Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Is MACC bias or not?

  • It is not my business to meddle with the Selangor affairs. But the alternative media like Malaysiakini and blogs are carrying misleading headlines.
  • There seems to be heavy discussion in my blog too these days. I am surprise to see a few thousand hits/visitors over the past few days.
  • Is MACC bias against Pakatan Rakyat?
  • People have turned a blind eye on occasions when MACC arrests UMNO leaders, investigate and prosecute BN leaders, Government Department leaders, and corrupted Government officials.
  • But when the police or MACC investigates Khalid Ibrahim, the VoxPopuli of Malaysiakini, bloggers, and the rakyat start to say MACC is bias and the Commission is a lapdog of Barisan Nasional.
  • Do not shy away from the main question. Was Khalid Ibrahim wrong or not?
  • He chose to drive his own Lexus and not use the Government's official car (the brand new Camry cars). By right, he should not use the State funds to maintain a personal Lexus car.
  • The cows might seem like a funny issue to Pakatan Rakyat. But the fact that all the 46 cows were given to only Bandar Tun Razak raises many eyebrows.
  • He claimed that he did not order the cows to be sent to Bandar Tun Razak and has never seen the cows. This is not the first time Khalid says he is not involved in these scandals.
  • Many have forgotten these articles which marked the first hit in Khalid's Government.
Yahya undur, tidak yakin Khalid
Ex aide: Khalid did not give me a chance to explain
  • MACC is a lapdog for BN when they investigate the highly regarded Pakatan Rakyat team.
  • But when MACC investigates UMNO and BN, MACC will be hailed as an efficient, fair and just Commission.
  • If we can see a fight for the leadership and power in Barisan Nasional, I do not understand why PKR is so confident that the same won't exist in Pakatan Rakyat component parties.
  • BigDog wrote a very good piece which sums up the latest news on Selangor's internal party power struggle - The Ketuanan Rakyat Conspiracy?. This is a "must read" article.
  • Everything is BN's fault in the first place. The media and rakyat always throw vegetables and eggs into BN's courtyard first.
  • But when investigations later show it is actually an internal party's job, the media and rakyat are told to stop talking about it.
  • One senior leader of Pakatan Rakyat even said "if you ask me again, I smash your head".
  • This is the press freedom and democracy of Pakatan Rakyat.
  • This is what Malaysia has become - never seen before in 50 years of Independence and history.
(Credits to The Star for the photos)


  1. APOMM, your article holds no substance for as long as the people you mentioned are not successfully charged.

    I'll be impressed if any is jailed for their crimes, but before that I will make sure that they are not from another faction in BN/UMNO.

    For the readers here instead of reading this APOMM article fit for the tabloid, read this instead:

  2. What was the conclusion of this case?

  3. Dear Anon,

    What tickling my belly button is that MACC was highly supported by the PR goons from initial stage to final stage ...
    so why they are now questioning the MACC transparency? is it because they cannot plant they goons inside? or they see that MACC have balls to go after high ranks MBs like their beloved Cowlid?

    first you do not believe in Judiciary, then do not believe Police protect (remember turks), then MACC ...

    but when the verdict goes your way ... then you believe in Judiciary, believe in Police to protect ... after this if MACC on your side, you will said MACC is the best ...

    I think what APOMM want summarize is that PR is a bunch of hypocritikus laaa ... which i seconded


  4. i thought macc consist of pas and dap members like salahuddin ayub and tan seng giaw as their advisors?

    so how can PR accuse MACC as lapdogs? If they are, that means those two goons are not doing their jobs!

  5. Is it???

    SO they actually have goons inside and still said MACC biased?


  6. Bleached_4ever,

    You may voice out your opinion but please DO NOT make up stories. The PR has been questioning and debating the effectiveness of the MACC from day 1, and I have facts to show:

    Quote: KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Bill was passed in Parliament after more than 20 hours of debate with 14 proposed amendments by the Opposition shot down.

    If you do not have anything to back up your statements, please just shut up.

  7. How many goons do they have inside? Are they entrusted with power? What is the total number of MACC executive members?

