Thursday, September 17, 2009

Statesman and Dictators

  • Positions held - UMNO President, Prime Minister
  • Years in power - 1981 to 2003 (22 years)
Note : UMNO President and Prime Minister positions have changed hands twice after Dr M, now under Najib Tun Razak

  • Positions held - MCA President, Transport Minister
  • Years in power - 1986 to 2003 (17 years)
Note : MCA Presidency has changed hands twice after Dr Ling, now under Ong Tee Keat

(still around)
  • Positions held - President of MIC, Works Minister
  • Years in power - 1979 to now (30 years)
Note : MIC Elections have just concluded and the President is still the same face.

  • Positions held - Mursyidul Am, Menteri Besar Kelantan
  • Years in power - 1989 to now (20 years)
Note : Kelantan leadership remain in the same hands for 20 years and Kelantan PAS is widely seen as powerhouse of the whole Party. PAS has a new President now, after Datuk Fadzil Nor during Dr M's administration, but widely seen as powerless.

(still around)
  • Positions held - Opposition Leader (OpL), Elected Representative (ER), Secretary General DAP (SG), Chairman DAP (CDAP), DAP Parliamentary Leader (DAPPL)

  • Years in power - 29 years (OpL) , 35 years and counting (ER), 30 years (SG), 4 years (CDAP), 1 year plus and counting (DAPPL)

Note : Basically 29 years as Opposition Leader, 35 years to date as Elected Rep, and 35 years as Party Chief (he is widely seen as holding the power in the party since his years as Sec-Gen).

Ahem. Old guards overstaying ?


Countless times have I heard politicians and Opposition supporters claiming that Dr Mahathir is a dictator. A dictator does not retire, learned ones. The above data is all yours to interpret.

I am writing this piece because I feel that Datuk Seri Samy Vellu must step down graciously as the longest serving President of MIC.

When it is time, it is time. There are no more tomorrows or live to fight another day.

Let MIC start fresh with a new young leadership to rejuvenate the party, just like how UMNO and MCA members flexed their muscles via the Disciplinary Board and Supreme Council in order to uplift their quality and image.

However, I do not agree with the call for MIC's status in the Coalition to be reviewed.

Barisan Nasional needs MIC and MIC needs Barisan Nasional. This is a fact and breaking up the pact will only send Barisan Nasional into total chaos.

As much as Barisan Nasional partners are angry with the MIC Presidential Speech that slammed DS Najib Tun Razak's keynote delivery and also the delegate who proposed to garland a picture of Dr Mahathir with slippers, we must not let emotions to affect our rationality.

MIC has the machinery, the support base and the right people who can make in roads among the people to garner support not only for the Indian leaders but also for Barisan Nasional.

Anwar Ibrahim and Zaid Ibrahim are fast in introducing the BN concept and strategy among Pakatan Rakyat politicians and grassroot members.

Hacking off MIC will mean that we are sending away a well setup election team and a few hundred thousand members whom are also voters.

It will only give Pakatan Rakyat the extra numbers - something which they will be happy to pocket no matter whom or which party - in their Politics First, Putrajaya Now concept.

MIC is not the only one with a long serving leader. DAP and PAS too but I shall leave Tok Nik's political career aside for others to look into.

The Lim family continue the stranglehold on DAP and it is indeed surprising how a Malaccan who got rejected by Malacca DAP (during the days of Kerk Kim Hock in DAP) can jump to Penang and suddenly becomes the Penang DAP Chief Minister.

Senior Lim stepped aside, Junior Lim took the Secretary General DAP post while veteran Karpal Singh became the Chairman. Lim Kit Siang then went on to take up the position as DAP Parliamentary leader.

It makes me wonder whether Karpal Singh knows if he really has his rank and file support or not.

Do we see similarities between the Lims in DAP and the Lees in PAP ?

Yet, Dr Mahathir is labelled as a Dictator. Tun Dr Mahathir is surely not one but a highly respectable Statesman !

(Credits to Malaysiakini, The Nut Graph, The Malaysian Insider and Daylife for the pictures)


  1. TDM is responsible for the screwed up Judiciary, the corrupt PDRM, the useless Education system, the braindead lower lever civil service, responsible for all the propaganda MSM in this country!

    Proton has been a failed inefficient company for the last 25 years! Surviving only through the AP license and taxes rates of the imported cars.

    Mahathir is lucky! Lucky that Malaysia found oil and kept Sabah and Sarawak to suck dry from!

    LGE when to jail for defending a Malay girls reputation!

