Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Blame yourself, Pakatan Rakyat

  1. I took some time off to ponder the recent election results of Hulu Selangor. Congratulations to P Kamalanathan for being elected as the people's representative there.

  2. PKR's loss can only be blamed on two matters. First of all, the choice of candidate ain't good. Secondly, PAS must be blamed too.

  3. PKR's style of using recycled BN rejects will not work anymore. Grassroots of PKR, who fought tooth and nail for Anwar during the reformasi days, do want to see themselves on stage instead of being butlers for superstar rejects from Barisan Nasional that are cherished in PKR.

  4. Using a Kota Bahru man surely didn't help and that was one of the reasons why P Kamalanathan's issue of being a non local (from Rawang) wasn't played up heatedly by Pakatan Rakyat.

  5. After all, P Kamalanathan is a Selangor man as opposed to the man from Kelantan. The newly elected YB will know the State issues and the locals better than Zaid.

  6. Moreover, placing Zaid as the candidate left PKR with no issues to play except recycling national issues, spearheaded by Anwar Ibrahim's rhetoric.

  7. DAP would have handled it in a better manner though if it was a DAP State Government.

  8. The brainiacs in DAP will know that in such a situation with two imported candidates (non local), only candies and carrots will win the election which Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim failed to do so convincingly.

  9. Thumbs down to PKR. But the matter does not end there. PAS, I feel, tried to stay away from the controversial Zaid Ibrahim.

  10. Zaid said his drinking days were his past and he is over it now, thus in other words, he admitted his religious error and seeked forgiveness.

  11. But PAS cannot be seen as endorsing his actions or else the conservatives in PAS will slam the leadership.

  12. After all, such a move will mean that one can go against the religion, admit the fault and seek forgiveness and things will be forgotten which I doubt the Syariah laws operate in such a way.

  13. Moreover, Selangor PAS made a controversial statement during the campaign that they will commit 20% of their staff only.

  14. God knows what that meant and how committed they are when big guns from other component parties came from across the nation.

  15. P Kamalanathan whom I previously described as "Humble, informative, visionary and a simple man whose smile captures the hearts of many", stands to serve the constituents better than a former BN Minister who joined PKR and became a "senior leader" without rising through the ranks of thousands of PKR grassroot members.

  16. So, Pakatan Rakyat can only blame themselves and well done to Barisan Nasional.


  1. So a hand-kisser to UMNO is better than a ex-minister who left the Government based on its oppresive actions because of his principles?

    Where's your TDM article on the 9/11 attacks being staged btw? I'm still waiting, hope you don't forget.

    Why don't you comment on Perkasa as well, seemingly he loves to bash you Chinese and expect nothing but gratefulness and obedience towards BN (I don't know why but did he realize he fought on a PAS ticket?) Do you concur with BN associating itself with them? And what do you think about the receding affect of Chinese votes from HS? Thank you.

  2. Anonymous 12.07am, I shall answer you point by point.

    It ain't wrong to kiss a fellow Malay's hands as it is their culture.

    We will go on and on if I start by pointing out to you that there were many non Malays in PKR dressed in full Malay attire.

    God knows what will happen or will be said if P Kamalanathan wears a baju Melayu.

    It is as though the moves by non Malays in PR to embrace the culture of the Malays or vice versa are legalized and endorsed but such "privileges" are not given to Barisan Nasional people.

    Where is your fairness, may I ask ?

    Perkasa should be next on my list. As for Tun M's comments that 9/11 was staged, I owe you an apology for the delay. I checked Tun M's comments that his words and allegations were based on a scientific video made by experts.

    I found many on Youtube and Tun M is not the SOLE leader in this world who thinks 9/11 is a conspiracy and the war on Iraq was a scam as well.

    That was why I see no need to proceed further with any comment since google is the intellectual source to confirm why Tun M said such things.

    If you realized, many people ask me to comment on many things - be it my relatives, my personal friends, my Facebook friends and anonymous netizen like you. I must say that I cannot be expected to satisfy everyone's demands and wishes, otherwise I will be awake 24/7 writing and commenting on everything.

    Do be fair to me and I will continue to give comments on where I see fit. After all, I don't hide behind anonymity and I write with transparency, accountability and integrity.

  3. GWL,

    Even how i dislike PERKASA and some from UMNO that are racist themselve, i also hate dong zhong, hindraf and others race-based organization (DAPig is much more the same, they are even racist than PERKASA guys). I hate SJ school, but i also can't deny the declining of national school education standard, even now many malays send their children to chinese school...so we are trapped in stalemate situations, with both BN and PR does not improve themselve....i pick BN as a lesser evil than PR....

  4. ^_^ you have your point Wei Liang, I do admit that you are much braver than me in putting your face out in public to support the Government. Though it seems easier for you because the ISA won't direct itself on pro-government bloggers. However how many times have we seen RPK, Kickdefella, and even a SinChew reporter get arrested for the slightest mention against the government? Hence my anonymity has a reason, and it doesn't mean my words have less significance than yours.