    I believe it's here:

  8. errr, those proposals, are they valid or good proposals? even nonsense can be made as proposals

  9. Dear Clever Anon,

    As i said, MACC is highly supported by PR ... but the problem lies on the TRUST ....

    you know why it supported ?? because it is MODELED like ICAC HONG KONG ... you should be proud maa ...

    DAP support everything that come outside Malaysia ... (note that this a joke ok buddy :p)

    please read–-postpone-second-reading-from-4-6-weeks-to-allow-fuller-studygreater-consensus-by-concerned-stakeholders/

    questioning & debating will go on and on ... it is GOOD ... that is what we normal people called check and balance by oppositions ... yup the true function of oppositions ... not plotting takeovers ...

    BUT COMPLAINING & WHINING is DIFFERENT ... many NORMAL citizen like me sees that the OPPOSITION yes PR is only yapping, complaining and whining instead being constructively involving in nation building ...

    now that somebody informed us that there were somebody outside the BN circle that was in the MACC special committee on corruption ... would it be questionable that these goons are unable to report any inconsistencies in the MACC investigation ... if MACC is biased then these two goons planted is guilty as charge also .. in another word .. tak boleh pakai juga ...

    even the TRANSPARENCY president is one of the panel ... wouldnt he be the first to point out if there is any case that are biased ...

    again said, the MACC WAS SUPPORTED by ALL PARTIES ... the problem is that your PR doesnt even TRUST their own mother/father if they sits in the MACC ...

    there are a lot of people in MACC that are self proclaimed righteous person ... if any malpractice happened ... wouldnt they the first to HOWL??

    heck, i bet that if this MACC panel to include KS & LKS then it wont be much biased eh ... my foot

    hey but what can i say, i am just a layman that look at both sides of the road before crossing to the other sides ...

    i blame BN for misusing power n hope they get what deserve, but i am blaming PR in disrupting the peace and harmony in Malaysia ... because of some f**k in PR ... my beloved Malaysia is divided ... i hope the devils in PR can rot in hell ...


  10. Dear Clever Anon,

    As i said, MACC is highly supported by PR ... but the problem lies on the TRUST ....

    you know why it supported ?? because it is MODELED like ICAC HONG KONG ... you should be proud maa ...

    DAP support everything that come outside Malaysia ... (note that this a joke ok buddy :p)

    please read–-postpone-second-reading-from-4-6-weeks-to-allow-fuller-studygreater-consensus-by-concerned-stakeholders/

    questioning & debating will go on and on ... it is GOOD ... that is what we normal people called check and balance by oppositions ... yup the true function of oppositions ... not plotting takeovers ...

    BUT COMPLAINING & WHINING is DIFFERENT ... many NORMAL citizen like me sees that the OPPOSITION yes PR is only yapping, complaining and whining instead being constructively involving in nation building ...

    now that somebody informed us that there were somebody outside the BN circle that was in the MACC special committee on corruption ... would it be questionable that these goons are unable to report any inconsistencies in the MACC investigation ... if MACC is biased then these two goons planted is guilty as charge also .. in another word .. tak boleh pakai juga ...

    even the TRANSPARENCY president is one of the panel ... wouldnt he be the first to point out if there is any case that are biased ...

    again said, the MACC WAS SUPPORTED by ALL PARTIES ... the problem is that your PR doesnt even TRUST their own mother/father if they sits in the MACC ...

    there are a lot of people in MACC that are self proclaimed righteous person ... if any malpractice happened ... wouldnt they the first to HOWL??

    heck, i bet that if this MACC panel to include KS & LKS then it wont be much biased eh ... my foot

    hey but what can i say, i am just a layman that look at both sides of the road before crossing to the other sides ...

    i blame BN for misusing power n hope they get what deserve, but i am blaming PR in disrupting the peace and harmony in Malaysia ... because of some f**k in PR ... my beloved Malaysia is divided ... i hope the devils in PR can rot in hell ...


