Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Exodus from Pakatan Rakyat

ALLIES of Anwar

Ezam Mohd Noor
  • quit UMNO in 1998, joined PKR
  • former PKR Youth Chief (1999-2005)
  • former Political Secretary of Anwar Ibrahim
  • Gerakan Demokrasi dan Anti Korupsi (GERAK) Chief
  • Was jailed for 2 years under OSA, arrested under ISA
  • fought for Anwar with demonstrations and political speeches
  • left PKR and rejoined UMNO (May 2008)

Anuar Shaari
  • former MoF officer
  • worked for Anwar (1996-1998)
  • once contested under PKR's ticket
M Nallakaruppan
  • Anwar's very close ally
  • tennis partner of Anwar
  • once said that Anwar received RM 60 mil of Magnum money from him
  • former Kepong PKR Chief
  • quit PKR in 2007, formed MIUP

ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES who quit the Party (since 2008)

  1. Jamaluddin Mat Radzi - ADUN PKR Perak (Feb 2009)
  2. Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu - ADUN PKR Perak (Feb 2009)
  3. Hee Yit Foong - ADUN DAP Perak (Feb 2009)
  4. Mohd Radzhi Salleh - ADUN PKR, Kedah State Exco (Aug 2009)
  5. Badrul Hisham Abdullah - ADUN PKR Klang (Oct 2009)
  6. Zahrain Hashim - MP PKR Bayan Baru (Feb 2010)
  7. Salehuddin Hashim - PKR National Secretary General (March 2010)
  8. Mohd Fairus Khairuddin - Former Penang Deputy Chief Minister (March 2010)
  9. Tan Tee Beng - MP PKR Nibong Tebal (March 2010)
  10. Mohsin Fadzli Samsuri - MP PKR Bagan Serai (March 2010)

Did I miss out anyone ? Drop me a message, I will add to the list.

Of course, after Pakatan Rakyat leaders exit their component parties, all sorts of accusations will be thrown at them by Pakatan Rakyat leaders :
  • they are frogs
  • they were being bought
  • they were under performing representatives/leaders
  • they are unqualified representatives with no standards
  • they are BN agents

If a Pakatan Rakyat leader speaks out against the leadership, the leaders will attack and label the critics as BN agents planted in the party. Then, they will be told to be a man and quit the Party.

After a Pakatan Rakyat leader quits the Party, they will be thrown with allegations and will be labeled as poor performance leaders and frogs who have been bought with money.

The script circulates along these lines ONLY when Pakatan leaders speak out against the Party AND when Pakatan leaders quit the Party.

The script is getting boring and lamer by day. Anything new ? PR must come to their senses. It is just like the 308 tsunami.

People voted for PR not because PR is holier than thou or their leaders are more qualified. People supported PR because BN weren't doing a good job and have many problems.

The same applies in the exodus of PR representatives, leaders and members from PR. They resigned mainly because of their unhappiness of the leadership in PR.

Instead of reviewing their policies and stand, the PR leaders slam these people as frogs. I urge Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang and Nik Aziz to tell all on :
  1. who among the CURRENT leaders and elected representatives are LOW QUALITY and won't be selected for the next election

  2. who among the CURRENT leaders and elected representatives have scandals linked to them - from the Free Anwar Campaign days onwards till today.

Anwar should also stop saying that
those who quit PKR played the Malay and Islamic card. This will create an impression among the non Malays and moderate Malays that PKR is a fighter for all.

Back in November 2008, there was an article : Anwar - Pakatan committed to ensuring Malay rights
For the sake of the people, don't mislead the people and do tell us all.


  1. Anwar should also stop saying that those who quit PKR played the Malay and Islamic card

    Those defectors cum self proclaimed independents(BN friendly or not)would be dumb if they stated that they quit because they r not enjoying privileges enjoyed by their BN counterparts such as money,money and of course MONEY!!!!!

