Thursday, November 26, 2009

MCA : Questions on 1128 EGM

The 3rd force - manned by Liow Tiong Lai, Wee Ka Siong, Chew Mei Fun and several other leaders - are adamant and want to proceed with the EGM on 28 November 2009 (Saturday).

The EGM is more popularly known as 1128. Indeed, the trio - Ong Tee Keat, Chua Soi Lek and Ti Lian Ker - have voiced out and said that the EGM is unconstitutional and should not be accepted by MCA members.

However, we cannot avoid asking such questions and till today, I have NEITHER SEEN NOR HEARD any leaders asking these questions publicly.

Now, here I begin to shoot and fire away so that MCA leaders, aides and supporters can begin to think and draft their strategy properly.

Let us not repeat the mistakes of the past where wrong and unplanned moves ended up hurting ourselves.

  1. What if the 2377 Central Delegates attend the 28th November EGM ? How do we interpret that ?

  2. What if the 2377 Central Delegates decide to vote on the 28th November EGM ? Can we use the 2377 delegates' decision as a sample size of the voice among MCA members ?

  3. What if the 2377 Central Delegates vote against Liow Tiong Lai's resolutions and motions ? Do we say "good. see Liow, we told you so" or do we say "Doesn't matter, it is illegal anyway" ?

  4. What if the 2377 vote in favor of Liow Tiong Lai's resolutions and motions ? Can we say that Central Delegates are unconvinced of the GUP and do not accept the Ong - Chua team ?

  5. What if the 2377 Central delegates do not attend the 28th November EGM ? Will Liow, Wee and Chew resign and accept it as a signal from MCA grassroots ?

Interesting and mind boggling, isn't it ?

UPDATED 4.39pm
MCA EGM II called off, fresh polls soon

So now do we praise, appreciate or criticize the intervention by DPM ?


  1. Salam perkenalan dari saya juga!

    Saya dah masukkan link tuan ke dalam blog saya!

  2. Salam Parpukari ! Dua blogger terkemuka kunjung ke blog saya. Terima kasih rakan rakan seperjuangan ! Akan saya pautkan blog anda juga.

    Salam perjuangan bro !

  3. saya juga telah memasukkan blog anda ke blog saya. salam perjuangan!


  4. Hello Mr Goh

    How about we have reciprocal links with each other?

  5. Haha. BLogger the Unspinners pun berada di sini. Terima kasih rakan rakan sekalian. Bersama samalah kita berkhidmat untuk negara !

    Salam perjuangan. Pautan telah dibuat ke blog rakan rakan sekalian.

  6. Omar Goh Wei Liang says, "Haha. I don't care about whether or not people visit my blog. Who cares ? I am just 23, fresh graduate and I already have 110,000 hits."

    Haha...Omar Goh, why you so childish ar and also tak tahu malu !!

