Tuesday, March 10, 2009

An Open Letter to Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin


Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin,
(Bekas) Menteri Besar Perak,

Perak Darul Ridzuan.


Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin. Cukuplah. Ini nasihat saya kepada Datuk Seri. Saya rasa Pakatan Rakyat dah melampaui batasan di Perak.

Sultan Perak sentiasa dipuji dan disanjung tinggi oleh Datuk Seri dan barisan pemimpin Datuk Seri sepanjang tahun. Tuanku dipuji oleh Kerajaan Datuk Seri sebagai seorang Sultan yang adil, berpendidikan tinggi dan berpengetahuan luas dalam bidang perundangan.

Datuk Seri sedar, bahawa setiap orang Perak memberi pujian dan penghormatan tertinggi kepada Sultan Azlan Shah pada setiap masa.

Saya juga menyanjung tinggi asas kebudayaan Datuk Seri sebagai seorang Melayu yang menghormati institusi Raja Melayu apabila Datuk Seri berkata "I have no doubt that the decision will be fair to all... to the people and to the political parties. He said that he needed time to look into the matter. I will abide and accept whatever the decision." (4 Feb 2009 - BERNAMA)

Kesemua ini melesap pada 5 Februari 2009, Datuk Seri.

Setelah Tuanku tidak setuju dengan Datuk Seri untuk membubarkan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak dan menitahkan Datuk Seri meletak jawatan, Datuk Seri berkata "Saya dengan rendah hati mohon derhaka dengan berkata kepada baginda ’patik sebagai MB dan pemimpin kerajaan, mohon tidak letak jawatan".

Saya ini dengan rendah diri ingin bertanya kepada Datuk Seri. Patutkah Datuk Seri, sebagai orang Melayu, memohon derhaka terhadap kedaulatan DYMM Sultan Azlan Shah yang dipuji dan disanjung tinggi oleh Datuk Seri sendiri sebelum 5 Februari 2009?

Rakyat Perak kini sudah pun mula menentang Sultan Azlan Shah dan Raja Nazrin Shah. Perkara sebegini tidak pernah berlaku di Perak.

Janganlah bersekongkol dengan gabungan Ngeh-Nga yang mengawal Kerajaan Negeri Perak. Datuk Seri orang yang bijaksana dan sedar bahawa imej Datuk Seri makin lama makin tercalar dan bintang Datuk Seri makin malap.

Kini, pertarungan di Perak sudah jelas merupakan pertarungan antara titah Sultan Azlan Shah dan pemimpin-pemimpin DAP seperti V Sivakumar, Wong Kah Woh, Ngeh Koo Ham dan Nga Kor Ming.

Datuk Seri hanya akan dilihat sebagai Menteri Besar yang mengikut telunjuk DAP dalam sejarah sekiranya ini berterusan.

Kalaulah demokrasi yang diperjuangkan dan ADUN Behrang, ADUN Changkat Jering dan ADUN Jelapang dipamerkan sebagai ADUN yang membelot undi rakyat, mengapa Arumugam di Bukit Selambau yang bertanding sebagai CALON BEBAS diterima dengan tangan terbuka oleh pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat?

Rakyat di Bukit Selambau tidak mengundi BN atau PR tetapi memilih calon bebas. Namun, Pakatan Rakyat menerima Arumugam yang menyertai PKR selepas Pilihan Raya ke-12.

Ini bukan rekaan, Datuk Seri. Bacalah DI SINI.

Datuk Seri. Adakah Datuk Seri ingat kes ADUN Changkat Jering dan ADUN Behrang ditahan atas siasatan kes rasuah?

Datuk Seri perlulah sedar. Apabila berlaku insiden sebegini, bersama-sama dengan bukti, Kerajaan atau parti perlulah bertindak dengan segera dan menggantung perkhidmatan ahlinya yang terlibat.

Saya percaya Datuk Seri seorang yang arif dan berpegang teguh kepada prinsip. Datuk Seri mungkin perlu meluangkan masa membaca kes Khalid Ibrahim & Yahya Sahri serta kes UMNO & Isa Samad.

Kedua-dua ahli politik itu (Yahya dan Isa) digantung sehingga siasatan dan perbicaraan selesai bagi menjamin integriti dan ketelusan dalam pentadbiran.

