Saturday, February 07, 2009

Rencana Agendadaily

Cebisan rencana dari Agendadaily

Ukuran keadilan ala PKR

Sebelum pilihanraya umum ke-12, antara isu yang sering dibangkitkan ialah SPR tidak telus, wujudnya pengundi hantu dan SPR bersekongkol dengan kerajaan.

Selepas pilihan raya umum ke-12 setelah lima negeri dikuasai oleh barisan pembangkang yang membentuk kerajaan campuran di Selangor, Perak, Pulau Pinang dan Kedah serta PAS menguasai Kelantan, tidak timbul isu pengundi hantu, SPR tidak telus dan meragui keputusan pilihan raya umum ke-12.

Namun menjelang pilihan raya kecil Permatang Pauh dan Kuala Terengganu, gegak gempita negara dibuatnya dengan isu pengundi hantu, senarai daftar pemilih tidak bersih.

Bagaimanapun apabila menang di kedua-dua kerusi, tidak juga dapat dibuktikan wujudnya pengundi hantu malah mereka lupa apa yang disuarakan kerana asyik meraikan kejayaan.

Terbaru, apabila SPR memutuskan tiada pilihan raya kecil di DUN Behrang dan Changkat Jering seperti yang diharapkan, SPR kembali dituduh melampaui batas kuasa mereka dan mulalah lagu lama dinyanyikan kembali.

Terbaru, desakan Angkatan Muda PKR yang mahu Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak digantung tugas hanya kerana ada seorang pemimpin Bahagian PKR buat dakwaan berhubung dengan tawaran RM50 juta.

Namun, jika ada yang membabitkan pemimpin PKR :

Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim bukan sekadar ada aduan atau laporan tetapi telah pun disiasat, beliau masih boleh meneruskan tugas dan tidak perlu digantung tugas.

Anwar sendiri ada kes di mahkamah, beliau sepatutnya ‘bercuti’ dahulu daripada tugas Ketua Pembangkang. Itu pun kalau mengikut standard keadilan dan ketelusan PKR sendiri namun ia tidak berlaku.

Malah dalam kes Jamaluddin Mat Radzi dan Osman Jailu sendiri -semasa mereka jadi Exco Kerajaan Negeri Perak sebelum ini - PKR dan kerajaan Perak mengenepikan dan pandang remeh semua desakan agar ' bercuti' dulu sehingga kes mahkamah atas dakwaan rasuah keatas mereka selesai.

Namun kini bila kedua mereka beralih angin - PKR dan kerajaan Perak menyerang mereka habis-habisan.


Sebelum memperolehi sedikit kuasa , PKR sering mempertahankan hak sesorang untuk berpersatuan atau berpertubuhan (jika menyokong mereka) namun jika ada penyokong mereka keluar parti untuk menyertai parti lain (sesuai dengan hak berpesatuan yang diperjuangkan oleh PKR sendiri) ia dianggap satu pengkhianatan dan wujudnya sogokan.

Namun kini setelah berkuasa sedikit, dalam perkembangan terbaru, perkara yang ditentang dahulu iaitu lompat parti kini telah menjadi sesuatu yang begitu demokratik di mata PKR. Contohnya ADUN BN Bota, Nasaruddin Hashim yang melompat diangkat sebagai hero oleh PKR.

Malah Anwar sendiri secara terbuka mengakui menjalankan usaha melobi serta mengajak wakil rakyat Barisan Nasional untuk melompat parti bagi memenuhi impian peribadinya menjadi Perdana Menteri. Namun ia dibuat atas nama rakyat kononnya.

Begitulah demokratiknya PKR dalam soal hak berpertubuhan jika ia menguntungkan mereka.

Namun dalam isu dua ADUN PKR di Perak iaitu ADUN Behrang dan Changkat Jering belum pun meninggalkan atau melompat parti hanya berbeza pendapat dengan kepimpinan, mereka rupanya telah diikat dengan 'surat kosong' perletakan jawatan. Adakah ini satu tindakan demokratik.



  1. apa khabar kawan. 1st and foremost, you know I really treat you as friend and that's why I never held back my opinions and I hope the same goes to you as well.

    Let's call this intelligent discussion with freedom of opnions and exchange of ideas. I whole heartedlt agree with your posts about the whole thing with how chauvinist PR can be when treating party hoppers from other party and condemning their own members who hopped to other party, for me, this is a fair game after all so just accept it that you lost in this battle.

    But the very part bout SPR, I think it's just a matter of perception again. Why all the dubious and controversial actions like blocking of roads, unlocked gates, family with HUGE household and unaccountable postal votes? Maybe it's just the distortions or story crafting by some people to make this look real or like some kind of conspiracy but the onus is on SPR to clear the name, which it didn't bother to do. remember the indellible ink fiasco? Time and again SPR let the voters down.

    2 wrongs doesn't makes a right. Just accept you have lose the battel PR and come up with a better plan to win the war if you can and stop making life difficults for everyone. Just like a match of sport, with his majesty the sultan as the referee, things like injustice happen as the referee cannot be everywhere at the same time and you can't help it that sometimes referee does makes a mistake. Even if you argue with the referee, the best you could get is a red card. Vandalising and taunting an ordinary citizen itself is already a crime what more to a heir of a throne. But my friend, the very thing that made people angry here is the action made by his majesty that doesn't seems to go along with his ideals. Quoting his book regarding constitutional monarch, it is even debatable if his dismissal of MB is legal so we will just leave it to court (which I bet PR supporter will come up with tonnes of excuses if court decided against their favor. lol) Nizar has valid reasons to dissolve the EXCO and for some unknown reason it was not dissolved and every man on the street knows that the sultan has interviewed those "independents" before they form an exco and what makes his majesty thinks he can be sure those independents will not hop again. Personally I think his majesty made the wrong choice this time but he doesn't deserves to be mocked around like this.

    1 last thing to note, remember how BN will quickly come up with "facts" or "proofs" to quickly disclaim or discredit PR's accusations? i.e. altantuya or sodomy case, why so quiet when PR claims EC has overstepped its boundary and current perak fiasco from legal perspective.

    All in all, I agree with you and PR should concentrate on other things at hand.

  2. Javanese (Malay) values are not compatible with Islamic values. The informed and educated know this well. So does PAS, though they will not admit it openly.

    Related info:

    Maybe Indonesia should invade the fake country called Malaysia, throw out the government and corrupted system including the monarchy, and call it the straits settlements of various races and religions from all over the world, especially Asia.

    We would be more developed, diverse, strong and cosmo compared to Australia if the British had done a HK on us.

    The current system, rules, constitution and rukun negara were just put in place by UMNO to prolong their (fake and manipulative concept of) Malay Elite dominance, which is in actuality only for UMNOputra dominance; and to allow their divide and conquer tactics and methods to fester and disunite.

    Ketuanan UMNO boleh! People deserve the government they get! Time for the people to rise and rebel!
