Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Political Cost of PKFZ Transparency

A man who is at the peak of his career as Minister and President of the largest Chinese based organization in Malaysia, will he stir the hornet's nest by going transparent and open if he knows that the bees will sting him in the end which might spell the end of his career ?

Only a senile man will do so and definitely not the President of MCA. Read this good article : Tough times call for tough measures

Since the very beginning, the Malaysian Chinese Association President Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat held on firmly to his pledge that the Ministry of Transport will come clean, open and transparent in the case of PKA - PKFZ project.

Never once was anything hidden or shrouded in secrecy. Never once was there any attempts to sweep the case under the carpet. Never once was there any procedures to seal and close the case under the Official Secrets Act.

In fact, some of the following chronological news headlines which carry the efforts of MCA President and his Ministry officials will show to the public who is walking the talk.

It is indeed a big political cost. But MCA shall persevere and march ahead with Barisan Nasional.

April 29, 2009
Tee Keat: PKFZ report out in a week
Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat said today he has ordered the Port Klang Authority (PKA) to release the Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) report which was commissioned last May after explanations by former Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy failed to satisfy the public.

May 28, 2009
PKFZ audit report now online; 20 key issues
The release of the report was a clear instruction from Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, said PKA chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng at a press conference in the PKA office here Thursday. “I was also instructed to hand the report over to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission. I’ll be there tomorrow at 8am,” he said, adding that this was because PKA does not have any investigative authority.

July 1, 2009
Tee Keat will comply with PAC summons over PKFZ
Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat said today that the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has the power and right to call anyone to give an explanation regarding the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) RM12.5 billion scandal. “If I am called then of course I will comply. That was my promise and the promise will be fulfilled,” he said.

July 08, 2009
No Proof Yet Of Irregularities In PKFZ Issue : MB
Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim Wednesday said there had not been any proof that showed there had been any irregularities in the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) project. He said it was his opinion that what happened was that the Port Klang Authority (PKA) was not experienced in managing the free zone and needed to be responsible for the investments made.

July 17, 2009
Ong reveals big hurdle in revealing report
POWERFUL forces are trying to stop Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat from revealing the Pricewaterhouse-Coopers (PwC) report on Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ). Ong said some in the Government also opposed the report being made public. He said there was even a message from an underground figure saying that if he suddenly “disappeared from this world one day”, he should know what brought it about.

July 22, 2009
PKFZ: Letters of support made public
According to PKA chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng, the decision to post the appendices on the website is in line with Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat’s stance on transparency and accountability. "Under the minister's instruction, the PKA has put the report online and allowed the public to view the appendices," he said, adding that he hoped the issue of MPs not receiving the full report would to an end.

July 26, 2009
Ong: MCA has never been involved in PKFZ
“If any individual from MCA, irrespective of his position, was involved in his individual or personal capacity in such a debacle, he should subject himself to public scrutiny and investigations conducted by the authorities concerned. I did it in the interest of the people and I believe the truth must prevail."

July 26, 2009
PKFZ – only the truth matters
MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat has made two startling statements over the past few weeks. First, he revealed that companies and individuals had collaborated to stop him from disclosing the audit report from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) on the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) issue.

August 12th, 2009
Tiong claims RM10 million donation paid in cash to Tee Keat

Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing claims the RM10 million donation he made last year to MCA via Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat was paid in three separate cash installments. According to a report in this evening’s China Press, Tiong claimed he could also summon a witness to prove that Ong had asked him for the donation.

August 13, 2009
MCA president: Duo trying to divert people’s attention from issue
“If indeed I have received pecuniary and financial benefits for myself or the party, there will be more reasons for me to protect the interests of the givers, as opposed to proceeding to expose their misdeeds.

By doing so, I am risking my personal and family safety as well as my own credibility,” Ong, who is MCA president, wrote in his blog

(Credits to Malaysiakini & The Star for the photos)


  1. Tee Keat will preserve . All those devils shall perished , those who live by the sword dies by the sword . The law of cause and effects has been laid ...they shall reap what they sow .

    Tee Keat has filed a police report . We shall see ...

  2. Tee Keat must be losing sleep on the trail of those alleged rm10 million in 'Donation$'.. muahaha

    preserve vegetable?


  3. Atleast this OTK dare to speak out.

    Trustworthy ot not we dont know but atleast he is the one who starts the ball rolling on the disclosure on the PKFZ scandal though the odds is with him..

    What happen to the rest of the hypocrites who play safe watching the show by the sideline ?

  4. What happen to the rest of the hypocrites who play safe watching the show by the sideline ?

    What about those who condemn the one who dared to speak up while hugging and remaining quiet on the ones who who are involved ? like for eg the barking mad dog of Asia , the mutant , the alien from the Dirty Arse Planet ?
    What about the one above who posts under chapTohSi , ruyom , reek TiuNyaSing , NiaMaFulat , WMW ?

  5. Bro

    Ong Gua Tak Kut had no choice.

    Not only that, it is downright dishonest of him to claim that he is championing transparency. This is mega BS.

    The entire fraud was exposed by blogger Capt Yusof aka Ancient Mariner, Nades of the Sun and Lim Kit Siang of DAP.

    Only then did OGTK moves his butt as otw, it would have implicated the whole of UMNO and MIC.

    Those are the facts.

    Let no one spin it and make it appear as though OGTK is some knight in shining armour. And his persecution of CSL is adequate proof that this man is hoping to distract his own dwindling popularity by diverting the atttention of M'sians elsewhere.

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race.

  6. The entire fraud was exposed by blogger Capt Yusof aka Ancient Mariner, Nades of the Sun and Lim Kit Siang of DAP.

    No one implied that it was OTK who exposed the fraud . Only suckers like you do . OTK dared to go all the way to clean up what is considered a dirty issue .
    Do you think you dare do what he did ?if you were the MT ? I think you would be enjoying bonuses by the courtesy of Tiong King Sing .
    And by the way please don't mention that alien mutant father of yours . He's well known to all of us as the mad man of Asia or barking mad dog of Malaysia .
    You are already in his pack of barking mad dogs , nothing much to do except pollute all the blogs with your dog poo .
    And btw donplaypukis , its better to do cunnilingus

  7. donplaypuks®

    Your profile says you are an accountant , but the way you post your comments on OTK , you are nothing more than a nincompoop .

  8. The scumbags are here with nothing else in their pathetic armoury but personal attacks.

    Donplaypukis, OGTK HAD NO CHOICE but to investigate or resign AFTER PKFZ was exposed by 3rd parties. It's not as though he went into it willingly. Live with that!

    Now he's trying to distract us with vendetta against CSL and he's been exposed by Tiong. So, he's no angel. You ever heard of LKS, Karpal or LGE accused of corruption?

    As for cunnilingus, I'm sure you know all about it coz your other equipment doesn't work. You HAVE NO CHOICE, poor limp man. Or like Aisehman says 'winners get to f...k the prom queen' while limp dicked losers like you only know how to use your sharp tongue?

    dap punk, if you have nothing original or sensible to say, it would be better for you to wallow in your own poop!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race
