Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Law and Order

It is sad to read that a probable criminal (car thief) who could face a jail term, died in police custody.

The police team involved have since been transferred to desk jobs, pending thorough investigations of police brutality and murder of Kugan.

The Subang Jaya - Taipan police team will soon face the law. Anyone found guilty of causing the death of Kugan will be brought to Court and sentenced accordingly.

Malaysiakini's headline - Will Kugan get the justive he deserves? - will be answered accordingly by the Attorney General and Bukit Aman.

Be assured that not only the nosey Gobind Singh Deo and Manickavasagam will look into this matter. Barisan Nasional parties have also voiced out their support for a thorough investigation.

Law and order must be preserved in Malaysia. Justice MUST be delivered for Kugan.

Does the story end there? I disagree.

Justice MUST also be served for those who intruded the mortuary.

I believe there are witnesses and CCTVs at the mortuary where the personnel there were locked out of the place while the intruders were taking pictures of Kugan's body.

The body of a victim has been tampered.

Malaysian laws must be used fully to prosecute the police who brutally bashed Kugan and also to punish those who trespassed the Serdang Hospital mortuary.

This of course is reference to the 50 people who barged into the area together with two Deputy Ministers from Barisan Nasional.

Justice must be served. Kugan's body was tampered and thus additional fresh bruises might cover up old bruises which will hinder any thorough investigation.

Send Kugan's murderer to Court together with the 50 trespassers. The true meaning of justice is blind of sides. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!

As for P Waythamoorthy, why enjoy in London and issue statements while the Indians in Malaysia proceed with demonstrations and criticisms of the Government? The Indians, as you claimed are sidelined, will not fare better with you staying overseas.

If you have the money to live comfortably in London, why not bring that treasure chest of yours to Malaysia and help to develop the education, welfare and healthcare of the Malaysian Indians?

The 6 people arrested during the funeral procession were challenging the police and obstructing the police to perform their duties.

Not all policemen are like that. The police protect our lives and security. A bad apple in a basket does not mean we have to discard them all.

Shout and scream at the murderer or the former Subang Jaya police squad. Not the current ones who have to bear your grunts and spits.

Be fair to all. APOMM prays for Kugan to rest in peace and may justice prevail.

(Credits to Malaysiakini, The Malaysian Insider and The Star for the pictures)

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more with you. If those police officers are found guilty to cause his death,they should be punished according to the laws of our country.

    I wonder why people want to politicize this issue? To make it worse,some are trying to make it a racial one. Frankly speaking,I thought that it's just another crime case,that's all.

    If nothing's been done to stop this trend,then,in the future,whenever there is someone who did something bad to a person coming from different race,his act will be viewed by some as an act of discriminaion against other race. And the chain reaction begins there..
