Thursday, February 19, 2009

Attacks on APOMM Blogger

Only the ladies from MCA supports ELI, not the men. The men from there are hypocrites (if they claim to support ELI).

Come back to work here OK. You are much in need here. Oh I forgot You are from a wealthy crony background and you only work for your family. Come back lah anyway, hope your offsprings will continue your good luck

Oh oh ... one more thing. I think Anwar, Haji Hadi and Lim Kit Siang told Pak Lah to stay on because they like him I forgot you like older man for (their money).They whispered to you, luv?

This is a comment by an Anonymous. I challenge the person/group actively involved in personal defamation of me and my family to continue writing comments in my blog with a name - instead of anonymous.

Of late, I am beginning to receive emotionally charged personal attacks on me. I have been advised not to respond to these.

It has reached a point that is absolutely hurtful and baseless and APOMM must stand up to answer.
  • My flesh and bones are dedicated to Malaysia. Every single person who knows my name clearly understand my willingness to serve Malaysia. In 2010, please come and see my name in Malaysia's employee lists. I can easily get you 100 supporters in a blink to clarify my stand and service for Malaysia.
  • I am not from a wealthy crony background. My dad works in a production factory. I am 23 years old this year and my family has never owned any cars more than RM 65,000 of value. The most expensive car my family owned (is owning now) is a Proton Waja.
  • My family owns ZERO businesses. Please check with the Registrar of Societies, Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) and all the relevant agencies.
  • I have been to countries like Japan and Australia. But do you know that my education in Japan was a Monbukagakusho Scholarship sponsored by the Japan's Education Ministry? And my education in Australia was fully funded by the Federal Government of Malaysia.

Other than these, I don't see any luxury things that I have which will make me seem like I am a crony.

If you read the comments in my blogs, I do not censor any arguments against my opinions or blog entries but continue to engage active debates.

I will not hesitate to make a police report for investigations on this matter and file legal proceedings for defamation against the Anonymous writer.

I hereby launch a challenge to the Anonymous writer to reveal his/her identity and to repeat the allegations above in a Court of Law, in the presence of a lawyer or the police.

Accusations like this will never be tolerated by APOMM. I am not afraid of any quarters that are playing dirty tricks to defame bloggers like me.

I will continue to speak what is in my mind.

Wei Liang Goh
Editor of APOMM

Updated (20/2/2009) 9.45am

My credentials:
1. National runners up Parliamentary English debates organized by the Ministry of Education.
2. Perak State Debating Champions with several best speaker award.
3. Monbukagakusho Scholarship to Japan (Junior Ambassador Program)sponsored by the Japan Ministry of Education (MEXT).
4. 10As SPM
5. Chief Editor of Prefectorial Magazine
5. Rotary Cup Debating Champions

With these qualifications and several other certificates I received such as UNSW English Competition, Kinta District Malay Language Debates, I applied for the scholarship.

I was rejected in the first round. I approached the Malaysian Chinese Association, Board of Governors of my school, and several others to help me.

With the clerk's advice in MCA, please note CLERK, I was required to type appeal letters to JPA.

And taking the advice, I sent appeal letters to: (Please note: I SENT THE LETTER)

1. Pengarah Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (who doesnt know who Goh Wei Liang is)
2. Malaysian Chinese Association (who doesnt know who Goh Wei Liang is)
3. Menteri Besar Perak (who doesnt know who Goh Wei Liang is)
4. Menteri Pengajian Tinggi (who doesnt know who Goh Wei Liang is)
5. Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Bahagian Biasiswa (who doesnt know who Goh Wei Liang is)

After the appeals, I was not given the scholarship. Instead, I was summoned for a interview in Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara Sungai Petani.

I was among the hundreds who were called up for the interview (appeal cases).

I finally received my scholarship to proceed with my studies in UiTM (Pre university).

In the South Australian Matriculation, I achieved a result of 99.15% for TER (which puts me in the top 0.85% of the world) and I received a Merit Award for Economics (the highest attainable for the course).

In 2006, I was admitted into the Australian National University (ranked 16th in the world). In 2008, I graduated with a Distinction average.

