Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Penny For My Thoughts

There are many things that seem nice in this world and it is not so bad after all. At one point, I thought my future is dashed and finished.

But as we progress and read the news, there are many more people out there who are less fortunate than us. Mmm. I can enjoy the fresh air a lot better ever since things were happening.

Things at home doesnt sound too rosy to me. I need to go home and help my mom out of the stress she has over my sister's future in education route. And another Ipoh factory got robbed of tin bullions worth RM 1.1 million.

My dad is also a factory manager and his factory got robbed of some forklift I think. Losses were estimated at RM 300k - 400k at that time. I hope the Ipoh OCPD and Bukit Aman can form a taskforce and look into the many matters involving industrial plants in Perak.

Not only factories are robbed, but there were constant extortion and bullying reported by the foreign workers. My dad's foreign employees were slapped and money were extorted from them in the past. I believe other production plants faced the same problem too.

PDRM should look into this case as Ipoh factories seem to be targetted in the recent years.

It has been a long time since I searched for Ayumi Hamasaki's songs. Was looking at someone's Friendster profile and her music playlist started with playing. Ayumi Hamasaki - Together When ....

Seems like a good song to me :)

Mmm. There are things that only time can tell in life. And lessons in life are very expensive to all of us. I once had a regretful feeling that I have not done enough for my grandfather and it stays with me till now. He passed away a couple years back.

Some words I saw at an anime clip really touched my heart and soul. It is a familiar phrase but I guess everyone of us need to be reminded how important our families are and how much we should love everyone around us and appreciate them.

Allow me to quote unquote the phrase

"When people constantly show their affection for you, you start taking it for granted. If you dont realise how much they care for you until they are gone, you will only be left with regret and remorse."

To think of these words, I cannot deny the fact that I feel emptiness in my life ever since some drastic changes happened not long ago. It was indeed the most beautiful and most painful part of my life. Nevertheless, someday, things will be clearer for everyone. I leave this matter in the hands of time.

I dropped to a low point in my life not long ago. If not for my friends and my family, I would not have stood back up on both my feet. Now, I am walking up the wheel myself to get back to the peak where I once stood. All of us will only realise how important friends and family are when we fall off the tree and land with a loud 'thud' on the ground.

Why not start spreading the smiles and love today? Give a call to ur loved ones after you finish reading this or completing your work. Ring ur parents, siblings, family, spouse, and kids. It doesnt cost much to make a phone call. If each of you put a smile to everyone around you, it will spread like a domino effect. Let the world smile today :)

Well, the reason why I liked Thailand and Japan so much is because they have a massive amount of respect embedded in their society and it is so peaceful, although some might claim differently in view of the Southern Thailand issue.

Thais and Japanese have respectful greetings in their lifestyle, mannerism and a loving culture. Allow me to be critical of the West a little.

The West fears not themselves but Asia. Asia is a gold mine to them but also a threat to them in future. With a click of a mouse, Asia can drive George Soros out from China-Hong Kong financial markets. With a snap of a finger, Asia can put strain to the Western economies.

Why are the Western powers so interested in Asia matters? They seem to intrude our sovereignty, lifestyle and policies. They fear Asia. We all must not live in a state of denial that the West is indeed an ideal place and they are very developed.

Soon, Asia will catch up with them in the long run. But will Asia be too late and fall behind the capitalists of US and the European Union? No. Asia will not falter. Asia will be the new leader.

Asia might be poor in resources thanks to the colonial powers of the West in the past. But Asia is not poor of cultures, values and unity. Asia is not a land of sin but a land blessed with human values that we all hold true till today. These are treasures of Asia which will lead Asia to greater heights and perhaps grab the mantle of global leadership from the West.

For sure, Asia will not kowtow to the West. The rise of Asia. Will come one day. Anyway, to say the economies of Asia are at disequilibrium and our Governments heavily subsidize daily expenditure and have mega projects, are not the West doing the same?

China was forced to put a tax on their export of textiles on the request of US. European Union heavily subidizes Airbus, a mega project of Europe to compete with Boeing. And of course, the ever famous Common Agricultural Policy of EU. The CAP represents 44% of annual EU budget, for your information.

US claims to be a free economy but they have handicapped Asian powers there. The Japanese carmakers used to have "dumping" there but ever since, the US approved laws for anti-dumping taxes that will be justified by two Commissions there. If it is a free and just economy, are we not to leave regulation out of the industry?

I understand the economics of this and there will be economists attacking my viewpoint soon. However, if we take the meaning of "free economy" in absolute and direct interpretation, the US Government should not interfere.

Slam Asia, and praise the Western powers. Have we not forgotten who were the colonial masters that robbed us of God's blessings for each and every country in Asia? Our natural resources were at first in the trading market with the West. Soon, they interfered in our local port administration, our politics and our Governments. Then, they brought their warships with huge canons aiming at the helpless people of Asia.

Resources were happily shipped home to feed the industrialization and the war in the West. What is of Asia today, are due to the foolishness of Asians and the superiority of the West. If I am not nice, I can use terms like brutality, greed and criminals of the West. However, there is no need to use such harsh terms.

I bear no grudges against the West of this generation but I am mad at the historic past. Nevertheless, Asia will rise one day. The shift of power is getting nearer each day.

Asia should not sleep anymore and no longer kowtow to the West. We give due respect and return every ounce of it that we receive from the West. Hand in hand, Asia and the West should live in harmony and work towards a better global future in all areas.

However, if the West insists to continue with their colonial masters' attitude and superiority over Asia, I am pretty sure Asia will not kowtow anymore.

Hmm. Anyone knows where I can find Paul Handley's "The King Never Smiles" in Malaysia? I tried checking at MPHOnline and they dont have it anymore. I am looking for a brand new copy.

Otherwise, I will need to try Amazon or Ebay. Haha. Okay. That's all for now.

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