Sunday, April 05, 2009

Betrayal of votes entrusted in Bkt Selambau

There is a reader who claimed that I condone to rumours about Arumugam's extra marital affairs. It is said that my previous post contains a lot of allegations without facts.

APOMM has never blogged without proper arguments and facts. This blog is unlike several websites including Suara Keadilan who spread false rumours that the King objected to the swearing in ceremony of Najib Tun Razak as the new PM of Malaysia.

By the way, press freedom in this country must also come with responsibility, just like in the West. Whenever mistakes are made, a front page apology must come together with damages where necessary.

The following are chronological news of Arumugam, the man who betrayed democracy of the people's votes that placed him as an elected representative of Bukit Selambau.

This man ran away without saying good bye to the people and explain why. Not even a lame excuse like "saya nak sambung belajar" in Fairus' case.

Coincidentally, this man is from Parti Keadilan Rakyat, a component party of the illegal organization Pakatan Rakyat. (I shall leave this better piece for another day)

A rational and safer bet?

Enjoy the facts.

Arumugam quits as assemblyman after resigning from Kedah Exco (February 2, 2009)

V. Arumugam has quit as Bukit Selambau assemblyman, hours after resigning as a Kedah exco member. His shocked resignation as assemblyman was announced by Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Azizan Abdul Razak.

Arumugam, who was State Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, Unity, Estate Workers and Indian and Siamese Communities' Affairs committee chairman, made known his decision in a two-page statutory declaration delivered to the Menteri Besar at 5pm today.

Copies of the statutory declaration, made on Sunday, were also submitted to the Sultan of Kedah and State Assembly Speaker Datuk Dr Abdul Isa Ismail. A third copy was sent to PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Arumugam's resignation, amidst speculation that he was facing marital problems, paves the way for a by-election in the next 60 days. He has also been missing since last Thursday.

Arumugam goes missing (February 2, 2009)

No one seems to know the whereabouts of the former Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, Siamese Community Affairs, Unity, Estate Workers and Indian Community Affairs committee chairman. Not even Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak, apparently. “I’ve been trying to contact him but he could not be reached,” Azizan told reporters here.

A check by Bernama at his rented house at the Kelab Cinta Sayang housing area, here, found that the house was locked with no sign of people inside. According to neighbours, Arumugam was seen leaving the house with family members two days ago.

Recently, a group of people claiming to be representing 500 residents of Taman Ria in Sungai Petani submitted a petition to the Sultan of Kedah claiming that a state executive councillor was involved in an affair with a woman.

Conundrum in Kedah Ketuanan Rakyat (February 2, 2009)

Words have reached HRH Sultan of Kedah that a certain state Executive Councillor (Exco) taken a married woman as his second wife. It is learnt that the Sultan was disheartened to learn that the Exco had the audacity to take oath before him, knowing fully well that he had committed an offence. The Exco and the second “wife” are liable to be charged under Section 7 (1) of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976. Action can be taken under section 494 of the Penal Code. They could be jailed 7 years.

The Exco married the married woman without divorcing his wife of 17 years.

She, who is 19 years younger, married the Exco without divorcing her second husband whom she married after the death of her first husband. A group of people are staging a protest at the Sungai Petani Municipal field at 3pm on 9 Feb 2009 as they felt that the Exco has insulted the Sultan by taking an “illegal” wife as escort to official functions.

Kedah Sultan wants to know if Arumugam was forced to quit (February 11, 2009)

The Kedah Sultan’s confidential secretary Datuk Wira Syed Unan Mashri Syed Abdullah said the Sultan had asked his office to summon Arumugam to the palace following speculation that the elected representative wanted to quit both the State Exco post and Bukit Selambau state seat. Arumugam is believed to have flown to Chennai, India, on Monday night after purportedly signing the letter of resignation and a statutory declaration to vacate both the executive council and state assembly posts.

Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak was also unable to contact Arumugam. However, Kedah Pakatan Rakyat chief Ahmad Kasim said Arumugam was on vacation overseas after his alleged scandal became public knowledge.


(Credits to My Sinchew and BHarian for the photos)



  2. silakan jeffry :)

    dia ni duk kat india rasanya. haha. tak pe lah. biarkan.

    rakyat terus ditipu oleh PKR.

  3. Events reported by blog might not be the true thought it was cited by bigdogdotcom that the article was published in the star yet he couldn't provide us with the link. Not saying it was fake but someone could link his allegations based on Malaysia Today's article and most of us knows RPK will claim it is based on his trusted insiders. =

    Still, would give my friend her the benefit of doubt and I know it is lame, a lame joke indeed, why would Murugan mess with someone's wife and make her his mistress, 0.o he has a weird fetish or what.

    PR is just making a big fuss about it I think, most Chinese events have some elements of dance and entertainment in it but I reckon BN would come out with the same accusations if DAP hold something like that too, but this time it will be aimed at PAS for being the partner in crime.

    Yet yesterday we saw another Anwar's failed promises of juicy news and the crossing of Kampung Kuala Sungkup PKR mmbers into UMNO, what puzzled me most is the Ketua Kampung's claim that PAS had failed to provide safe drinking water for them for the past 50 years so he decided to switch allegiance, Hello??? out of that 50 years probably BN is in power for close to 49 years la abang.

  4. Former DAP supporter at 3 Mac 2008Sunday, April 05, 2009 9:30:00 PM

    Talk about "reform", "change for better government"

    Look at this Nga Kor Meng of DAP, a young man and quite educated ( i think he is a lawyer). But why need to resort to name calling, cursing!!!!

    Is this the reform Pakatan is shouting about?

    No way I will ever support DAP/Pakatan Rakyat anymore.

  5. ok.. now i've a change of heart.

    probably BN is going to make the hat-trick this time with a new striker in the form of najib (he doesn't yawn or lose concentration during critical goal scoring moment) and a veteran midfield/playmaker/manager in the form of mahathir (a brilliant strategist indeed).

    who says ISA should be abolished. Look at the wonders they did by locking up those terrorist hindraf leaders, take away their freedom, bitch slap them left and right while in custody, break them down mentally and in the end exchange their freedom for a new allegiance. =) The same person pre-ISA period were shouting makkal sakti, post-ISA period they can only purr and hiss.

    after reevaluating all the possibilities especially mahathir factor, I still think mahathir that old fox can outwit anwar easily without batting his eye lid.