I hope that answers the person/group who has been attacking me and attempting to defame me.

The IP addresses have been identified and further action will be taken if pressed.



  1. A question for you - how did you obtain the scholarship to Australia?

    I guess a lot of readers would like to know whether you applied for it using the official channel (alone), or through "endorsement" from a BN leader.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I do not seem to understand why are you so jealous of the APOMM blogger's successes and history?

    Why rely on such Low attacks? These comments are certainly hitting below the belt. I feel pitiful for you for relying on such personal attacks due to jealousy.

    If you realise that you have a serious psychological problem over your personality, I suggest you seek professional help as ignorance of your disorder can be harmful to your health. Please do so for your own good.

    Best wishes & recovery,

  3. May I advise you that at the blogspot
    .com, there is a feature where you can disallow anonymous post and another feature is you can moderate either to publish or not. You have not done so and the anonymous has as much right as you. (attacking people you also do not know like the politicians and the pakatan fellas).

    Frankly I would say that you want to be popular. You must be able to take it if it comes round this way.
    ( and Jared I bet you don't know your who your real father is too-this is alright to you now?)

  4. APOMM will moderate only Seditious remarks and not remarks like yours against me.

    He has as much right as me to make comments.

    Compare the comments made by that anonymous and me.

    I am wrongly accused. If Anwar Ibrahim can sue Mahathir for calling him gay, why can't I sue this Anonymous writer for wrongly accusing me to be a crony and labelling me as a rich crony background?

    If you don't believe me, welcome to my house in Ipoh. My house was bought at a value of RM89,000 and my family owns a car only now - Proton Waja which is about 10 years old.

    I thank Jared for the comments and support for me.

  5. Young man, it is your right to be critical of others. But in your eagerness to criticize others, you must also be graceful to accept criticisms. Be open minded and refrained from personal accusation when remarks and comments are not to your liking. By showing a list of your academic credential or telling how poor your family background is not going to give you the monopoly to criticise others and yet refused to be criticized. It is a 2 ways game. Let us all be open minded and accept all criticism in good faith.

    Psychologist John

  6. You see, I dont know if you are really a Psychologist or not.

    Because I think you don't understand criticisms and defamation.

    Criticisms of my ideas and opinions, I respond with debates and arguments.

    Defamation? I believe I have a right to come up and defend myself.

    I am not poor or rich. I am middle class. That I can tell and I dare say.

    So if someday, people accuse you of being a thief, is that a criticism or a defamation?

    You decide.

    Please also refer to what I was accused(not criticised) about.

    I hope you have a dictionary in hand.

  7. Sometimes, I think I am wasting my time talking to the Anonymous writers or the claimed Psychologist John.

    Seems like people cannot differentiate between defamation and criticism.

    From being accused about my family background, my education, and everything under the sky.

    Haha. This is very comical.

    I accept criticisms with good faith, not defamation and baseless accusations.

    This is perhaps the end of my comments on the defamations. I am confident that it will continue on and on.

    I will not comment any more about this.

    - end -

  8. Dear WLG ... You have my utmost respect for so many things, but I do believe one thing, and this is to all those nasty-anons .. 'It's WLG's blog, his idea, his POVs, I cannot comprehend the need to say ridiculous, hurtful things about his family. Whether WLG family is rich or not, connected or not, has nothing to do with his blog. Be a man la..Only budak-budak tadika kutuk guna mak bapak and whatnot, ok!

    To you WLG -- Thank you for a wonderful blog. If you ever going into politics, let me know -- I'll vote and work for you!! You have my trust!

  9. Wei Liang,

    You need not explain yourself to this Anonymous person, you are way above the accusations and silly comments about your personal life s/he made.

    I think what you are doing with your blog, is yours entirely; your voice to whoever who chooses to hear you. Frankly, I am not too interested, because I find Malaysian politics too disappointing and depressing as a citizen; but nonetheless I want to encourage you and give you my support as I think you are doing a great job!

    All the best for the year ahead!!

    Cheers mate!

