Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Kerajaan Negeri Perak

Krisis Kerajaan Negeri Perak tidak akan berakhir sehingga Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak dibubarkan dan pilihan raya negeri diadakan.

Kes Mahkamah dua ADUN Perak belum lagi diputuskan. Barisan Nasional tetap akan menghadapi krisis politik.

Sekiranya diteliti, kedua-dua Yang Berhormat ADUN Behrang dan ADUN Changkat Jering mempunyai kes mahkamah yang dianggap serius oleh semua pihak.

Saya tak faham mengapa Barisan Nasional sanggup naik pentas dengan dua orang YB itu yang didakwa atas kesalahan rasuah wang?

Adakah Najib dan Barisan Nasional lupa? Saya masih ingat. Salah seorang Ahli Majlis Daerah yang ditahan pada masa yang sama dengan 2 ADUN ini menyamakan habuan seks dengan sedekah!

Sama ada dua ADUN itu terlibat dalam rasuah seks atau tidak, saya tak pasti. Yang jelas, mereka berdua akan dihadap ke Mahkamah untuk kes rasuah wang.

Kalau UMNO dan Barisan Nasional lupa, maka sedihlah saya.

Tunggulah sehingga siasatan selesai dan kes mahkamah habis dibicara. UMNO dan Barisan Nasional tidak perlu ADUN yang korup.

Apakah bangga sangat Barisan Nasional Perak yang diketuai Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sekiranya

1. Kerajaan Negeri Perak dibentuk oleh Barisan Nasional dan
2. Menteri Besar Perak menerima undi percaya

daripada YB-YB yang menerima rasuah seks atau YB yang suka melompat parti dari sini ke sana?

Sedih saya melihat Barisan Nasional bergembira dengan undian percaya oleh ADUN-ADUN sebegini untuk membentuk Kerajaan Negeri Perak yang baru.

Sila baca pendapat Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, bekas Presiden UMNO dan mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia di SINI.

Berita ini menyentuh hati rakyat negeri Perak dan saya percaya semua rakyat Perak berterima kasih kepada Tuanku kerana begitu prihatin kepada rakyat Perak.

Krisis ekonomi yang serius bakal melanda Malaysia dalam 3-5 bulan. Kestabilan politik penting untuk negeri dan rakyat.

Sultan Perak dan Istana peka kepada keadaan ekonomi semasa dan kebajikan rakyat. Ahli-ahli politik Perak begitu asyik merebut kuasa.

Kebajikan dan masa depan rakyat terletak di tangan Tuanku. Saya akan menjunjung Titah Tuanku Sultan Azlan Shah.

(Credits to The Star for the pictures)


  1. BN has used the same tactic back against Anwar. Months back, Anwar threatened to take over the Malaysian government with a "list of crossover MPs". Then, it seemed that Anwar was convinced that no re-election was required in reference to the "crossover MPs". But it Failed. It was very clear from the beginning that he tried to hit the panic button amongst all MPs leaving them to feel wary of each others' loyalty to BN and thus hoping it would result with actual MPs (not imaginary MPs) to defect over to PR.

    Now seems like BN tries to strangle back Perak using the same tactic Anwar attempted to use before this. Nicely done, although not too ethical. But in this age of politics, anything can happen. Anwar must be feeling pinched by now to lose a state in such a manner. Now, Anwar demands that re-election should be done for those crossover assemblymen? C'mon! That's a bit hypocritical of him.

    It just goes on to show that: What goes around, comes around. Ethics wise, yes indeed a re-election should be permitted in an ideal world. The people have the right to reconsider their votes if their respective assemblymen choose to sit in another camp. Whatever the outcome of the Perak Sultan's decision... one thing is for sure, Anwar is feeling the heat now. BN has turned the tables back against him.

  2. lol~ like i said earlier, now PR has the cook stuffed in their mouth, they can't claim the defections as immoral for accepting the defection from BN earlier.

    no matter how inethical the situation is, we have to give some credit to najib for beating anwar in his own game. what a waste, if najib could just use his cunning-nus on the discussion table in the international trade arena.

    remember how nero fiddles when rome burns? unemployemnt projected to reach the 6% mark and drastic drop in FDI.
