Friday, August 28, 2009

Think , MCA !

Group to oust Ong in tit-for-tat move
Led by maverick party member Theng Bok (left), the ad-hoc group's main agenda for the EGM is the reinstatement of sacked party deputy chief Dr Chua Soi Lek into the party and call for a vote of no-confidence against Ong.

Ampang MCA division deputy chairperson Loo Tak Ming (left) said it was a "very wrong move" for the presidential council to sack Chua. "Whatever (Chua) did in the past has already been forgiven by party delegates in the party elections (last October). The decision is very unfair to Chua and party members."

"The past is the past. Why are they still persecuting him? I hope the party delegates will now send a strong message to the party president," said Loo.

Fong: Reconsider sacking
"He has apologised for the scandal and resigned as a minister and parliamentarian to take moral responsibility," Fong told reporters at a press conference today.


By now, the MCA grassroots should be hearing the tune "the past is the past" and certain quarters are out with a mission to oust the President of MCA.

This particular tune which is currently played repeatedly also carry the embedded message that MCA members have forgiven Dr Chua for his moral misconduct last year when MCA delegates voted him in as the Deputy President.

Is that true ?

Of course we do not deny that Dr Chua has been an excellent Minister of Health. His tenure as a Cabinet Minister reaped in large number of support not only from within MCA but also commanded respect from the Opposition and the people.

Nevertheless, leaders lead by example. After the moral misconduct, Dr Chua acted professionally and resigned.

However, his return to party politics in late 2008 came riding on hints of conspiracy that he was set up and a victim.

Two questions then come to our minds.
  1. Why bother to claim that it is a set up when in fact the act was voluntary ?
  2. What are the true intentions of the return - love for the party or vengeance ?

MCA members are quick to forgive and forget (maybe). Will the people be quick to forgive and forget Dr Chua ? People say the essence of a good politician is a good husband and able to upkeep the family household.

Imagine if Dr Chua Soi Lek is the President of MCA. Will UMNO, MIC, Gerakan and the rest of the component parties be comfortable with a man once involved with the scandal ?

Dr Fong Chan Onn, Theng Bok and Loo Tak Ming must not forget that together with the position as President of MCA, there is also the appointment to a Cabinet Ministerial post in one of the few core Ministries.

Who will then bear the responsibility of being humiliated, teased and hounded daily by the wolves of the Opposition in blogs, the Press, and the Parliament ?

Bear in mind that the Opposition under Anwar Ibrahim now has the machinery, internet and "friends in the media" that can turn MCA into nothing but dust if they flex their muscles on a Dr Chua-led MCA.

As for this, anyone ever stop to think why no one from the Opposition invested any effort to tear apart the political career of MCA's Deputy President since March 2008 ?

Note that Dr Chua is also the BN Chief Coordinator for the 5 Opposition led States. I leave that "mystery" for you.

The instability and frictions in MCA over the year surely contradicts with his initial actions of love for the party when he quit as a Minister of Health and MP.

Since being elected as MCA President, it is an open secret that Dr Chua and his supporters are always clashing with Ong Tee Keat's camp.

God knows why Najib - Muhyiddin can work together but not a democratically elected pair of Ong - Chua.

Words of campaigning to oust Ong as President of MCA has been going on for a long time while Ong is kept busy with his Ministerial duties, Presidential duties and obligation to the people to report on the latest of PKFZ.

I strongly believe MCA's Presidential Council and Ong would not have "disciplined" Dr Chua if not for the year long instability caused by him and his supporters, though the sacking shocked me.

This should have been said in late 2008 after the Party elections. Give Ong Tee Keat a chance to run and reform MCA.

Having said all these, allow me to commend Dr Chua for his excellent track record as Minister of Health. I was and still is one of the many who envied Dr Chua's dedication.

Today, Barisan Nasional come as a priority at A PIECE OF MY MIND.


(Credits to Malaysiakini and The Star for the photos)


  1. hey WL, are u suggesting a possibility that Dr Chua may be some sorta double agent? or have ties with PR? i thought PR was just happy to see MCA tearing itself additional effort needed from their side...

  2. PS Beh

    I think Wl might be not implying that but rather if Chua were to become MCA President , their work will be so easy like a walk over in the next GE . All they have to do is print banners depicting DVDs and scantily clad women , or reprint pics from the actual dvd circulated and mca is white washed . That is why they are keeping quiet hoping for him to become the president .

  3. Good analysis .

    Need more people like you to help us out in this all out war.

  4. Beh, howz things going for you there ? Swine flu issue is not that bad already in Victoria I suppose.

    Yes justice4otk is right. It will merely make things easier. If we bother to check now, most of the blogs and online media are trying to "promote" and "fight for" OTK now including the Opposition aligned websites.

    We all know why.

  5. The result of Permatang Pasir by-election tell us something that The voters want a clean representative. That will make (DVD) sex scandal BN coordinator Dr Chua Soi Lek a political liability to MCA and BN. But I believe the real reason behind his sacking are more to trying to topple the MCA President. A lot of influential politicians within MCA as well BN want Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat out due to his determination to clean up the mess in the PKFZ fiasco which will expose those politicians wrong doing. As such that stupid porn star should retire entirely form politic when he was caught, instead being now used by those treacherous politician. Obviously Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat is doing a good job which is in line with the society's sentiment and he is doing at the expense of losing his political career or his life. Cleansing process in MCA is now underway, will see more sacking and that will be the trend until all those tainted personalities and those trying to topple the MCA President remove. MCA cannot afford to retain the old practice, they must reform and let the younger generation run the show. What most people like to see is a progressive,authoritative and clean MCA.

