Friday, February 06, 2009


The following headlines really disappoint me. To govern a state, it is important for the Menteri Besar to have a good relationship with the Palace.

Patik mohon derhaka - Nizar
Mohammad Nizar akan saman Sultan Perak

The supporters of Pakatan Rakyat and the leaders are seriously a bunch of hypocrites.

No one slammed Anwar for wooing MPs and ADUNs to crossover to Pakatan Rakyat. No one except YB M Kulasegaran criticised the move.

Everyone was saying, "Yeah! Bentuk Kerajaan Baru! Crossover!". But when YBs leave Pakatan Rakyat to join Barisan Nasional, you scoundrels are saying it is wrong.

Why didn't you tell Anwar, "Kami tak sokong pembentukan Kerajaan baru melalui cara ini! Anwar sila berhenti tindakan anda memancing MP-MP Barisan!" ?

A bunch of hypocrites.

When Nasaruddin Hashim crossed over, everyone from Pakatan Rakyat clapped and cheered. Now, the 3 ADUNs did not join BN but merely left Pakatan Rakyat.

They left Pakatan Rakyat and thus provided a vote of confidence to Barisan Nasional as Independents to form the new State Government.

Now, Anwar and his cult-like supporters, are saying it is wrong and they want elections.

Pakatan Rakyat are showing their act of treason against the Malay Royalty, the well respected and loved Sultan Perak.

If that is the case, Pakatan Rakyat can forget about governing Perak in the years to come under Sultan Azlan Shah.


  1. In you forget kings and sultans are not immune to summons.

  2. Long Live The King!!!