    KitSiang and Kapal Singh has fought hard against the tide of the BN govt for 30 years!

    U must be blind or bias!

  2. To "Anonymous", allow me to show you an article by Karpal Singh representing DAP on the DAP vs Rahim Tamby Chik case which LGE went to jail for.

    I would like to show you a few of my articles written in the past on Proton and the logic behind the continuation of these projects.

  3. Dear anonymous,

    You are laughable. You know that DAP is less diplomatic.

    If you need pa and sonny to lead, where are the other believers. Look at UMNO and MCA - Leaders come and go!

    The facts are staring you in the face. er...If you are smart, that is...

  4. Don't always trust what you read!
    You still don't get it till now!Thanks to your idol!
    You can't win BN people in court. Criminal or civil!

    Ask the question if Rahim was really innocent, why did he resign faster than Chua SL?!?

    As for your proton!

    Here are links you should visit and make sure I don't catch you in a non-proton car when you get back to M'sia!!

  5. MD,
    UMNO and MCA has always been about money and power!

    It is a lonely and tough fight in DAP!

    If you don't know that, you are either ignorant or just trying to be dumb!

    In 1999 when DAP was almost wipe out, they did not give up. LKS could have easily walk away and retire. What was there to gain being the opposition then?

    I wonder how many of those UMNO and MCA goons would have stick around!

    MCA and UMNO goons come and go because once their pockets are filled with dirty money, they can retire happy!!

  6. To MD!

    Eh the only people laughing are those retired corrupt BN leaders who are enjoying their dirty money safe in the knowledge that they won't be prosecuted!!

    So go ahead and laugh!

  7. To MD!

    Eh the only people laughing are those retired corrupt BN leaders who are enjoying their dirty money safe in the knowledge that they won't be prosecuted!!

    So go ahead and laugh!

  8. At that time, the political fever and constant slams or accusations did not favor Rahim. If Rahim had stayed on, it will put a big dent in UMNO and Barisan Nasional's chances.

    If you say BN people can't be beaten in Court, you are wrong. One good example is Anwar Ibrahim who got off from the sodomy case in the Courts.

    It was also Anwar Ibrahim who managed to sue several people for millions and if BN really had the control of the Courts, they would have sent the case to Court and delivered judgment against Anwar with costs.

    Yet, Anwar won the cases. Many other cases involving Oppositions that have cases in their pockets with gold linings of victory.

    Namely cases where by election seats which were disputed that ended with the Opposition getting the case in favour of them.

    One of the seats was won by PAS and another by PKR if I am not mistaken.

    I leave it for you to judge but I suggest you calm down as your emotions will only cloud your rationality.

    As for the Proton cars being slam dunked by Top Gear, I have also read news that Top Gear is critical of almost every car on Earth except for sporty ones.

    I share the Proton dream and my family owns two old Protons till today since 1990s.

    Of course non Proton cars are better. Proton being 3 decades old being compared to the over a century old Ford, the multiple decades old Toyota and Honda and many more.

    This will be like comparing a high school student with a CEO of a multinational company based on knowledge and quality. You do the math yourself, my friend.

    Proton's growth have been heavily impaired due to the royalty payments to Mitsubishi though I do agree that management in Proton have not been in top form except for Tengku Mahaleel's era where Proton grew strong with the acquisition of Lotus and MV Augusta.

    Even with that, they manage to stash up RM 2 billion in cash which was considerably strong judging by their company size.

  9. Rahim resign for the sake of BN?!?
    Let's get real! If there were no truth to it, he with have fought all the way to stay in power!
    Your reason that he was being selfless and sacrifice himself for the party is weak.

    Anwar needed an army of the best defence lawyers in the country to get him out of jail! And even then he spend 10 years in jail for a crime he did not commit!

    And if you need futher prove that our judiciary is screw up, read this article.

    You said it yourself that non proton cars are better!

    Because of Proton, the government puts the development of efficient public transport systems to the back seat so that more people will have to buy cars

    Mire in mismanagement, Proton continue to churn out low quality cars, while being protected by the government like a spolit brat.

    Actually I agree with you someways. The idea of a national cars isn't exactly a bad idea but the implimentation of it was horrible!! Just like sports in Malaysia, corruption and politics destroyed it!

    Your idol TDM knew about it! And did NOTHING!!

    And if he didn't know about it, then I guess he wasn't such a great leader afterall!

    Check this article out!