    So,they hav 2 mentioned Islam as a facade 2 hide their true intentions

    Back in November 2008, there was an article : Anwar - Pakatan committed to ensuring Malay rights

    Well, Anwar had 2 ensure their Malay support base by making this statement

    Like how Najib has 2 ensure the non Malays will not be left out in one of his economy liberalization policies

    Speaking of misleading the people
    Speaking of Najib as well
    Don't u think he too is misleading the people
    He preaches 1Malaysia and at the same time,endorses Perkasa n MPM with the thought of 1Melayu

    Let's not forget the Allah issue
    He mentioned that we cannot stop the Malays from demonstrating nationwide
    Yet,it was he,his predecessor n KJ who preached pre March 8 that "street demonstartion is not part of our culture"

    So now I demand this, Najib
    For the sake of the people, don't mislead the people and do tell us all.

  2. Dah dengar Ezam ceramah di Bukit Gantang. Dia kata dia masih berusaha untuk agenda anti rasuah. Cuma maklumat berpeti peti maklumat yang tersimpan diluar negara itu katanya dia dibohongi anwar.

    Begitulah nasib bagi orang yang menghimpun pengikut dengan membohongi.

    Hari ini pun ramai lagi sedang sedar.

    Yang tertutup hati terkunci emosi je yang masih malu nak mengaku dan pulang ke pangkal jalan.

  3. Dia suka main belakang. 16sept, nak jadi PM ikut belakang. Saiful, pun ikut belakang.

    Hah! Sekarang, kain tak jadi sebab org lari ikut jalan belakang. Kalau degil, masuk dalam, org taruh ikut belakang!

  4. I think the MPs should asked themselves a question. Is the rakyat vote for the candidate or for the party?

    I bet you the answer will be the party. If you look at world politics, it is mostly about party based; and not based on individual. Otherwise, there will be a higher rate of independent MPs. Independent candidates are weak because they are not organized. They don't have a party goal to achieve and all they want is to serve the people under his or her constituency. That is why people doesn't like independent MPs. Those MPs that leave the party with their own reason should resign their minister post and don't be selfish.

    Beside that, can I as a legal citizen of Malaysia call them a frog? Why not? Don't take my rights away to call them frogs.

  5. I think the MPs should asked themselves a question. Is the rakyat vote for the candidate or for the party?

    I bet you the answer will be the party. If you look at world politics, it is mostly about party based; and not based on individual. Otherwise, there will be a higher rate of independent MPs. Independent candidates are weak because they are not organized. They don't have a party goal to achieve and all they want is to serve the people under his or her constituency. That is why people doesn't like independent MPs. Those MPs that leave the party with their own reason should resign their minister post and don't be selfish.

    Beside that, can I as a legal citizen of Malaysia call them a frog? Why not? Don't take my rights away to call them frogs.

  6. Jamaluddin Mat Radzi - ADUN PKR Perak (Feb 2009)
    Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu - ADUN PKR Perak (Feb 2009)
    Mohd Fairus Khairuddin - Former Penang Deputy Chief Minister (March 2010)

    When they were in PR, the MSM was having a field day using these blokes as examples of how incompetent and corrupt PR was.

    Now they jump to BN, suddenly they have become credible capable leaders? Of course not. It just how you want to spin the story.

    If these are the examples of MP's that BN wants then honestly, this is a blessing in disguise for PR.

  7. This is what Fairus said on leaving PKR

    "“I hereby announce that based on the principles of defending my religion and race, and the rakyat, I am joining Umno and Barisan Nasional,”"

    Thats a good reason to join BN. Religion first, race next and rakyat last.

    Seriously, does BN have no other priorities other than these?

    You are correct in your statement:
    "People supported PR because BN weren't doing a good job and have many problems."

    The problem is, since 2008, BN still has yet to improve and show that they are ready to focus on the serious problems afflicting the nation.

    Our education has gone backwards. Economy was in recession. BN are still flip flopping over the issue of petrol subsidies. Next year we are going to be slapped with new burdensome GST. Public transport, still no improvement. Brain drain, over dependence on cheap foreign labor, poor FDI, rising racial tensions/conflicts. The list goes on.

    Instead, BN is so ghairah celebrating the exodus from PKR. Wow! I'm sure with the exodus of MP's from PKR our nation is going to do so much better from now on.
