ...I hope you start praying cause you will be sliced by the opposing team ... and judges will send you packing . I'm serious ...

And at the highest level of leadership , debates and quality in the country ... I read and hear comments like that . How disappointing . Tun , you have always said you make mistakes ... some with the Malay Agenda , some with the Malay billionaires turning their backs and not supporting your cause , some with the racists in Chinese and Malay associations , some with choosing your Deputy .

Tun . Did you choose the right successor ? I wonder . And I hope you did Tun ... but you dont seem to think so after a few years of your retirement .

Sigh . How I wish you stayed on Tun . I like your style , we all do ... we always do Tun .

Sigh . RM 30 million yacht . I don't care about the jet . Probably it is all right to buy a new jet . You know ... maybe the life of those government planes are too old etc .

But the RM30 mil yacht should not just fade away into our dreams by saying I didn't order that boat .

Hey ! Hurriyet Turkey ? Where's the apology to the Prime Minister of Malaysia and to the Chairman of OIC !?

But Anwar was told by the Premier of Turkey that the yacht was for our PM . Some said that Ananda Krishnan ordered it and will be giving the yacht to him .

Sigh . Dr Mahathir said that PMB is wholly owned by the government .

Haha . Yeah Mr PM . You were saying that the corporate jet will be leased from PMB and it is not owned by the government ?

Wow . So does that mean Sime Darby , Guthrie , Proton is not government linked ??

I am seriously confused with the rationale given . Haha .

To be fair , it is good to see some things moving these days ... review of community colleges etc .

But till today , I still want a half bridge in Johor . Open up that barrier style Causeway... let the water flow through !! And let Johor ports prosper !!

And Singapore ... sigh... they are giving trouble to Malaysians and Thais . Remarks are going around that the flood in Johor was mainly contributed by the land reclaimation in Singapore inwards to Johor !!

Yeah . And Singapore has a problem with the Thais . Well , I came back since November and Dad did not entertain me when I talked politics . Sigh . I wonder if dad will like my idea of being a politician . My heart is with the people and I gain happiness when I help people . I don't care if I'm not a tycoon or what .

But surprisingly , he offered me a view in the Thai situation . But then ... haha... I mentioned it in one of my entries previously ... but nice to hear him talk . I tried talking more ... but he didn't give a response .

Sigh . So yeah ... I have no one to talk about politics to ... probably Amzar eh ? My friend in Japan now . Close pal ... need to catch up with you Amzar !

Well ... kinda late now ... gotta go sleep soon .

Keep it up Dr Mahathir . Tun , we need you and I will always support you . MAKE WAR A CRIME , TUN !!!

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