Thursday, March 04, 2010

MCA : Greater Unity Plan failed

Today, Dr Chua Soi Lek announced his resignation as MCA Deputy President. Together with this, 7 of his ardent supporters in the Central Committee resigned as well.

The total number of resignations in Wong Foon Meng's hands are 21 which is the minimum number of resignations needed to call for fresh party polls.

Back in December 2009, I sounded the warning bells and dropped hints in my blog articles. I raised concerns about Dr Chua Soi Lek's style in party politics.

Also, I sent some private messages in text form in the middle of Dec 2009 regarding the party politics played by certain leaders and what could be the results of those moves back then.

I was skeptical and doubted the sincerity of Dr Chua Soi Lek & Co. privately. Though he gave his support for the GUP and to the Presidential team, I was wary.

My words were clear when I raised my concerns and I did not mince a single word. "We must not take Dr Chua's goodwill and support blindly".

I await to see the next course of action that will be taken. I said it before and I will say it again. I have full confidence and faith in Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat to lead MCA.

Win or lose, I walk with Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat till the end for the good things he did for us and for the hope he gave us Malaysians.


  1. I am with you. Support OTK all the way.

  2. There is a whole group of us here in Phg who support OTK. We luv seeing the changes in MCA under his leadership.

  3. LOl~ funny. the way I see it, all words and no action. The wanita has more balls than the youth.

  4. youth and wanita agm poor turnout. blame gwl.
