Sunday, December 06, 2009

All good in Perak DAP ?

I am not sure if Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh and Lim Guan Eng are aware of the "truth" in Perak DAP or not.

Many netizens do not know much about Perak DAP. In fact, many netizens seem to be supportive of Perak DAP in the power struggle here without knowing the facts on the leaders here.

Trouble started long time ago but began to gain media attention in early 2008 before the 12th General Election.

The problems in Perak DAP are kept under wraps as any "public showdown" of the State leadership will only lead to cracks in Pakatan Rakyat Perak's demo-crazy activities.

--- start ---

PO KUAN CRIES OFF: Batu Gajah MP declines nomination
(18 Feb 2008)
"Suffice for me to say that due to the development of internal party events in the Perak DAP over the last few years, as well as currently, which perhaps you are fully aware (of), it has become impossible for me to continue serving effectively, efficiently and wholeheartedly as a party leader as well as an elected representative of the people."

Malaysia: Fong Poh Kuan Quits (18 Feb 2008)
She refused to explain the reason behind her decision in the press conference but in her e-mail writen to Lim, she said it was because of the Perak DAP internal events.

Online sources more sympathetic to Fong Po Kuan's withdrawal (18 Feb 2008)
Referring to one of its previous reports, Malaysiakini recalled that Fong was allegedly being pressured by the state leadership to contest elsewhere and to relinquish the Batu Gajah seat to Nga Kor Ming. Malaysiakini and theSun both noted that Perak DAP chairperson, Ngeh Koo Ham, denied forcing out Fong.

DAP leadership must deal with internal conflicts (5 Feb 2009)
While accusing fingers are being pointed at DAP assemblyman for Jelapang Hee Yit Foong for deserting the party, DAP MP for Batu Gajah Fong Po Kuan(pix) says Hee's departure underlines the need for the party's central as well as state leadership to take a serious view of its internal conflicts.

Yit Foong: DAP Didn't Want Me (7 Feb 2009)
She said when she tried to find out something from other state assemblymen, they just said they knew nothing, especially the executive councillors. She said someone purposely replaced the city councillors in her constituency (Jelapang). She had asked to meet the menteri besar personally because of this matter, adding that there was black and white to prove this.

Jalong rep fights ouster by cousins
(20 Sept 2009)

The latest is the outburst by state treasurer Leong Mee Meng, who complained of being sidelined by the party’s state leadership helmed by two cousins - chairman Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham and secretary Nga Kor Ming.

A source in the party also claimed that branches had been set up by Nga in the Sungai Siput division recently in a bid to undermine Leong.

“The leadership hopes to drop Leong as a candidate in the next general election by claiming that she has lost the people’s support,” said the source, adding that Nga controlled 40% of the branches in Sungai Siput.

Ngeh wipes away rep's tear-stained woes (23 Sept 2009)
Perak DAP chairperson Ngeh Khoo Ham said he has spoken to Jalong state representative Leong Mee Meng over her claims of being marginalised by the party leadership and it was no longer an issue.

--- end ---

Leaders have complained time after time about Ngeh Koo Ham - Nga Kor Ming

Are the above articles sufficient for the National DAP organization to take action against Ngeh Koo Ham and Nga Kor Ming ?

Perakians must come to their senses too and see the real faces of Ngeh Koo Ham and Nga Kor Ming.

All the above are accusations and grouses raised by Elected Representatives and Loyalists of DAP. YB Lim (s), surely, something must be done and action has to be taken against Ngeh-Nga, no ?


  1. hey..i did try to convince some netizens on a certain forum but due to fervent support that borderlines blind, mindless backing by the PKR fans...i was unable to convince them about the internal disputes of DAP, that has been there since their 308 landslide victory.

    obviously for those who know things happening behind the scene, one can almost say that the Nga-Ngeh bros are running the show / state, hoarding all the available opportunities and leaving little or none to their DAP-mates, let alone their PAS / PKR comrades.

    oh well it is good that you took the effort to highlight the Perak DAP issues here. Many are blinded and those who are beneficiaries of the Nga-Ngeh rule are keeping mum...and those who are on the other side aint gonna do much as internal bickering within the DAP will eventually weaken them from the inside, and as the Nga-Ngeh duo continue with their current trend, they will eventually selfdestruct and why even bother to interfere?

  2. Dengan haq Ismul 'Adzam pohon tutupkanlah ya Allah segala jalan DAP keturunan Juj wa Ma'juj ini.

    Demi keagungan Asma-u-lhusna pohon ya Robbana lumpuhkan DAP keturunan Juj wa Ma'juj ini.

    Dengan Nama Tuhan bagi Muhammad dan sekelian Nabi Rasul a.s.w.s.; minggir engkau (noor-M-mu) hai DAP keturunan Juj wa Ma'juj.

    Bis-mil-lah ... gelap seluruh sudut mu hai DAP keturunan Juj wa Ma'juj.

    Bis-mil-lah ... tersumbat seluruh rongga mu hai DAP keturunan Juj wa Ma'juj.

    Bis-mil-lah ... dipohonkan bantuan bagi kaum yang (mengaku) kelemahan.

  3. Hahaha.. have you noticed who these 2 bullies usually targets? Yes.. the weaker sex... It only shows that they are mere cowards picking-on only the weak! And people elects them as Yang BerHORMATs?? The time has come for the WOMEN folks of Perak to come together and kick these 2 "abang-adik" out! Say NO to Male Chauvinists!!!

    -Teropong Politik

  4. Eh how come you don't take effort to remind us on the Sarawak CM and his family running the Sarawak to the ground!?

    Or Badawi and his son-in-law running the country

    Or Mahathir and his sons political dominance?

    And of course you have your MCA with Team A, Team B and now Team C crap!

    How are the Ngeh and Nga brothers worse off than your beloved MCA?

    Yes we are aware of Ngeh and Nga past.

    But there are far greater evil alliance out there that suck our country dry and leaves its people to suffer. These brothers are angels comparing to the UMNO and MCA goons that rape and robbed our country in broad daylight!

  5. Well said...obviously this fella is a MCA supporter...there's more shit in BN compared to DAP, so dont compare the speck of wood in DAP's eyes when you have a log in your own eyes..

  6. I think PKR leadership has already acknowledge weaknesses and recognize that the election result was not because of their inherent attractiveness but an angry rejection of a corrupt BN.
    They have till the next GE to improve and the rakyat can wait.