    Perhaps its laziness that caused you not to comment on your idol's assumptions towards a tragic event. Lives were lost, and I wouldn't make a joke out of innocent people trapped and helpless against extremists bent on mindless destruction. FYI this is just a theory, there is no concrete proof. Similiarly I can also theorize that TDM is an Indian but is there concrete proof? What we are focusing here is the foolishness to antagonize a country we depend alot on for trading and exports. Even a financial gracuate like you see the folly in doing so.

    @yat no one is perfect in this world, as much as there are great leaders there are as much idiots in the government, especially the idiot monkeys we vote into parliment, and these people make the great ones look great. i haven't lost hope on PR, but they need to change. and mind you PERKASA wanted to revoke citizenships of non-bumis and expect us to bend down and be screwed in silence. It's numbskulls like Ibrahim Ali that fail to realize that humans, are not pushovers when oppressed. The more he talks, the more non-bumis will go the other way. BN should think wisely to attach themselves to such an organization to gain non-bumi support.

  5. Well, I am not sure how long you have been following my blog. But this blog started on the same path as pro Opposition bloggers and I was one of the vocal ones against Pak Lah's administration as well as the whole Barisan Nasional at that time.

    Historical records from my blog archives will be enough to clear things up. This again clearly shows that your actions of hiding behind anonymity ain't professional and baseless in accusing the Government of arrests.

    I wasn't arrested in any way and I blogged responsibly/ethically be it pro Government or pro Opposition.

    If Tun M cannot have the same privilege of freedom of expression which the whole world gave to United States and Britain in their dodgy and preposterous Weapons of Mass Destruction report tabled in the UNSC meeting, where is the fairness in you ?

    In your words, I wouldn't make a joke out of innocent lives trapped and helpless against extremists (US and Britain) bent on mindless destruction. And I thank you for such great words.

    It was the same financial hub (US) that criticized us for bailouts, that criticized the rest of the world for subsidies and lopsided policies. But when they face severe competition in textile and car industries from China and Japan respectively, they were all ORDERED to have export taxes and anti dumping taxes.

    So much for free markets preached by the "greatest" country in the world that is now technically bankrupt. We need not fear angering them as if their theories are right, Government remains Government and the private sector from which FDIs are from will remain the private sector. Both make their decisions independently though with slight influence from Government internal reports.

    I hope that helps clear your understanding and open your minds to the wide world of thoughts.

  6. Oh? So commenting in silence means unprofessionalism and baseless? Ever heard of guerrilla warfare? I don't have to come out so that you can attack me as a person and be identified. And I'm sure your next reply would be:"Oh so I guess I won't be bothered to reply a anonymous prick because he has no balls to come out." I reserve my right to be anonymous, if you don't like it, don't put anonymous as a selection. Put something creative like "Cowardly Anonymous Chicken" or do you not know how that can be modified? Oh wow.

    FYI arrests were all over the news. Sinchew reporter was arrested and Ahmad Said walked free with a slap on the wrist, now he's coming back to say screw you to Koh Tsu Koon. I'm surprised how weak you are in criticizing leaders who incite racial issues like Nasir Safar and Ibrahim Ali and the worst of all, TDM. If you did, I wouldn't be here reminding you how responsible you are. Then again, maybe it's just insignificant over the weakness of the Opposition in trying to create fairness long lost in this society? Look at the people, Wei Liang, most of the youngsters hate the Government. Most of them walk around saying: "We're screwed" instead of "Oh yea BN won!" you can say what you want here, but the public perception is obvious.

    Nobody ever said those who died in Iraq and Afganistan is less important thatn those in the States, but Oppression by arrests is nothing better than mass killing. TDM may say all he wants but as a leader with so many worshippers like you, I would choose my words carefully. United States did what it could to deal with their economy, TDM got his own critics when he peg the Ringgit, look how well it worked. So let's see how it goes before we comment further, shall we?

  7. I am not sure where we are going to but I know that the arrests were all over the news. But my response before this was aimed at your fear of revealing yourself as you have linked it to the arrests.

    My response clearly was to show you that I was also on the boat of those who opposed the ruling coalition when the arrests were made and even till today I do slam the ruling coalition. And without hiding behind veils of anonymity, I am still standing here.

    As for your words on Iraq and Afghanistan as well as Tun M, my response was crystal clear.

    We started off initially with you questioning my thoughts on TDM's words that the 9/11 was staged.

    I went on to say that his comments were based on scientific arguments recorded in videos which could easily be obtained just from the intellectual Google and Youtube.

    I quote unquote your words

    "Perhaps its laziness that caused you not to comment on your idol's assumptions towards a tragic event. Lives were lost, and I wouldn't make a joke out of innocent people trapped and helpless against extremists bent on mindless destruction. FYI this is just a theory, there is no concrete proof. Similiarly I can also theorize that TDM is an Indian but is there concrete proof? What we are focusing here is the foolishness to antagonize a country we depend alot on for trading and exports. Even a financial gracuate like you see the folly in doing so."

    I interpreted it as though Tun M's words are merely theories and there is no concrete proof. Moreover, we depend a lot on our trading partners and Tun M's attack on them ain't wise. Also, we shouldn't make a joke out of the lives lost, clearly a statement against Tun M's so called theories.