  10. My argument is yours to say that it is weak but mine to belief that it is not. Even the DAP withdraw their statement that Rahim raped the girl and the "victim" came up with a Statutory Declaration that she was not raped as alleged.

    Today, she is a married woman and I wonder if Lim Guan Eng, after released from jail, made any attempts to pursue the case or even meet the girl to check how she is doing. Yes, the girl he went to jail for.

    And I am sure Guan Eng did not make that effort with reasons known by both of us that the move was merely a political capital.

    If you say his sacrifice for the party is weak, I can show you several cases with the latest being the Jawi rep (under Penang DAP) who offered to resign as he was alleged to have being corrupted by his division party leader although he stood firm he was innocent. He was subsequently proven to be innocent.

    Sacrifices happen for the party be it in Barisan, UMNO, MCA or even DAP and PAS.

    When you first argued that no one can beat Barisan Nasional in Court, I provided my argument that Anwar was one of the victors together with several other Opposition members - especially two by election seats that was handed to the Opposition by a Court of Law instead of happily serving the seats on a golden plate to Barisan Nasional.

    Now, you claim that Anwar needed an army of the best defence. If Barisan Nasional have it their way and control the Courts with strings attached, then Anwar will still be having his meals in the prison.

    Again, you have failed to check your facts when you said "And even then he spend 10 years in jail for a crime he did not commit!"

    This shows how much we believe on chatters and coffee shop talk instead of finding out the truth ourselves by reading the Judgement and cases.

    In 1998, Anwar was charged with three cases - abuse of power (when he ordered the police to force the witness statements to be retracted), corruption and sodomy.

    In 2001 (if I am not mistaken), only the sodomy charge was overruled by a judgement of 2-1 in a 3 member panel.

    In that judgement, the Judges delivered the statement as

    To summarise our judgment, even though reading the appeal record, we find evidence to confirm that the appellants were involved in homosexual activities and we are more inclined to believe that the alleged incident at Tivoli Villa did happen, sometime, this court, as a court of law, may only convict the appellants if the prosecution has successfully proved the alleged offences as stated in the charges, beyond reasonable doubt, on admissible evidence and in accordance with established principles of law. We may be convinced in our minds of the guilt or innocence of the appellants but our decision must only be based on the evidence adduced and nothing else.

    No system is perfect and Mahathir had little time to elevate Malaysia from a kampung to a City status. Malaysia was not even on the tourist map or international arena until Mahathir came to the scene.

    What Mahathir has done is for all to judge. You may like him, you may not. The choice is yours which after all reflects the freedom of expression and opinions in Malaysia. However, Malaysians generally respect and love Tun for his efforts and contributions to this country as a statesman.

  11. Seems like Mr Goh has an issue with father and son working together in the same political party.

    From the article, it is obvious that Mr Goh is card stacking around. Though it is true that the leaders in BN change from time to time but did you notice that there is a father PM and son PM? I don't have any issue with father and son working together but what I want to explain to you is that there is different faction within a party. Meaning that if one's father is a highly respectable and powerful person in a party, he will build his own faction in the party. When he is old enough to retire, his son will eventually take over his father's place with the same amount of support from his father's faction. Then what is the difference between the BN and DAP since the same thing happens?

    This father and son thing doesn't occur in Malaysia but all over the world. The most obvious is Mr Bush senior and junior of US, Japan is also using the same system until the LDP lose in the recent GE. Suharto's son and daughter is making a political come back. As for the Lee's of PAP that you mentioned, you make another mistake. Goh Chok Tong is the 2nd PM of Singapore after Lee Kuan Yew and before Lee Hsien Loong. There is a change of power. Make your facts right if you want to argue.

    From what I mentioned above, the term elitism is best suited to describe the political game.

    Enough of this father and son issue. I also found that you are using the word dictator in a wrong way. Dictator means a ruler with total power over a country. I am not sure if you're relating dictator to the Lim's of DAP but it does sounds like it for me. If what I interpret is true, then you are exaggerating stories and using the wrong word. If it is not, then I'm sorry for it.

    Thirdly after arguing these 2 things, I want to tell you why proton back in the days is better. My mechanic friend just told me that back in the days, proton is made in Japan, I'm not really sure about this or maybe I make a mistake. According to what he said, proton is considered good due to high quality materials used in it. Nowadays, everything in it is just simply normal or maybe below the standard. Just look around when you're back in Malaysia and drive around, the ratio of proton break down and stop by the road is way higher than any other cars. Think about it. I just came back for my holiday from a country that is more advance than Australia and felt disgusted. Back there, I rarely saw foreign cars that broke down but in Malaysia? You know what I mean right.

