Monday, April 20, 2009

The Proof That Can Save Azilah & Sirul

Rosmah at murder scene (Malaysia-Today)
Saturday, 21 June 2008 00:16

My informer states that Acting Colonel Aziz Buyong was the person who placed the C4 on various parts of Altantuya’s body while being witnessed by Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor and Norhayati.

"My informer states that Aziz was the person who placed the C4 on various parts of Altantuya’s body witnessed by Rosmah and Norhayati," Raja Petra claimed in the document.

"I make this statutory declaration because I have been reliably informed about the involvement of these three people who have thus far not been implicated in the murder nor called as witnesses by the prosecution in the ongoing trial at the Shah Alam High Court.

Apart from Abdullah and Khairy, Raja Petra claimed "one of the (Malay) Rulers" has also been briefed about the matter and is fully aware of the allegation.

Anwar Takes Najib To Task On Altantuya Photos

Explosive claims linking Najib to Altantuya
Soon Li Tsin | Jul 3, 08 1:00pm

Pressed whether he had more concrete evidence suggesting actual links between Najib and Altantuya, Anwar said "yes".

“We will adduce further evidence soon. This is not the end. I just want to test not only the nerve but the commitment by Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi that everything should be (professionally investigated).

“I want to reiterate. There is nothing personal here. I have evidence, I will submit it, be it evidence against Najib or Abdullah,” he added.

PKR has ‘evidence’ that Najib met Altantuya
Andrew Ong and Wong Teck Chi | Jul 19, 07 6:39pm

PKR information chief Tian Chua said today that he has ‘evidence’ to prove that Deputy Premier Najib Abdul Razak had met Altantuya Shaariibuu.

He told reporters at PKR headquarters today that he had “enough” information and evidence to show that the duo knew each other and had met before.

Pressed for details, Chua said he was not duty bound to reveal the information.


Mainstream bloggers Rockybru & Anotherbrickinthewall have launched a campaign to ask Anwar Ibrahim & RPK to reveal the evidences that could give the judgement a revision.

APOMM is glad to join in the call that could save two lives or send more of the Altantuya murderers to hell.

In the mind blogging conspiracy theories of Anwar & RPK, the remainding three people involved are Rosmah Mansor, Abdul Razak Baginda and finally Najib Tun Razak.

HarakahDaily, Suara Keadilan, Malaysiakini.

The blogosphere calls for your support to kindly ask Anwar & RPK to reveal the proof(s) that could save 2 lives.

Many including bloggers and the alternative media have claimed that Sirul & Azilah are the sacrificial lambs.

We await your support, Harakah Daily, Suara Keadilan & Malaysiakini.

APOMM will anxiously wait to see the evidences from Anwar Ibrahim & RPK that will back their conspiracy theories of Najib & Rosmah's involvement in the Altantuya scandal.

Mr Setev Shaaribuu, are you still with us or in Mongolia now?

Your daughter's justice now lies in the hands of the Top 100 Most Influential Man in the World and the top blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin.

2 men and Altantuya will see no justice and die with blood in Anwar Ibrahim & RPK's hands who both claimed to have evidences that linked Rosmah & Najib to the case.

Supporters and the masses have cried the words "Altantuya" day after day. Now, it is time to cry "Anwar Ibrahim" and "RPK".

I wonder if there will be organizers who will coordinate a peaceful night of lighting candles in front of Anwar & RPK's homes in the name of justice.

The last time I checked, there were many who loved to light candles in the name of democracy and justice.

We have a serious one in hand now.

Otherwise, Pakatan Rakyat leaders and supporters who defamed DS Najib Tun Razak should face lawsuits for defamation and sedition.

(Credits to Malaysiakini, Anotherbrickinthewall and Time for the photos)


  1. Gosh, The 100 Most Influential Man in the World by CNN? Looking from the perspective of influence, I admit that he does a good job at it. However its surprising to see this statement being published out in the article: "Last fall his opposition party took control of the Malaysian Parliament — a major first step."

  2. Proof or no proof. Najib or no Najib. If RPK and Anwar claimed to be the defender of Rakyat, then the 2 accused shall be helped no matter what.

    Maybe I can't digest the sort of chess game they are playing, maybe they have a bigger agenda in mind, but I just think saving 2 souls from the gallow wouldn't be that bad after all.

    You never know those 2 might side with you after all that they have gone through and share more juicy news with you ^^
