Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Piece of My Mind

First of all, let me share a little about my buddy Ahmad Amzar. He is actually a brilliant engineering student in Japan, sponsored by the Public Service Department of Malaysia. Together with him, we went to school in IpohSt Michael’s Institution.

Amzar is a blogger too and I strongly urge my readers to spend some time reading his ideas and comments at his political blog – MY STRUGGLE.

Thanks to Amzar, he recently highlighted a few national issues to me and we have occasionally shared some views together in the past.

The latest two postings in his personal blog – THE OTHER SIDE OF AMZAR - are worth noting.

One is regarding my alma mater where teacher and journalist Mr Peter Khiew posted up a picture that appeared in The Sun of me and some friends who obtained straights As in PMR many years ago. Amzar brought the picture to our attention.

It was a memorable picture and many of us Michaelians in Facebook are having a “reunion” discussing the picture. Thank you, Mr Peter and Amzar for the picture and info.

Another posting was about this blog title that appeared on RTM when Zakhir of BigDogDotCom was interviewed.

I was told that during Tok Det’s interview recently, A Piece of My Mind was in the highlight again together with other blogs like and weng san’s blog.

Personally, I didn’t expect A Piece of My Mind to receive so much attention when I first started it.

Over the years, I made some friends through my blog with bloggers like Kickdefella and Penarik Beca, came to know Sufi (Tun’s PA) and of course getting an opportunity to meet Dr M and family in Melbourne last year.

I believe I have also made enemies and critics with some hard hitting comments found in my blog and several other websites that feature my articles.

Thank you to all
my readers, family, relatives and friends for the support and criticisms. A Piece of My Mind will continue to serve the people and the nation he loves, Malaysia.

As for my personal side, I have received the approval from the JPA Malaysia to defer my scholarship - employment contract and have sent in a new application to extend my scholarship for Master of Economics.

I have also stressed that I am very interested to work in EPU when I return next year. Hopefully, things turn out well.

Thank you and best wishes to all.

- end -

1 comment:

  1. nah,my blogs,esp the political one is nothing la kot..biase2 je..hahaha

    as for now,i'm taking a long break from writing abt politics..donno when will i make a real comeback since i don think i can really give quality views and commentaries on current affairs at this moment..

    ey,congrats with the Master man,hopefully someday we can work together in some ways...who knows,it could be in politics..hahaha