Namun, di Perak, kedua-dua wakil rakyat Behrang dan Changkat Jering terus menjadi ADUN di Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak dan EXCO Kerajaan Negeri Perak.

Adakah Datuk Seri yakin Kerajaan Negeri Perak akan terus mendapat perkenan DYMM Sultan Azlan Shah untuk ditadbir oleh Pakatan Rakyat?

Sekiranya Datuk Seri berjiwa rakyat, hentikanlah sengsara rakyat di Perak. Sekiranya Datuk Seri betul-betul pemimpin, mohonlah kepada DAP supaya berhenti kekecohan krisis undang-undang di Perak.

Biarlah rakyat yang menentukan nasib BN dan PR pada Pilihan Raya yang akan datang. Nasib orang Perak tidak patut ditentukan melalui demonstrasi jalanan, penderhakaan, dan sudah pasti tidak perlu diputuskan di bawah pokok.

Datuk Seri, cukuplah penderhakaan Datuk Seri.

Sultan telah pun membuat keputusan dan menitahkan Zambry & barisan EXCO BN mentadbir Perak.

Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin, keputusan kini di tangan Datuk Seri. Janganlah sampai saya yang bukan Melayu ini turun padang mengajar Datuk Seri betapa pentingnya institusi Raja Melayu di Malaysia ini.

Salam sejahtera.

Goh Wei Liang


  1. kalau raja suruh makan tahi, ko makan tahi juga ke?
    dah majoriti rakyat perak nak pakatan rakyat, kenapa nak engkar?... majoriti rakyat nak DUN dibubarkan, kenapa engkar?... jangan sampai kami ajar cara lain plak...

  2. abang oi~ you should keep that insulting comment and illustrates to people how those who could not debate by brains tries to taunt you and throw insults at you.

  3. Majoriti di Perak nak Pakatan Rakyat?

    Saya rasa anda tak pergi mengundi pada 8 Mac 2008.

    Yang diundi itu PAS, DAP dan PKR secara berasingan.

    Tetapi BN dipilih sebagai satu parti teguh.

    Oleh itu, janganlah pula berani kata Perak nak Pakatan Rakyat dan majoriti rakyat Perak pilih Pakatan Rakyat.

    Siapalah yang kata majoriti rakyat di Perak nak DUN dibubar?

    Banci mana yang kata dan berapa di kalangan jutaan orang Perak yang mengambil bahagian?

    Gunalah akal kadang-kadang. Bandingkan perbezaan antara perbahasan yang intelektual dengan emosi seperti anda dengan saya ni.

    Terima kasih kerana ambil prihatin terhadap Surat saya kepada Datuk Seri Nizar.

  4. Mr Goh yang di hormati,
    Terima kasih kerana sudi memberi nasihat kepada menteri besar kami DATO SERI NIZAR.untuk tidak membuang masa dan kebajikan rakyat PERAK terabai kerana perebutan kuasa.Disini saya ada 2 cadangan,Cadangan saya yang pertama bubarkan DUN PERAK dan di adakan pilihan raya negeri perak dan keputusannya kita sama-sama tunggu.saya rasa DATO SERI NIZAR pun bukan hendak sangat jawatan MB tu.Tetapi mungkin DATO SERI tu rasa terkilan dan menuntut hak beliau sebab telah diaibkan.Cadangan saya yang kedua seperti mana Mr goh cadangkan supaya DATO SERI NIZAR mengundurkan diri begitu juga saya cadangkan DATO SERI NAJIB undurkan diri dari jawatan TIMBALAN PERDANA MENTERI kalau boleh semua jawatan.Sebab seperti mana yang kita tahu satu dunia telah membaca kisah beliau dengan perempuan mongolia.Kerana kisah DATO SERI NIZAR hanya melibatkan negeri PERAK sahaja tetapi DATO SERI NAJIB melibatkan Negara yang kita cintai iaitu MALAYSIA cuba Mr goh bayangkan jika sudah tiada lagi keadilan di MALAYSIA yang kita cintai.Terima kasih dan harap maaf jika ada terkasar bahasa.

  5. Hello there Goh Liang Wei

    First off,I would like to inform you that you have very well mastered the Malay language,It is good and there are not many chinese like you who mastered this language as well as you do.

    I have read you article and i do respect your views,i just would like to give my two cents here if you don't mind.

