Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Confusing Dr Wee Ka Siong

I am sad to see news after news of our MCA Youth Chief which placed him in the limelight for the wrong reasons.

While MCA Youth suffers from dismal new signup figures, Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong has been unsuccessful in shedding off the suspicions of his links to the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal thus far.

This scandal is very dear to me actually. Since the early days when YB Lim Kit Siang brought up the matter, MCA was quick to be blamed as the beneficiary of the scandalous money flow in the PKFZ project.

Only one man stood up to clear the mess - Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat. On 26 July 2009, he unshackled MCA from the PKFZ scandal. In Datuk Seri Ong's own words,

"If any individual from MCA, irrespective of his position, was involved in his individual or personal capacity in such a debacle, he should subject himself to public scrutiny and investigations conducted by the authorities concerned. I did it in the interest of the people and I believe the truth must prevail."

These days, Dr Wee Ka Siong is continuously linked to the PKFZ fiasco by NGO leaders, MCA politicians and even the Opposition !

In my humble opinion, why stop Tan Sri Robert Phang from talking about the Port Klang Free Zone during a Bernama LIVE talk via a Court injunction ?

It was said that Tan Sri Robert Phang was about to announce some damning evidences on Dr Wee's links to Port Klang Free Zone and the perhaps drop the strongest hints on the flow of the scandalous project.

I do not see the point in seeking a Court injunction to gag Tan Sri Robert Phang or silence any of the MCA Youth Central Committee members.

Such an act will only create a climate of fear among MCA leaders or to a greater extent - those who speak out without fear or favor !

If the words are deemed defamatory or classified as half truths and lies, surely, seasoned politicians with professional legal advisors will know that they can put the commentator in the dock with a defamation lawsuit.

That way, Dr Wee can prove to the world that "Hey, see, he was lying !" and pocket some money as compensation for the defamatory remarks which could potentially harm his career in politics and his name.

The market value for defamation lawsuits on national leaders are approximately RM 100 million as Anwar Ibrahim had shown to us which also seem to show his trust in the Malaysian judiciary ironically.

A report in The Star on 25 December 2009 quoted Dr Wee that he did not receive any payment for the "Conceptual design and feasibility study on the need for port development in the Port Klang".

Then, on 10 January 2009, the Managing Director of Hijau Sekitar Sdn Bhd announced that Dr Wee sold off his controlling stake in the company in 2008.

The MD further added that "The conceptual report has got nothing to do with the physical PKFZ. Neither was PKFZ included in the study nor in any future expansion of it."

Just to note, the study was mooted in 2005. Yes, the year 2005. Okay, noted ? Let's move on.

Well, such an announcement surprised me actually. Just a few days before this announcement, Chia Seia Yang said that a company search showed Dr Wee's name owning 490,000 plus shares in Hijau Sekitar Sdn Bhd with the records said to be updated as at 1 January 2009.

Then, Seremban MP John Fernandez said a search with Companies Commission of Malaysia on 25 Jan (2010) showed that Dr Wee owns 49,998 shares in Hijau Sekitar.

Today, 11 February 2010, I came across an exclusive interview by The Sun with Dr Wee Ka Siong. "Now, they may say that I have over 40% but I am not a major shareholder. So, whatever the company does has nothing to do with me."

I don't know Dr Wee, but 40% to me is a big deal (based on your own words) and everything the company does has everything to do with you.

If I own 40% of shares in a company and if the company makes RM 100 million profits, with or without dividends, the 40% shareholder has a claim to the pie based on personal shareholdings.

And I think the analogy between Hijau Sekitar-WBSB and PwC-PKFZ was a bad one, Dr Wee ! PwC is an independent audit firm with no interests in the projects. It is a completely different story when it comes to Hijau Sekitar - WBSB.

I can only continue to thread on suspiciously and ask the MCA Youth Chief who is also a national leader in his capacity as Deputy Education Minister to come clean for good.

I am equally confused as everyone else by now. Why not sue the CCM if Dr Wee had really sold off or transfered all or just his controlling stake but records still show that he still own shares of different amounts on two different dates ?

As Deputy Minister, he must not hold controlling stakes (either that or any shares) when he is sworn into office. But Chia Seia Yang said he has 490,000 plus shares based on a compay search on 1 January 2009. Now, John Fernadez argued that Dr Wee still has 49,998 shares. And from the interview with The Sun, the percentage is said to be 40% ?

So, 40% means how many shares (from the interview published) ? Only 3 explanations. Either Dr Wee hasn't been transparent, CCM's records are wrong or Dr Wee himself is confused.

Can Dr Wee or the Cabinet declassify Dr Wee Ka Siong's asset declaration to the Prime Minister of Malaysia which I assume that it must hold as a truth and the onus of honesty or responsibility is on the side of MCA Youth Chief ?

Dr Wee should also stop accusing The Star for his current political dilemma also.

Some bloggers are already saying that Dr Wee has become a "Kaki sue" when he decided to take action against The Star. Rockybru has a better take on this - Another politician kaki sue (MUST READ)

MCA cannot walk the talk or go the ground to tell the people "Sir, please vote me" if their leaders are heavily linked to all sorts of scandals, projects or hanky panky matters.

MCA must stand up strong, tall and mighty. MCA is a political entity that owes the people the basic elements of good governance whereby the leaders must be competent, accountable and transparent.

Dr Wee, why not settle this in the "public court of opinion" and tell all ? Evidences as well as black and white documents can clear your name if you are not involved in any way.

MCA will not be able to move on or stand tall and proud if this goes on. Let's clear it once and for all.

I stand corrected.

(Credits to The Malaysian Insider and The Star for the photos)

1 comment:

  1. Why is WKS fighthing with his own shadows? Why is he afraid of coming out in the open? What is he hiding?