    Another anom.

  12. 1. Don't show me example of opposition sacrificing themselves for the cause of the party. I already know that they are more honourable than UMNO!

    Show me examples of UMNO goons who have done that!

    2. Ok to say that the judiciary is completely without any good judges would be a bit extreme. You may have shown some cases where opposition may have won their court cases but the cases that have gone against them are so much more!

    Frankly 1 would be foolish to take their chances in court against the govt!

    "No system is perfect and Mahathir had little time to elevate Malaysia from a kampung to a City status. Malaysia was not even on the tourist map or international arena until Mahathir came to the scene"

    I totally disagree!
    First our tourism industry is not even worth mentioning compare to Singapore and Thailand!

    When TDM came to power, Malaysia was anything but a kampung. The british had left us with quite a good education system, our sport standard in hoki, and football were still respectable worldwide and TDM had a lot of natural resources such as tin mine, oil palm, and petrol to bring this country forward.

    But the cronmism, corruption and politics of UMNO, the PDRM, the civil service and etc. destroyed this country's potential in education, efficiency, sport and etc.

    Do you deny this?

    So pls tell me, did your idol knew about all this?

    Stop avoiding this question with your other menial arguements!

  13. You see, when we start a presentation of arguments, we present facts. However, each time I presented some facts, you tend to manipulate the facts to supplement your argument.

    You say "Don't show me example of opposition sacrificing themselves for the cause of the party. I already know that they are more honourable than UMNO!"

    But what makes the Opposition more honorable than UMNO except in your perception ?

    Is Ronnie Liu more honorable than any politician ? Mind you, SELCAT is questioning his expenses !

    In your statement "You may have shown some cases where opposition may have won their court cases but the cases that have gone against them are so much more!"

    I wonder what it means. Does it mean that if the Opposition wins more cases, the Courts are fair ?

    Dr Mahathir has put in place many systems and policies for our country which I believe you have not read. The delivery of the system has been manipulated and exploited by many Malaysians to make quick bucks at the expense of the country.

    That does not make the idea contributor (Tun) the bad one but places Malaysians ethics at the frontline for our thoughts.

  14. Mr Goh, it is not a matter of how much the Government or the Opposition won their cases in the court but the separation of power. The three powers: the executive, the judiciary, and the legislative must not over step each other. The Mahatir's administration back in the late 80's is a good example of the executive interfering in the judiciary. Thus, this is why people believe that the judiciary is unfair. Since the opposition never involve in such cases, thus, it is definitely fair to say that they are more honorable. Not to mention, the court must never interfere the legislative too but for the Perak case the court did make a decision for the rightful Menteri Besar recently.
    To make it clear and fair here, SELCAT also investigate the previous state government and eventually found the evidence that they misuse the fund allocated to them for election purposes while Ronnie Liu was only investigated for the huge sum of money he used. The previous state government was unable to give a proper explanation but Ronnie Liu is able to do so with proper supporting documents. So who is more honorable? Mr Goh, you lose your credibility as a responsible blogger for card stacking around.
    Lastly, if the person who implements the idea is unable to correct his subordinates for wrong doing, who is responsible for it? Look at President Ma of Taiwan; he was the first person to be blame for the natural disaster and the late responses from his cabinet. The head of the country should always bare the responsibility.

    Another anom.

  15. There U go again! Avoiding my question by bring up petty distraction.

    Screw TDM good ideas!

    Did Mahathir know about the cronmism and corruption under his administration?

    YES or NO!

    Stop being manipulative yourself?

  16. You said..
    "Malaysia was not even on the tourist map or international arena until Mahathir came to the scene."

    Pls do read this and then talk about our tourism industry!

  17. Malaysia used to be a great country with millions of tourists. Ask any foreigner in the 1970s and they know where Malaysia is and what Malaysians are.

    Yes that is the truth. Because of Dr Mahathir, Malaysians become lesser known and tourists shy away from Malaysia because of Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad.

    Yes I understand I am talking rubbish and the above is true.

    Yet, there are Ghanaians, Thais, Japanese, Arabs and Australians who talked to me about Dr Mahathir and the Corporate Malaysia, there are British people in stock exchange who knew the sudden legal changes thanks to the "Dawn Raid" on the corporate plantations which own acres of land in Malaysia.

    Yes, I am talking rubbish.

    Yes of course, in your opinion, it was Mahathir who destroyed the country and threw Malaysia out of their minds or tourist destination.

