Monday, December 01, 2008

And this Blogger graduates!

Dear readers, I apologize for not blogging over the past two weeks. I have been very busy with my trips in Australia.

On the 20th of November, I went down to Melbourne to spend time with my two good pals, Zi Hao and Ash.

Guided by my Google Map on my mobile (navigated by Zi Hao) and my ever reliable map reader (Ash), we went to Mornington.

For those who have plans to Australia, Mornington is a great place for tours of vineyards, mazes, farms and national parks.

The view from the Lighthouse was too nice. If not for the rain and the time constraint, I would have sat there the whole evening!

On the way back, we were stuck in Melbourne traffic jam. But something caught my eye.

Expensive huh? Haha.

Dinner was a bit special. Middle Eastern cuisine with Syaz at Brunswick. I enjoyed the food :)

Together with a few other Melbourne-ians (Sam, Jo, Ash and Zi Hao), we flew to Adelaide for a great holiday. This time, we had my "crony" Hijaz who took us all around Adelaide.

Namely, we visited Barossa Valley (Penfolds Winery), Hahndorf, Victor Harbor, Goulwa, Uni Adelaide, Mount Lofty, Murray River, Monarto Safari Park, Beerenberg, The Toy Factory (with the world's largest rocking horse) and lots more.

For more pictures, check my Facebook.

I returned home to Canberra on the 25th of November at night. Realising that I was bored, Yu Jin and I arranged a road trip to Sydney, Grand Pacific Drive, Wollongong, Batemans Bay, Illawara Tree Top, Fitzroy Falls.

These took place between 26th - 28th ! Pictures will be uploaded soon.

I was dead tired after that due to insufficient sleep. Prayed hard at home but had nightmares twice in a row that I couldn't graduate.

I have just checked my results (which were satisfactory) and I am officially an ANU graduate! Graduation is on the 11th of December and I am expecting my parents this weekend in Australia.

I will be back blogging actively soon, I promise.

Just a shot, I think PPP should not hold Barisan Nasional at ransom. It is highly unbecoming of M Kayveas. If he wants to leave, he can. BN will not fall because of PPP.

I wonder why he didn't make any noise about the ISA before this. Now, instead of grumbling about it, he points two machine guns at the Supreme Council of BN that they do things his way or he leaves with guns blazing.

What a joke!


  1. Grad d? Congrats!! :)

    How about Yu Jin, he going on to Honours?

    Not a good time to be a grad, jobs are scarce, but still, congrats :p
