Friday, March 06, 2009

Arnaud Dubus' Story

From around the blogs on Arnaud Dubus:

Cucu Tok Selampit
The newspaper also claims that DS Najib had indeed met with Altantuya, who was the mistress of Abdul Razak Baginda, his close aide and associate, in Paris in 2005. A photograph was allegedly taken showing the three in a Paris nightclub, the Liberation said without providing any evidence.

Any Tom, Dick and Harry can accuse that that there is a photograph taken showing DS Seri Najib, Razak Baginda and Altantuya at the Paris nightclub, but where is the picture?

Barking Magpie
Except all that was reported by Arnaud Dubus, this so -called "French journalist" of a French tabloid, was nothing new. Upon checking into his journalistic background he also cited Anwar Ibrahim, in his Facebook, as one of his favourite people... see here.

BTW Anwar was in Bangkok two months ago, and what if he met Dubus and had a nudge nudge wink wink soiree with him, if you know what I mean!

The Malaysian Insider
The newspaper claims that Najib had indeed met with Altantuya, who was the mistress of Abdul Razak Baginda, his close aide and associate, in Paris in 2005.

A photograph was allegedly taken showing the three in a Paris nightclub, the Liberation said without providing any evidence. (APOMM: Arnaud, Tian Chua has the picture. If you don't have it, I shall provide the doctored picture by Tian Chua for you here because till today, after so many years, neither has Anwar or Tian Chua produced the GENUINE picture.)

The Liberation also suggested that Abdul Razak had been Najib’s intermediary for arms purchases.

In October 2006, the newspaper claims that Altantuya was informed that the commission paid by Armaris, a Spanish company involved in Malaysia’s acquisition of three submarines for one billion euros (RM4.7 billion), had been deposited in a bank account in Malaysia.

The commission of 114 million euros was allegedly paid into the account of Perimekar, a company Razak controlled.

Altantuya then allegedly flew to Kuala Lumpur to demand her share of the commission, which was to have been US$500,000.

The Liberation provided no documentary evidence of the sensational details.

(Credits to Tian Chua for the photos)


  1. I don't trust this issue that was brought up by the DSAI's camp based on their credibility problems, which has also been highlighted in your analysis.

    But my ultimate curiosity is that why DS Najib not taking any defence on this issue? Or may be he had and I missed out (could you please share with us if you have the news). But why not he file a defamation suit against the DSAI's camp?

    The DSAI's camp has been using a trick called Statutory Declaration repeatedly until very 'syok' already, everything also Statutory Declaration. And the one related to this issue has been 'sung' all along with no concrete proof until now!

    From the political point of view, this is just another strategy to smear the competitors, or perceived competitors. But with no defence from the accused, it may be seen by the public that the accused is guilty.

    I personally think that if any accused is really not guilty, he/she should take defamation suits against all these so called 'insiders', no matter how silly their claims may be. This may help in reducing cases of using this type of dirty tactic to manipulate the public.

  2. This is a very good comment. It has been a long time since I read comments like this.

    DS Najib is also at fault. I wonder what happened to his PR officers.

    Pak Lah has terrible PR officers.

    Now, I hope DS Najib does not repeat the same mistakes.

    I will post some links soon commoner99.

    Keep writing and share your views.


    You know what?

    All this fuss over the story on Najib and Altantuya in French newspaper Liberation can easily be settled.

    All the writer has to do is produce the alleged picture that shows Najib with Altantuya in Paris.

    That’s all he needs to do.