    I let my readers and friends and the Malaysian public judge what is actually rubbish.

    Pardon me for my sarcasm.

    To the other anonymous, people say the best defensive strategy is attack. Yet, I don't know who you are or what your believes are.

    So I can only sit and defend my beliefs. I do understand the merits of Dr M's administrations as well as the deficiencies.

    If you want an answer, yes of course Dr Mahathir knew about corruption and cronyism in a developing country called Malaysia.

    No developing country grows without corruption and this is a known fact.

    I do not agree with corruption but statistics have been done before in Malaysia that the general public (a majority in fact) does not mind corruption. If I am not mistaken, the study was carried out by University Malaya.

    Over the decades, Malaysians have also been happily giving kickbacks and "incentives" to a very low paid civil service especially the law enforcement agencies.

    This is also bad as Malaysians betray their beliefs and exhibit the highest attitude of hypocrites - one which we must put an end to.

    Without supply, demand is helpless and will fizzle out.

    One thing I wish to change, if I enter politics, is to elevate the pay structure of civil service with incentives and proper monitoring system in place to deter any attraction to corrupt practices - just like how developed countries have been doing.

    However, I disagree with the cronyism part. In United States, and many countries, these are labelled as "networking". In China, this concept is called "Guan xi". Cronyism is just another word that sounds negative.

    Tun has another point of view on this based on the NEP.

    Be brave however, to state your opinions with your identity with at least a pseudonym or a name. Be firm and stand true on what you believe.

    Cheers to all of you. And let us be friendly when we share ideas. We are after all Malaysians and we have to agree to disagree.

  18. OMG! Judge for yourself what you are saying!

    "... statistics have been done before in Malaysia that the general public (a majority in fact) does not mind corruption..."

    Is rape and murder acceptable if the majority of Malaysian does not mind!!!?

    Is that your best excuse to defend TDM?!!!

    Tell me what does the law say in Malaysia, (or over there in Auss) about people who knows about a crime (corruption), HAS THE POWER to do something about it BUT CHOOSE NOT TO!!!

    "...yes of course Dr Mahathir knew about corruption and cronyism in a developing country called Malaysia...."

    And don't give me that crap about not being able to do something about it!

    If TDM the most powerful man in Malaysia for over 20 years has no power to fight corruption, then judge for yourself what type of leader he really is!

    Common! Lets get real! Do you actually know the real reason why he knew all about the corruption around him but choose not to do anything about it?!?

    If you are really that ignorant about this and want to know the truth, let me know and I will tell you on a more private platform!

    You should be old enough to understand that stating the truth and your believes in public is not always the smartest thing to do! Especially in Malaysia!!

    Just go ask P.I. Bala!
    ...If you can!!

  19. OMG! Judge for yourself what you are saying!

    "... statistics have been done before in Malaysia that the general public (a majority in fact) does not mind corruption..."

    Is rape and murder acceptable if the majority of Malaysian does not mind!!!?

    Is that your best excuse to defend TDM?!!!

    Tell me what does the law say in Malaysia, (or over there in Auss) about people who knows about a crime (corruption), HAS THE POWER to do something about it BUT CHOOSE NOT TO!!!

    "...yes of course Dr Mahathir knew about corruption and cronyism in a developing country called Malaysia...."

    And don't give me that crap about not being able to do something about it!

    If TDM the most powerful man in Malaysia for over 20 years has no power to fight corruption, then judge for yourself what type of leader he really is!

    Common! Lets get real! Do you actually know the real reason why he knew all about the corruption around him but choose not to do anything about it?!?

    If you are really that ignorant about this and want to know the truth, let me know and I will tell you on a more private platform!

    You should be old enough to understand that stating the truth and your believes in public is not always the smartest thing to do! Especially in Malaysia!!

    Just go ask P.I. Bala!
    ...If you can!!

  20. When we do statistics and when we ask the people whether they accept it or not, if the majority says the accept it, then this shows the results or the sentiments of the people.

    In the case of corruption elements, there really was a survey done to ask the people directly - Is corruption acceptable - and many replied with results saying that the majority do not mind.

    So if a statistics was done in Malaysia and the public do not mind rape and murder, then this result can be interpreted as the Malaysian majority do not mind rape and murder.

    That is Statistics and in my comments and responses, I merely presented to you the results of the statistics.

    As for your shots of "Is rape and murder acceptable if the majority of Malaysian does not mind!!!?"

    I would say if the majority of Malaysians do not mind rape and murder, statistically speaking of course and not from a religious or moral conduct point of view, then it shows that rape and murder are acceptable acts.