  11. Here's the list of executives in MACC:


    1. Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad (former chief justice)
    2. Tan Sri Hamid Bugo (former state secretary, Sarawak)
    3. Prof Tan Sri Dr Mohd Kamal Hassan (IIUM)
    4. Tan Sri Mohamed Jawhar Hassan (chairman, ISIS Malaysia)
    5. Tan Sri Simon Sipaun (commissioner, Suhakam)
    6. Tan Sri Megat Najmuddin Megat Khas
    7. Puan Sri Zaiton Zawiyah Puteh (former solicitor, Attorney-General's Chambers)
    8. Datuk Rashpal Singh A/L Jeswant Singh
    9. Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon (managing director, Royal Selangor International Sdn Bhd)
    10.Datuk Anwar Fazal (director, USM Right Livelihood College)
    11.Emeritus Prof Tan Sri Dr Khoo Kay Kim (UM)
    12.R. Chelvarajah (lawyer, Sault & Co, Melaka)

    1. Datuk Seri Azman Ujang (chairman, Malaysian Press Institute)
    2. Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam (president, Transparency International M'sia)
    3. Prof Datuk Dr Abdul Rahman Embong (IKMAS)
    4. Dr Zainal Abidin Abdul Majid (Business Ethics Institute of M'sia)
    5. Datuk David Chua (managing director, DC&A Group Sdn Bhd)
    6. Datuk Seri Wong Chun Wai (editor-in-chief, Star Publication)
    7. Datuk Kamaruddin Zakaria
    8. Tan Sri Nordin Kardi (vice chancellor, UUM)
    9. Datuk Prof Dr Ishak Tambi Kechik (former vice-chancellor, USM)
    10.Anis Yusal Yusoff (main fellow, UKM KITA)
    11.Tan Sri Robert Phang Miow Sin (Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation)

    1. Tan Sri Dr Hadenan Abdul Jalil (chairman, Takaful M'sia Berhad)
    2. Datuk Cecil Abraham (consultant, Zul Rafique & Partners)
    3. Nik Mohd Hasyudeen Yusoff (president, Malaysian Institute of Accountants)
    4. Walter Sandosam (president, Institute of Internal Auditors M'sia)
    5. Datin Aminah Pit Abd Raman (Amanah Raya Berhad)
    6. Datuk Md Hamzah Md Kassim (chief executive officer, IA Group)
    7. Prof Dr Syed Noh Syed Ahmad (UiTM)

    1. Datuk Mohd Nor Abdullah (former judge, Court of Appeal)
    2. Datuk Muhammad Mohd Noor (former senior deputy secretary-general, Prime Minister's Department)
    3. Datuk Wan Abdul Wahab Abdullah (former director-general, Public Complaints Bureau)
    4. Chooi Mun Sau (advocate and solicitor)
    5. Ravindran V. Muthu (advocate and solicitor)

    1. Datuk Seri Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad (Kangar MP)
    2. Datuk Razali Ibrahim (Muar MP)
    3. Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan (Kota Belud MP)
    4. Dr Tan Seng Giaw (Kepong MP)
    5. Salahuddin Ayub (Kubang Kerian MP)
    6. Senator Zamri Yusuf (Kedah)
    7. Senator Datuk Armani Mahirudin (Sabah)

    Wow that's one heck of a long list! 42 people! I wonder how effective the 2 goons are.

  12. No doubt both sides are a bunch of hypocrites and my advice is trust neither side and take their statements lightly.

    Never heard of any statements bout PR fully supporting MACC but I knew they were barking for a change. Yet, I read somewhere that they were dissapointed that MACC is not fully indpendent and there are still remnants of old power within its hierarchy.

    History has shown that BPR is used as a pawn for those in power to kill their political opponent.. remember encik isa samad? I'm wondering how he is doing right now.

    Is there any thing that silly BN could do to convince the rakyat and win the public relation game? Competition has evolved and yet they are not doing anything good enough to play in the real game. If the old way works, why bother changing and fixing it in the 1st place.

    No verdict yet on MACC, but as long as it is not fully independent like how ICAC has been modeled, you can't completely sweep aside any possibility of

  13. This article by Terence Fernandez echos what I said earlier.

    It will take a long way for the public perception to change but it is possible.

    When the public has doubt, proof them wrong and consistently perform up to par.

    We do not need a post and argue till the sun comes down about who is or who is not bias, in a country that practises democracy and when the decision of the majority trumps the minority, when majority of the opinion is that MACC is bias, then so be it.
