Sunday, May 09, 2010

Extremism in MCA

MCA is actually a party heavily divided not just by warlords but also by objectives.

Some groups are in MCA for business purposes and they don't care what happens to the country as long as their pockets are save.

There is another group who cares only about positions and play politics all the time where they sway their stand according to the wind flow.

Our focus today is on a group which always talk about the Chinese without ever thinking of other races.

This group is actually a pain for MCA because they are largely influential in MCA politics and they are heavyweights within the Party's four walls.

"More Chinese schools, more money for Chinese education, more businesses for Chinese, more contracts for Chinese, more allocation for Chinese NGOs ..... "

Any failure to fulfill these, the MCA leadership will have to be prepared to be voted out in the next party election.

Change the word "Chinese" to "Malay" and make it Perkasa's demands, won't MCA criticize it ? Why slam the role of Perkasa and its relationship with UMNO or former leaders ?

All these while, MCA and the Chinese NGOs and the extremist Chinese group in the Party are like blood brothers.

So, am I wrong to say MCA has extremist elements ? No I am not.

So before the leaders start talking about UMNO and Perkasa, my advice to MCA leaders is to first look at our own backyard first.

This is coming from someone who boldly and vocally supports MCA, me.

Why are we slamming others when our backyard looks dirty and we make ourselves vulnerable to retaliation attacks which we probably can't defend ?

Will MCA dare to distance themselves from the Chinese NGOs ? MCA leaders cannot and must not be seen as saying one thing but doing another.

The fault does not lie solely in Perkasa for MCA's failure to win Chinese votes. So, please. Get the cards right.

Next, I will point out to you why MCA's New Media Unit might turn out to be a big joke. And yes, MCA copied not just UMNO's concept but their unit name also - Unit Media Baru (UMB).


  1. Do the guys in MCA know Chinese? I doubt so. So how can they call themselves the MALAYSIAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION? If at all these MCA guys know Chinese, they would not be using these two Chinese characters “争取”which literally mean "to fight for (something)"!

    Just why should MCA, as a component party in BN which is the government of the day, fight for this and fight for that? Shouldn't they leave all the fighting to the OPPOSITION? If at all MCA thinks it apt to use these two Chinese characters, then it is proclaiming itself as "the opposition within the RULING COALITION"!

    MCA guys are so used to using these two words. I remember during campaigning in GE12, the candidate for Cheras, one Dr. Goh, put up banners in Chinese containing these words “有人在朝好争取”which means "with someone in the government, it is better to fight (for something)! This was an ABSURD banner which anyone knowing the Chinese Language will laugh his head off because it contradicts itself!!!!

  2. Do the guys in MCA know Chinese? I doubt so. So how can they call themselves the MALAYSIAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION? If at all these MCA guys know Chinese, they would not be using these two Chinese characters “争取”which literally mean "to fight for (something)"!

    Just why should MCA, as a component party in BN which is the government of the day, fight for this and fight for that? Shouldn't they leave all the fighting to the OPPOSITION? If at all MCA thinks it apt to use these two Chinese characters, then it is proclaiming itself as "the opposition within the RULING COALITION"!

    MCA guys are so used to using these two words. I remember during campaigning in GE12, the candidate for Cheras, one Dr. Goh, put up banners in Chinese containing these words “有人在朝好争取”which means "with someone in the government, it is better to fight (for something)! This was an ABSURD banner which anyone knowing the Chinese Language will laugh his head off because it contradicts itself!!!!

  3. Bravo Mr Goh,
    indeed a very good piece of writing. MCA is actually not a sincere partner in BN. The infighting is still tense even after the recent election. You don't fight or demand this and that within your own family. You negotiate bro. I got fed up with the way MCA politicking.
    It's ok if you want to fight for your people but why condemn others when they fight for theirs. Nothing wrong with PERKASA.
    Indeed we all should appreciate when the government allow us to have vernacular schools off which other like in Thailand and Indonesia is banning them. We are all free to send our children to National school. I'm one of them and enjoying the same benefits. Yet we still not satisfied.
    Don't keep asking what the government have done for us but ask ourselves what we have constribute to the nation.

    My salute to you brother.

    By Goh Chiak Sai

  4. Agree with you. MCA should be ready to denounce any extremist element even within their ranks. You should look at your own backyard first before starting to bark at others.

    And here we denounce PERKASA extremism we too should denounce DJZ, Suqiu, DAP etc.

    Moderation and respect are key here.