    I then went on to say

    "If Tun M cannot have the same privilege of freedom of expression which the whole world gave to United States and Britain in their dodgy and preposterous Weapons of Mass Destruction report tabled in the UNSC meeting, where is the fairness in you ?

    In your words, I wouldn't make a joke out of innocent lives trapped and helpless against extremists (US and Britain) bent on mindless destruction. And I thank you for such great words."

    I have no idea why you brought in the comparison of oppression is no better than mass killing when we were in the first place discussing the merits of Tun M's words that 9/11 was staged.

    United States indeed did what it could with their economy but why can't the same credit be given to TDM ? TDM has his own critics when he pegged the ringgit but capital controls via pegging are done widely lately by many countries in the world also. TDM has his reasons to do it to stop the slide of the economy.


    I hope you draw the boundaries or our topic of discussion. Otherwise one topic will mushroom out from another led by your inconsistent mind and could possibly be endless.

  8. Another anom,

    Let me make clear with the Iraq and Afghanistan war. So, what you guys said is U.S. is responsible for the war. On the surface, that is true because people who are not familiar with the U.S. politics tend to think so. But if you think carefully, do you guys notice that every eight years, there is a new president? So, is the war in Afghan and Iraq is more toward the Bush admin or the Obama admin or the U.S.?

    I would say that it Bush was the president at that time and he wanted to go to war against terror more than the any American wanted. This is because there are 2 major party in the U.S. - Democrats and Republican. Each of them have different view about how to deal with international issues. The Republican will not hesitate to go into war if they think they are in a threat while the democrats are more to socialist and diplomacy rather than war.

    So, when Dr M. blames the U.S. for the war there, I think he is unfair in dropping the judgement because it was Bush who wanted the war. By the way, 9/11 happens because of terrorist attack and in response, Bush attack the al-Qaeda there. What is the conspiracy about? There is no oil or natural resources except some poppy there for the U.S. Why would US need to sacrifice their economy in order to attack a place with nothing? Dude, that is lame. Seriously.

    One thing that Dr. M and Mr Goh need to remember is, the U.S. are spending billions of dollar in the war. They did not get anything back in return for the war. Even if they get the oil in Iraq, do you think they will profit from it after losing more than gaining? By the way, Obama is reducing the troops in Iraq and increases the numbers in Afghanistan to clean up the mess that Bush left behind.

    In conclusion, Dr M's ideology is any nation that attacks a muslim country is being listed as an extremist. Get the idea?

  9. I make some mistake, there is an election to change the president every 4 years, and each president can only be in the office for 8 years. After that, you will not see him influencing the government like Dr. M did.

  10. MCA told to get out of BN and to stop being a burden:


    UMNO now thinks it can win with just Malay and Indian votes.

    If only more chinese had voted against BN in Hulu Selangor and let PKR win.

    BN would be today begging the chinese to come back to BN. But instead, UMNO is now bashing the chinese and calling them ungrateful, racist and all sorts of names, cause now they believe they can win without chinese votes.

    To the chinese who voted for BN in Hulu Selangor. You have failed your community today. If only you had voted more wisely, BN would be kissing your feet today.

  11. Oh sorry I was away for a while and I didn't notice the comments that were left in my absence. It seems to me that Wei Liang, you are just trying too hard to egg me out and admit who I am. I wish to remain anonymous, and I choose to remain anonymous, that is my right. There is nothing wrong with wishing to be anonymous, even if the Government being supportive(which is highly unlikely) of negative comments. So take a chill pill and ease down your obsession with identity. Again, remove anonymous from your blogging identity choices if that's too much to bear ^_^

    I was commenting on your laziness because you were reluctant to write anything to comment on an issue that would wreck things economically for the country with reckless comments from a respected leader. If I wanted general opinion from the public, I would've Googled them. I don't need you to tell me to do something I already know, if you are in agreement with them 100%, fine. How unfortunate when I was looking forward to alternative view from a graduate who seemingly doesn't have anything at all to offer.

    Again you misunderstood me, you kept bashing at how US is nationalizing its assets and say that they are no longer a threat etc etc, the point of me comparing it to your idol is that there were many others who bashed him as well for pegging the Ringgit, but it worked. Similiarly nationalizing assets has worked, but it is still under progress. I would prefer if we both put our perspectives a little further and think, are you not doing what others bashed TDM for? Let us wait and see if US would fail to bounce back economically, then bash them if they changed policies. Is that a little clearer for you?

    All the while I was trying to guide you to argue to your strengths and maybe did go a little out of scope when I questioned your motives to compare the lives lost in the Middle East is less of a significance to the people who died in WTC. Again, I apologize because you are unable to see the point of my metaphors. I shouldn't expect everyone to see what I see anyway. "I am quite special you see" (Jose Mourinho)

    I hope you have gained some clarity in this engaging talk. But I seriously hope that as much of a graduate as you are, maybe its a good idea to actually sit with people outside your comfort zone and walk with people who are at the heart of the country, its people. I repeat,public perception toward the election in HS has not made any progress to bring back popularity of BN, despite all the surveys and charts. In the end people stopped believing that Malaysia would change, that is the end of any talk of progress.