    You are right,The rakyat voted separately during the election and not pakatan rakyat as a whole,the PR government was only formed after the election.

    However when Anuar,Hadi awang and Kit siang formed the pakatan rakyat government,It was mostly welcomed by everybody and we did not see protest in Perak,At least not like the latest one that was so miserable to the extent that people were laying down on the road blocking raja nazrin's and co from entering the palace.

    PAS,DAP and PKR combined together is the majority choice that perakians want as their government and they did not voice out their unhappiness when they became formed a coalition.

    Yes,Pakataan Rakyat did invite and accept people into their party and Barisan did the same to them,The difference is that the people who cross over to pakatan rakyat did not create a drastic result enough to change the entire government which is actually a huge change to the whole state.

    Now,Barisan took four people out from them which caused them to change the state government,What i observe from here is that it is fine if Barisan Nasional wants to take the four people out but please,Because these four people affects the whole government,Go for fresh elections and let the people choose who they want.

    You said tha the people voted for PAS,DAP and PKR separately,Why is Barisan Nasional not going for fresh elections to show the whole of Malaysia that the people of Perak wants them instead of Pakatan rakyat?Now that would be fair wont it.

    Datuk Seri Nizar is not asking for the BN government to get out,He is merely asking for fresh elections so that the people can choose who they want.At the end of the day,The rakyat speaks.

    As a government,They have to be fair and not commit this daylight robbery that has obviously made many perakians angry.I hope you see my view here Wei Liang,Its good to know someone like you.

    Hope you have a nice day

  6. Fantastic views.

    You see, Afandi, views like this can convince people intelligently and academically.

    I have received countless emotional criticisms and slanderous lies against me.

    First of all, thank you for the praises.

    Malaysia is my country and although I am a Malaysian Chinese, I still maintain the fact that I am a Malaysian and Bahasa Malaysia is the national language we must master and respect the status of Islam as the official religion.

    Unlike some leaders who claim to be Malaysians but cannot speak the language well.

    I see your point when you said that the crossover was drastic enough to change the entire Government.

    Actually if you ask me, I have a hidden opinion that BN did that to keep their power in Federal checked and secure for the years to come.

    We all know that Anwar is always talking about crossovers from BN to Pakatan.

    By doing the same in Perak what Anwar is attempting at the Federal level, Anwar's wings are now clipped and cannot threaten crossovers with the soon to be new leadership of BN.

    Anwar will face the anger of the rakyat if he really forms a crossover Govt at the Federal level now.

    This will then give BN some breathing space and regain the popularity at the Federal level.

    Whatever it is, this is just my personal suspicions and might not be the true story.

    Elections might be good. But the Constitutional expert hired by Perak's Pakatan Rakyat, Tommy Thomas once said:

    He is entitled to ask [which is one of his prerogatives as sitting prime minister]. But it is the king’s prerogative whether to say yes or no. The king can take into account the interests of the nation, economic factors, political turbulence, the fact that elections were held recently, the costs involved, etc. But the discretion is the king’s.

    That was said during an interview with The Nut Graph with regards to Anwar's crossover plans. Blogger Jebat Must Die wrote on this matter a week or two ago.

    Don't you think that the people are being misled with Pakatan Rakyat's self claimed integrity image?

    I do not understand why Pakatan Rakyat can say one thing to do rakyat and make the rakyat believe them while they do the opposite in reality.

    That is why I will continue to be an Opposition to the Opposition of Malaysia.

    The Government can be scrutinised be the Opposition. But who is around to maintain check and balance on the Opposition?

    This role must be played by someone.

    No one is doing it. I shall take it in my own hands even if it means that I will continue to receive allegations, slanderous claims and harsh criticisms by my readers.

    Nevertheless, Afandi, your words are brilliant and I accept your opinion with open arms.

    Keep it up and comments like yours are always welcome here in A Piece of My Mind.

  7. Thank you Goh with the letter.

    Dato Seri Nizar, saya turut sokong dihentikan membuang masa dan kudrat bercakaran menegakkan kuasa. Biar Kerajaan pilihan Sultan mentadbir negeri Perak. Tak perlu pilihanraya baru. PRU akan datang makin hampir.

    Datuk Seri, jika perbalahan ini terus perpanjangan, makin ramai akan kian meluat.

    Mainkan peranan sebagai pembangkang berkaliber dan perjuangkan agar Perak kembali menjadi negeri progresif.