    If OTK were to fail and fall, BN will go down deeper in the shit hole....maybe not able to get up anymore.

    If Najib is smart, he should follow the momentum already set by MCA to cleanse UMNO and BN as well, perhaps this is their last chance........

  6. The result of Permatang Pasir by-election tell us something that The voters want a clean representative. That will make (DVD) sex scandal BN coordinator Dr Chua Soi Lek a political liability to MCA and BN. But I believe the real reason behind his sacking are more to trying to topple the MCA President. A lot of influential politicians within MCA as well BN want Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat out due to his determination to clean up the mess in the PKFZ fiasco which will expose those politicians wrong doing. As such that stupid porn star should retire entirely form politic when he was caught, instead being now used by those treacherous politician. Obviously Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat is doing a good job which is in line with the society's sentiment and he is doing at the expense of losing his political career or his life. Cleansing process in MCA is now underway, will see more sacking and that will be the trend until all those tainted personalities and those trying to topple the MCA President remove. MCA cannot afford to retain the old practice, they must reform and let the younger generation run the show. What most people like to see is a progressive,authoritative and clean MCA.

    If OTK were to fail and fall, BN will go down deeper in the shit hole....maybe not able to get up anymore.

    If Najib is smart, he should follow the momentum already set by MCA to cleanse UMNO and BN as well, perhaps this is their last chance........

  7. Bro WL

    There will be more exposure of these scums , the axe is falling down of them . Just wait for the news to come .

  8. I also think Dr Chua does not deserve to be there. thats y...dont go cheat on your wife. must remember k!!

  9. it is hard to restrain selfish people because it is not that they cannot see the big picture, but they see their selfish selves bigger than the big picture, they always come first and others last.

    party and political alliance are nothing compare to the 'tai ko' crown that dr csl wants on his head.

    and otk, a self-claiming righteous man, then why not go straight to the point and don't play 'shits' like risking political life and own life and things like that. political life is given by supporters, if you really have the 'calibre', supporters are always on your side and literally nobody can 'touch' you.

    otk should know better, his just sacked nemesis, dr csl's special sexy experience also cannot destroy dr csl's political life, what makes otk think his so called 'pkftz insights' is so special!

    plus the political landscape in the country is at the stage of amost equal 'strength' at both political sides, unless the political side, that otk claims will 'wipe out' him, is so stupid, the other political side will always make big issue when otk is 'touched'. just like when ai was sacked, ai suddenly got many 'friends' from dap eventhough those dap fellows have been humiliating ai as gay for sometime. and don't forget pkr's wck is still standing tall now, eventhough he has 'stirred' big 'shits' recently.

    in any war, there is always an opportunistic side wants to take advantage of its rival problems as weapon to attack its rivals, political war is no difference. so otk, your enemy's enemy will watch your back, why scared?

    best is both dr csl and otk resign together and let another less controversial leader to take over. the party and the political alliance cannot afford to have continuing internal stabbing at this political stage.

  10. CommonerNinetyNine

    best is both dr csl and otk resign together and let another less controversial leader to take over.

    Warped reasoning and probably a Pakatan die hard member hoping to see their islamofacist peform better with Ong out of their way .

    In laymans terms when your father and your mother quarrel , chuck both of them into the big blue sea and ask maybe your mother's boyfriend to become your father .

  11. im good over here WL, thanks for asking..swine flu isnt that big a deal as most ppl in melb with flu are treated as having swine flu and were given tamiflu regardless..only the frail will succumb to swine flu so generally its not a big worry...

    oh i get it..PR would prefer CSL instead as he would be an easier target. but i think MCA really need to buck up coz i think the Chinese votes are still swinging PR's way....95% if not more..1 thing i dont really like about the Chinese folks is that they can b very nice, showing relentless support to the BN during the campaign but only to vote for PR later..showing much support will prompt BN leader to deliver more development but post-election when BN loses, BN will be caught in a difficult position; having to fulfill the promised delevopment while not having the power to do much (PR would be holding the seat) not doing so would further tarnish their image come next election, and even if they manage to do sth, PR would get the credits. very tough nut to crack.

    i agree with what OTK's doing..there must be a radical change in MCA, and would benefit not only MCA itself but BN as whole..whenever BN had a bad election, usually its because of MCA's shortcomings..remmeber how pre-5/13 there was a huge loss on the MCA's side as in short it is vital for MCA to he strong and i think MCAs heading the right way atm..things may seem abit messy atm,just like any other overhauling process but things do have to change and its good to see that OTK's taking the initiative...OTK's got my support..(he's a fellow hainanese too ;-)...represent!)

  12. the ship is breaking?

    i hope not.. what we need here is unity among ourselves...

    salam Ramadhan dan Selamat menyambut Ulangtahun Kemerdekaan Yang ke 52

  13. WL,

    I heard many aunties asking what benefit does Theng Bok get for coordinating the Save MCA campaign?

    The aunties also laugh said the Ling Liong Sik sons also paying money to get Chua Soi Lek to take over Ong Tee Keat cos they angry with OTK trying to dig up PKFZ. They very unhappy their father called in to be questioned, now they want revenge.

    Do you have information, WL? Please share. Tks

