Saturday, July 18, 2009

What last hurrah, Jui Meng ?

Two years after Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting was selected to lead MCA, he had to face the rough patches of party election.

Datuk Seri Chua Jui Meng being the longest serving Health Minister and a top MCA politician with strong support in Johor (Barisan Nasional's fortress), he was indeed the shining star in MCA at that time (year 2005).

A Presidential contest was on the sheet but Datuk Seri Chua Jui Meng was rejected by 2/3 of the delegates who were chosen to represent their divisions to attend and vote in the MCA General Assembly.

In 2008 when MCA faced their worst performance ever, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting humbly resigned and made way for fresh blood.

A fresh new party election was again the focus of all Malaysians and it was heavily discussed especially among the Malaysian Chinese community.

Initially it was tipped to be a Ong Tee Keat vs Chua Soi Lek and Ong Ka Chuan vs Chua Jui Meng epic election battle.

However, we all know that it is "politically unacceptable" for a Presidential candidate to stoop low and take a shot at the Deputy Presidency.

Datuk Seri Chua Jui Meng then made the first move and announced his candidacy for President of MCA, spoiling Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek's plans and hopes.

In the 2008 MCA Party Election, untested and young politician Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat was elected into office as President of MCA with 1429 votes.

Datuk Seri Chua Jui Meng managed to obtain 917 votes, once again rejected by the members of the Malaysian Chinese Association.

In democratic party elections, Datuk Seri Chua Jui Meng was twice rejected to lead the Malaysian Chinese Association - a party with over 1 million members.

Today, he quits MCA to join PKR.

First BN Coordinating Meeting in Muar and Bakri
This is the problem that BN faces when a long serving candidate is replaced with a new face. The incumbents always feel that they have many more years to go before they retire. Hence, in a lot of constituencies, when a long serving incumbent is replaced, there is non-cooperation and what is worst sabotage. Anyway, the incumbent for one of the Parliamentary seats who was replaced did not turn out for the meeting although he is still head of the division.

Chua Jui Meng quits as Bakri MCA chief
Speaking to reporters Thursday, he said the decision was made “solely to unify the division which has been split since the March 8, 2008 general election.” He said although many parties had asked him to continue to lead the division, he felt it was time for him to give way to a younger leader.

After reading the above two articles, you will understand what Datuk Seri Dr Chua Jui Meng meant when he said "I am prepared for this last hurrah of my life".



  2. If you think deeply about this, you maay be sad for a while, but just for a while. Because, for all the great things said, it all boils down to personal ambition. It doesn't matter if the party you have been with for decades suffers some negativity so long as what you do benefits you in one way or another.

    We all know the superficiality of our so-called "leaders"; their fight is actually not for the people but rather more for themselves.

    So it's good really that this old rubber tree devoid of any latex fells himself. Good riddance to him then. He has in fact abandoned ship and left his followers behind, those people who have been supporting him all this while. He has lost a lot of respect you know. And we all know he has gone to a place that will never be as good as the MCA.

    No loss la.


  3. If you think deeply about this, you maay be sad for a while, but just for a while. Because, for all the great things said, it all boils down to personal ambition. It doesn't matter if the party you have been with for decades suffers some negativity so long as what you do benefits you in one way or another.

    We all know the superficiality of our so-called "leaders"; their fight is actually not for the people but rather more for themselves.

    So it's good really that this old rubber tree devoid of any latex fells himself. Good riddance to him then. He has in fact abandoned ship and left his followers behind, those people who have been supporting him all this while. He has lost a lot of respect you know. And we all know he has gone to a place that will never be as good as the MCA.

    No loss la.


  4. If you think deeply about this, you maay be sad for a while, but just for a while. Because, for all the great things said, it all boils down to personal ambition. It doesn't matter if the party you have been with for decades suffers some negativity so long as what you do benefits you in one way or another.

    We all know the superficiality of our so-called "leaders"; their fight is actually not for the people but rather more for themselves.

    So it's good really that this old rubber tree devoid of any latex fells himself. Good riddance to him then. He has in fact abandoned ship and left his followers behind, those people who have been supporting him all this while. He has lost a lot of respect you know. And we all know he has gone to a place that will never be as good as the MCA.

    No loss la.


  5. with the good leaving, what left behind are con artists.

  6. Wei Liang, what do you think happen to Teoh Beng Hock. Did he commit suicide because he confessed about the DAP leaders involved with the Triads to the MACC. I read here that he would rather commit suicide than to die in the hands of the DAP thugs led by Ronnie Liu. Is this true?

  7. Wei Liang, what do you think happen to Teoh Beng Hock. Did he commit suicide because he confessed about the DAP leaders involved with the Triads to the MACC. I read here that he would rather commit suicide than to die in the hands of the DAP thugs led by Ronnie Liu. Is this true?

  8. hahah DAP leaders being involved with TRIADS???


    MCA leaders are the ones with most ties to the Chinese mafiosi.

    ah tiam fah

  9. Wei Liang, what do you think happen to Teoh Beng Hock. Did he commit suicide because he confessed about the DAP leaders involved with the Triads to the MACC. I read here that he would rather commit suicide than to die in the hands of the DAP thugs led by Ronnie Liu. Is this true?

    Sunday, 19 July, 2009

    Goh, why are you not answerng to Anon above? I also want to know what you think.

  10. Chua Jui Meng was MCA bright star BUT was dropped from cabinet by mahatir the one whose ass you are licking... because he favoured his crony ling liong sick.