  8. I am apalled at your open letter to Nizar.You don't get it do you that the voters want Nizar to be the MB and not that son of so.Do you know the meaning of DEMOCRACY?You are naive,sorry!

  9. majoriti rakyat perak konon..duduk perak ke?

    anyway,calling for an election for a state is not a viable option,given the fact that we're now about to face an economic termoil.

    why should we waste millions on the elections whereas the money can be channelled to areas which need more serious attention?

    even if the elections were held,is there any guarantee that either bn or pakatan can control a bigger majority this time around?

    not only the funds will be exhausted due to the elections,even the energy and the focus to handle the more stressing problem,which is the economic crisis,will be used up.

    come on pakatan,don't be such sore losers.

    p.s.one of the possible reasons why the perakians didn't protest when dap-pas-pkr took over the state government is bcos the Perak BN accepted the defeat gentlemanly.

    and if the people of perak hates BN so much,why there's no street protest that can be seen anywhere in the state?even provocative banners/posters are out of sight

    pls bear in mind that BN is the party with the most number of seats in Perak

  10. Hey Mr. goh, you are only one from the very minority who got a scholarship from the government but you talk as if there is a majority of poor chinese in Perak having equal chances for higher education. You have said that you don't come from the wealthy cronies, have a heart for the many brainy poors who are not fortunate like you
    I must tell you there are also many bloggers of seventeen or eighteen years old who can write politics better than you. Find out yourself.
    Support AMNO-you? Do it yourself. I am also a Perakian, hear this.

  11. No one is doing it. I shall take it in my own hands even if it means that I will continue to receive allegations, slanderous claims and harsh criticisms by my readers.
    Are you related to the Madam Jelapang? Must be-lah

  12. Well..BN 1 PR 0..
    Regroup your army PR and fight back..
    Don't just talk cock..

    anyway PR the one who start about the party hopping..

  13. Dear Mr.Goh Wei Liang..
    selepas saya membaca surat anda,saya merasakan sesuatu yang luar biasa.Jujurnya saya tidak jangka bahawa surat ini ditulis oleh seorang berbangsa cina.Semenjak kecil saya membesar di Teluk Intan dimana orang cina telah menjadi sebahagian dalam hidup saya samada kawan,jiran,guru,mahupun awek namun tiada satu pun yang berfikiran seperti anda.Tidak dinafikan,mereka yang disekeliling saya tersebut adalah orang yang baik-baik belaka namun apabila perbicaraan perkara seperti ini dibangkitkan,mereka akan bersikap "free thinker",sedikit racist dan tidak percaya kepada sistem raja Berperlembagaan.Saya faham dengan keadaan itu dan sering mengelak jika diajak oleh mereka untuk berbual mengenai politik.Jadi setelah membaca nukilan tuan,i've got to say that i have a lot of respect to you..thanks to you,persepsi saya is slightly change..

  14. Terima kasih.

    Sebenarnya saya rasa sedih. Orang bukan Melayu kata nak bina satu negara yang berkonsep Malaysian Malaysia.

    Namun, mereka tidak tahu bertutur dalam Bahasa Malaysia.

    Tak ramai yang menguasai Bahasa rasmi negara.

    Tambahan pula, konsep Raja Berperlembagaan juga dipraktikkan di negara lain termasuk Thailand dan UK.

    Mengapa mereka dipuji melangit tetapi sistem di Malaysia dikutuk? Saya hanya boleh berasa sedih kerana mereka mengutuk kaum Melayu sebagai racist tetapi kaum sendiri racist juga.

    Blog ini sebenarnya menghadapi kritikan dari kaum bukan Melayu.

    Ramai yang kata saya "cina bodoh" dan sebagainya.

    Sedih sekali.

  15. jangan sedih liang goh.. awak tidak bodoh.. awak mengerti erti perpaduan yang sebenar... terima kasih.. semoga blog ini membuka minda kita semua sebagai rakyat malaysia... untuk mencipta keamanan yg kian pudar...

  16. agaknya memang terlambat untuk saya komen... hehe

    baguslah, cina pun menyokong institusi raja. melayu??? sedih nak cakap...

    saudara wei liang goh,
    anda bukan cina bodoh... anda seorang yang menegakkan kebenaran!!

    teruskan perjuangan anda. :)