    That is statistics and one cannot twist the facts of stats easily.

    Anyway, I have to say that morally and ethically I do not agree with corruption, rape and murder. As far as these three are concern, we cannot disregard the fact that corruption was said to be acceptable by Malaysians in a credible statistics research.

    As for Tun M's legacy, I need not go out with you as we are clearly on two extreme ends.

    I know what Tun has done for Malaysia over his 22 years of administrations and the policies he placed in the system.

    As for PI Bala's case, I am wondering what happened to him to just like Hilmi Yahya and the rest. If security can be organized to protect Anwar Ibrahim (who claimed that he received foreign intelligence reports on 4 assassins who entered the country to kill him), I don't see why Bala needs to fear if he went on to talk about Najib, Razak and Altantuya.

    Instead, he retracted his SD with a new SD denouncing the initial one.

    If PKR can do this to a Kg Buah Pala resident ( ), I am beginning to wonder why not for Bala.

    If Hilmi Yahya was said to be a chess piece of a Pakatan Rakyat politician in a power struggle against Khalid Ibrahim, (Elizabeth Wong's case), I don't see why not Bala's case can be similar.

    It is all suspicions and if people can have the benefit of the doubt that certain leaders played a role in the disappearance of Bala, we must also not discount that the same can be said where Bala is just a chess piece in a this political game.

    After all, I wonder why so many DAP leaders went to Seri Perdana to celebrate Raya with the Prime Minister whom some of the Pakatan Rakyat politicians have accused as Murderer.

    Oh well, the story is as good as over since Dr Shaaribuu has retracted his lawsuits.

    Politics is indeed wonderful isn't it ? I have a suggestion though that you try writing with less emotions as emotions will only discredit alot of your arguments in a debates.

    Cheers and we are all Malaysians my friend.

  21. Yes I admit I do get very emotional sometimes. But that is because I cannot stand so many injustice happening in my country. And the govt of the day is either not helping enough or worst is part of this injustice!

    Pls don't talk to be about other injustice of the world! Let's look at our own country first before going beyond that!

    Oh by the way you still haven't answer me this important question!

    "Tell me what does the law say in Malaysia, (or over there in Auss) about people who knows about a crime (in this case, corruption), HAS THE POWER to do something about it BUT CHOOSE NOT TO!!!"

  22. Good to hear that we are talking properly. As to your question, I have to admit humbly that I do not know the law as I don't study the legal systems and structure.

    Care to share ?

    The podium is yours to proceed with your thoughts. Do provide links to the legislation though for clarity.


  23. By the way I don't understand your words

    "Pls don't talk to be about other injustice of the world! Let's look at our own country first before going beyond that!"

    Don't remember me talking about injustices overseas.

  24. Seems like this argument will not end. About the statistic part, the finding of the research cannot be fully accepted because we don’t know the scale of the survey. How many people were asked in the process? Which part of Malaysia does it involve? I am 100% sure that the survey is only conducted in small scale to represent the whole Malaysia. Thus, it is not fair to conclude that majority of Malaysian has accepted corruption. Another factor we should also consider is how willing are Malaysian to accept corruption. You know why people pay bribe? I guess you know the answer, to get out of troubles. Thus, they accepted corruption unwillingly. See the difference?

    As an economic major grad, you should know the answer better than me because I am only a finance undergrad. Corruption will cause incompetency in the country. Without competition, there is no improvement. Only the consumers will suffer from corruption. I will make a full stop for the economic part.

    As for the "networking" that you mentioned. The networking part is more on corporation networking rather than political networking although it is true to some extend. Let me set an example here, if Obama wants to appoint someone into his Cabinet, he/she will be questioned by the Senators for their competency, background, education level, experience, and etc. When I mean questioned by Senators, I mean from both the main and opposition camp. Thus, cronyism is reduced to a few qualified people. By the way, the current secretary of defense used to serve the previous government. In conclusion, networking doesn't work in the U.S. as being suggested by you. Anything relates to the federal level will be questioned by the Senators and the House of Representatives. As for the State level, the state legislators will do the same. For California, to pass a proposition, Californians will be involved in the process. Therefore, corruption will be reduced to minimum.
    Another thing I want to mention here is politicians in the U.S. are rich people before they enter politics. They are professionals from law firms, corporates, professors, and a few from hollywood. Those from hollywood really sucks except for Reagan. See how big is the difference between U.S. and Malaysia?

    Another anom. My identity is not important.
